Chapter 1921 waiting

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 Since the matter has been agreed, Linton will definitely do it. Although Yalan's thinking is indeed a bit early, Linton can understand it. After all, there is an old Chinese saying that parents should plan for their children.

Far-reaching. There is no doubt that Yalan is a good mother, and she must also fulfill her responsibilities as a father. This is what she promised before, and she must do it.

Although it was probably just a matter of getting a toy, Linton also remembered it.

Of course, it's not the time to set off yet. One of them is not in a hurry, and the other is still waiting for the mission. If I remember correctly, the detection rate on Longzhu's side has already reached over 70%. Is it possible to increase the detection rate directly or directly?

It doesn't matter if you complete the exploration mission, it should be possible.

Although the contribution points required for promotion are now scary, we can only work hard in this area.

However, the current tasks are really difficult to complete. The main reason is that the system always recommends PVP tasks, but the problem is that you also have to do personal PK. Linton can’t find anyone at all. Of course, there is no good way. Currently, there is only

I can wait for the refresh and read it once a day.

While Linton was waiting for the mission to be refreshed, the elves really couldn't stand it anymore. The elf queen Aryan here temporarily stayed in the main city. Of course, it was not imprisonment or anything like that, but...

No one cared about her at all. There was really no difference in treatment here. They were placed directly in the embassy, ​​and then no one took the initiative to care about them. Anyway, it is not the human race that is worried now.

The elves are really anxious now. When they were surrounded in the fortress before, Aryan was blocked because of the news, and she still didn't know the situation outside. But now in the main city of humans, the information obtained is actually better than in the main city of humans.

There are even more in my own territory, because the human race actually has such things as newspapers.

At this time, the newspapers on the human race have developed over a period of time and have become quite large. Because the machines Linton brought back to print newspapers are indeed quite a lot, and there are too many for official printing alone. Now they can even be rented to other private individuals.

Company printing, several companies are already cooperating with the royal family, launching their own newspapers and magazines, and some people are even studying the formula for making paper. After all, this is not a particularly difficult thing. You can probably know what materials to use after researching it.

Well, the problem is the formula and proportion, which requires a lot of trying.

At present, the main city of the human race can be said to be the most well-informed place in the entire continent. Whatever happened on the battlefield thousands of kilometers away can be seen here. Therefore, the elves do not need to inquire about any news. The embassy goes out to buy

There was a newspaper, and what happened was written clearly in it.

What battles have been won by the human race, and what countries have announced whether to support the elves or not, are all listed above. It was only after reading the newspaper that the elf queen Aryan knew where the elves were now except Laitina Fortress.

Most of the countries have been completely occupied. Many countries that have written letters asking for help have not responded to her letters. Instead, they have sent greetings to the human race, saying that we are neutral and will not interfere with both sides.

War and the like.

In fact, there are even many people who express their willingness to help the human race fight the elves, but this is obviously taking advantage of the situation. The human race is almost finished, so why let him share the pie? Of course the human race is not willing, and they do not need their reinforcements. , he was sent back directly without writing anything in the newspaper.

In short, all the news tells Aryan one thing, that is, the elves are in danger. It has only been a day, and she still doesn't know whether Laitina Fortress has been captured. Although it is not written in the newspaper, the news is It will be published, but it will take some time to send it back. Aryan is in a hurry now, but can't find any way.

Yes, she definitely wants to meet with Linton again, but the problem is that submitting a normal diplomatic application is useless. The answer every time is almost "just wait", and then nothing happens. She can meet here. The people who arrived were the extra ministers and Prime Minister Tyrade, but Tyrade had already received an order to argue with Aryan. This was an order given in front of others. Of course, Tyrade was really fighting with Aryan. Aryan is kidding, and she's so blatant.

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You said you want to see His Majesty? The weather is nice today, and I think the spring planting will go well. Why do I need to submit credentials? My fourth son just gave birth to a child, and he looks exactly like me when I was a child. He is so cute.

Tyrard's nonsense is the kind of nonsense that makes it clear to you that I'm talking nonsense without demonstrating it at all. After all, isn't that the purpose of Linton talking to him face to face? Of course Tyrard I can still understand it, so I behave very openly, just to disgust you.

Is there any way for Aryan? Of course there is no way. Even if she yelled to Tyrad, "You want to let the blood of the two countries flow out," Tyrad just said calmly. He replied, "We, the human race, can afford it." Although the second half of the sentence was not spoken, Aryan also knew that he was asking, can you, the elves, afford it?

The answer is of course that he can't afford it. Even though Aryan said it so harshly, he actually knew that the casualties on the human side were minimal. The few battles were during the offensive and defensive battles of Laitina Fortress. The loss was slightly larger. After all, the fortress was really strong. There were no casualties in other battles. For example, when attacking the main city, there was not much resistance, because the elves were simply blinded by their own arrogance. When I regained consciousness, the enemies had already rushed to the door of the house, and there was no time to stop the defense.

"Lord Tyrad, our elves... are willing to surrender." After two days of mental torture, Aryan here finally said these words.

In fact, the outcome of the war has already been determined. When the humans invaded the main city of the elves, all the elves were left with was resistance instead of turning defeat into victory, because the elves simply did not have the capital. On the human side There is even some strength left. The gap in national strength between the two sides is really quite big. The reason why the elves have been able to hold off until now is not because they are strong, but because they can't lose face.

But is it useful to show off one's face now? Not to mention Linton, Tyradh here even disdained: "Surrender... Queen Aryan, you don't seem to understand one thing. Surrender is not an easy thing.

Our Majesty is not in a good mood right now, and I am not sure whether he will accept your surrender. In this case, I will take the time to ask you."

"Do you have to humiliate us like this?" An elf from the envoy group nearby couldn't hold back and shouted directly.

"My master also said that this is what he is unhappy with about you. Remember, it is you who surrender now, not us begging you to surrender. The pride of your elves is worthless in the eyes of us humans, and it is a little bit...

Ridiculous. Now I somewhat understand the thoughts of my family. You elves will never learn well. You should just carry this pride and let the whole family die. This will save your ancestors from being humiliated, and it will not hinder you in the future.

The eyes of our family." Tyrad said calmly.

"We really want to surrender, please convey our intention." Aryan here said again, and now she has tasted the feeling of having to bow her head under the eaves.

"I know, I will talk to His Majesty when I have time." Tyrad replied without any rush.

Tyrad is very happy now. Linton left this matter to him. Now he can control the life and death of his clan with just one word. This feeling of peak power is really addictive. It is obvious that now

It's definitely okay for him to play with his power a little within the scope of his responsibilities, such as delaying the report for a few days. Linton and Yalan probably won't say anything about him. After all, it was Linton who told him to waffle, but

Tyrard did not do that. Instead, he was very sober and was not dazzled by the power. He went into the palace to find Yalan and Linton that day.

"Surrender, whatever. It's not something they can choose anyway. The one who chooses is us, right." Linton was teasing Xiao Lin Rui at this time. Again, it's not their turn to take care of the children.

When it was his turn, his only interaction now was to amuse the children. Hearing Tyrad say that the elves were going to surrender, he replied in a lukewarm tone.

"Yes, sir, the life and death of the elves are in your control. The one who makes the choice is you, not the queen," Tyrad said.

Linton is now a little uninterested. In a simple word, he is tired of playing. It was originally a matter of having fun, but now he is a little uninterested: "Tyrad, I am very busy here, cultivating the next generation of successors to the empire.

It’s obviously more important than the fate of foreigners, you’re right.”

"Uh... yes, sir." Tyrard looked at Linton. In short, you are just busy teasing the children, right? Of course, it is impossible to expose it in person, so he nodded directly.

"So this matter is left to you. You can do whatever you want. It's my intention and Yalan's intention. Do you understand?" Linton said.

"Huh? Well... I understand, sir." The sudden delegation of power left Tyra at a loss. After all, he was asked to make decisions on national affairs, and this delegation of power was a bit too much. As a veteran of the previous dynasty, Tyra

De is actually very sensitive to this. With the current system of the empire, it is actually impossible for a civil servant to monopolize power. Instead, he always finds excuses to purge him. He knows how to avoid such situations.

However, Linton and Yalan were exceptions. He could see that Yalan was delegating power because he had no desire for power, while Linton was extremely confident. No matter how much power you had, you would not

Dare to say "no" in front of him. So Tyrard immediately agreed, because he also did not dare to say no when facing Linton.

This chapter has been completed!
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