Chapter 1565 Your name

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"Zombie?" Linton looked at the dozen or so figures surrounding them in surprise. Although it was dark, Linton could still see the situation of these people very clearly.

The dozen or so people around them are all dressed in the same way. They are all dressed in black and have a small round hat. The most obvious thing is that there is a piece of yellow paper on their head. They really look like zombies. The most important thing is

These people really have no breath. Linton was a little surprised before, but it would make sense if these people were zombies. After all, where would the breath come from when people are dead?

While looking at these zombies, Linton also analyzed the current situation. The long-legged beauty wearing a cheongsam in front of him should definitely be a plot character. Linton even felt that he might have something to do with her when he landed near the tower just now.

, after all, this village is right below the ridge where the tower sits, and the location is about the same. And she is indeed too beautiful to look like a passerby, so let’s regard this woman as the heroine for now.

China, modern society is still related to zombies, which makes Linton really have a bit of a blind spot in knowledge. Yes, when talking about zombies, what comes to Linton's mind are basically the movies of Uncle Nine, but the problem is that they are not modern, but modern times.

. If there are any modern zombies, the only thing Linton has any impression of is a TV series.

But the problem is that Linton has never watched this TV series. The impression of this TV series in Linton's mind is definitely not the impression that he has watched. He probably heard it from others? Then he doesn't know what to do.

, after reluctantly thinking for a while, Linton suddenly thought of a name.

"Your name is Ma Xiaoling?" Linton suddenly asked the woman next to him. Yes, this was the only name of the person in this drama that Linton remembered, but it was only this name, and he didn't know any other information.

I don’t even have any impression of the face corresponding to this name. As for why I remembered this name, it’s probably because... I’ve read too many fan novels?

"Huh?" However, the woman next to him looked at Linton in confusion. Her surprised expression seemed to be asking, "What did you do suddenly at this time?"

However, this was obviously not the time to talk. Just when the woman turned to look at Linton, the dozen or so zombies around her suddenly started to move. It was obvious that they wanted to take action. The woman was a little anxious and immediately said:

"What are you still standing for? Get out of here quickly, their target is me."

There was a "stuck" sound. Just as the woman here finished speaking, there was a sound of closing the door next to her. Linton turned around and looked. The uncle he had called out before had already crawled back to his room.

He entered the house and immediately closed the door, but the zombies really didn't care about him.

Of course, Linton will definitely not leave. Although I have no idea what the plot is now, the heroine is in danger, and it is most likely that the male protagonist will appear. But except for the people in the village,

Linton didn't feel anyone else's breath. Was it because the male protagonist hadn't arrived? But after thinking about it, maybe the male protagonist was a zombie or something?

Now Linton has treated this world as if it were a TV series, but he doesn't remember the plot at all, and has no impression of the male protagonist's name and configuration. Of course, he must be participating now, so he has no impression of himself.

In this world, Linton generally does not have the freedom to play freely. It is more practical to follow the protagonist and follow the plot.

Probably sensing that Linton was not planning to leave, the zombies here seemed to quickly regard Linton as an enemy. While Linton was thinking about the situation, a zombie also jumped deep and came directly to Linton.

In front of me.

As he got closer, Linton could of course see more clearly. The zombie in front of him was indeed not a living person, and had no breathing or heartbeat. It looked exactly like the zombie in his impression. And there was something like a charm attached to the other person's head.

That most likely means that this zombie may be controlled by Taoist priests and the like. Wild zombies should not be labeled this way. Wait, the name wild zombie seems weird.

However, Linton didn't feel the presence of anyone else in the nearby area, so the operator might be far away, or have some similar ability to hide his aura. Just as Linton was thinking about this, the zombie in front of him suddenly came to him.

An unexpected action.

Yes, the zombies here looked like they were about to attack, so they moved forward hand and foot, and made a few gestures directly in front of Linton that were obviously martial arts moves. However, they directly displayed a one-legged independent stance, which was probably some kind of martial arts move.

Linton was a little confused when he saw the starting position.

"Is this a zombie? It's almost like dancing." Linton couldn't help but said, yes, the movements of the zombies in front of him were a little too flexible, because in Linton's impression, not all zombies

The kind of thing where the limbs are so stiff that you can't even bend them? Your legs are so straight that you can't walk, so you usually jump, and your hands are stretched forward and you can't move them casually. However, the guy in front of you can participate in martial arts.

Let's perform.

Just when Linton was stunned, the zombie here suddenly started to move. The opponent was originally standing on one foot, but suddenly kicked off the ground and kicked directly towards Linton with the raised foot.

This flying kick is really very graceful. Linton said what kind of thing it was.

Of course, beautiful movements are beautiful movements. Linton uses this word because there is really nothing else to say about the opponent's attack except beautiful movements. Strength? Speed? For Linton, it is really just a performance move, too


"Are zombies that weak?" My understanding of zombie Linton is probably the kind in Uncle Nine's movies. It seems that according to legend, this thing can evolve into something very awesome, but it's not like a hairy zombie or a flying zombie.

Linton has only heard these words. If Linton is asked to explain it, Linton doesn't understand it at all. But at least the zombie in front of him feels a little more powerful than ordinary people. Is it possible?

Special damage like mana or internal force that Linton doesn’t know about?

Linton decided to take a hit first to test his strength, so although the opponent's speed was extremely slow, Linton could easily avoid it, but he had no intention of moving while standing still.

However, Linton did not move, but someone moved next to him. The beautiful woman in cheongsam suddenly took a step forward. Just as the zombie rushed towards Linton, she took the lead to come to Linton and faced him.

When the opponent kicked her, the cheongsam beauty here raised her hands to protect her. She obviously wanted to help Linton block the blow.

This made Linton stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the cheongsam beauty would take action at this time. Of course, after thinking about it, he understood that after all, it was her who these zombies were chasing. He might have thought that he was implicated by her, so he took action.

.My unresponsive look probably means that the other party thinks that she is petrified? But under the current situation, the beauty's own aura is unstable. She must be injured. She doesn't look like she can withstand it.

Feel the blow.

Sure enough, as Linton expected, he found that the beauty here rushed up, and the zombie here also kicked out in advance, and kicked the beauty's raised hands with a "bang" blow. The beauty here barely held on.

He received this blow, but the man was kicked directly and flew backward.

Of course, behind her was Linton. When he saw the opponent flying towards him, Linton raised his hand and put one hand directly against the opponent's back, thus catching the opponent. At this time, Linton was stunned again. It was not a zombie.

Linton discovered how powerful Bian's attack was... this beauty still wore a backless dress...

Yes, I didn’t see it at all from the angle just now. Now that I’m using it, I realize that your outfit as a woman is too exaggerated. The cheongsam is a super high-cut cheongsam with slits on the left and right sides directly to the waist, and half of the back is backless.

, how much do you plan to reveal? Can you not wear any fabric at all, so why not just put it on a bikini?

Linton still had time to admire the other party's dress, but the beauty here obviously didn't have this awareness. After all, she was surrounded. Apparently she didn't care that her back was touched by Linton, because at this moment she used both hands

There was a sharp pain, and the blow just now almost broke her hand bones.

"Why don't you leave quickly?" Enduring the pain, she turned to Linton again and reminded her that she should let him leave quickly. Linton was becoming more and more sure that the other party should be the heroine. After all, based on her character, it was appropriate.

Let's party.

It is indeed a bit strange why the male protagonist hasn’t appeared yet. There is really no one else around here. He couldn’t have smashed the tower and accidentally killed the male protagonist when he fell down. I really can’t think of anything else that caused it.

The butterfly effect is possible.

"Hey!" Seeing that Linton still didn't respond, the woman here shouted again.

"I heard, why are you shouting so loudly?" Linton said.

"Huh?" Linton's calmness was beyond the woman's expectation. Indeed, she had thought just now that Linton might have been frightened and stunned, but now it seemed that was not the case with his appearance.

While the two of them were talking, the zombie in front of him was of course continuing to move. Without a single hit, he changed his moves again and rushed towards Linton and the woman in front.

"Here we come." The woman who noticed this could only immediately turn her attention to the attacking zombies.

"You haven't answered the question just now." However, Linton suddenly spoke again.

"What's the problem?" the woman asked smoothly, feeling a little strange.

"Is your name Ma Xiaoling?" Linton asked again.

"Now it's time to say..."

Before the woman could finish her words, there was a sudden "bang" and Linton casually waved his fist. The zombies that were charging towards them exploded in an instant, and their flesh and blood limbs flew across the sky.

"Asking you." Linton said again to the stunned beauty.

This chapter has been completed!
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