Chapter 2061 groping

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 "I see, so you are actually a ball of moving food in this thing's eyes, right?" Linton soon understood why Asuna was bitten. The illustrated book said it very clearly, Cocoa Duo

La likes to eat metal. After eating metal, the strength of its armor will further increase, which can be said to be its nature.

In Cocodora's eyes, Asuna is obviously not considered human, she is probably just food that moves, and it probably tastes pretty good.

Of course, Asuna's bite was not a big deal. She had been prepared for this level of mechanical damage, and it was easy to repair. Compared with this, Linton was more concerned about his previous suspicions.

Opening the task page, Linton looked at the progress of the fusion task, and the result was indeed similar to what he expected. Yes, the progress bar increased again, and it looked like an increase of 2%. After passing Wei Lan's paid test, Linton

A rough conclusion can already be drawn.

What I have been doing now can be summarized as letting people in this world gain knowledge of the Pokemon world. In other words, what the Fusion World mission needs to do is to improve the mutual understanding of the two worlds, or to strengthen the quantum relationship between the two worlds.

Entanglement and the like.

Linton probably guessed why he had not been to this world before, and the progress of the task of merging the world would also increase. In fact, it should be that Pokémon have arrived in this world, and the people in this world are also studying these on their own.

The arrival of Pokémon has obviously increased our understanding of the Pokémon world.

However, relying on their own research, it is obvious that the progress is very slow. For example, if Linton did not tell them that Pokémon can be tamed, they don’t know how long it will take for them to discover it themselves. They also went through the world of Pokémon.

It was only discovered after a long period of coexistence between humans and elves.

So I want to complete this task. To put it simply, I want to help this world understand the situation of another world that is about to merge.

To be honest, this task is quite easy to understand. Linton can guess the goal of the task so quickly and start testing, so he obviously has some experience. Of course, this experience comes from a task with a progress bar released by another system, that is

...Module promotion tasks.

Yes, the goal of this task is exactly the same as the task of module promotion. The module task is to load it and let him promote it. The same is true for this task. Then Linton had an idea instantly. After all, he still couldn't complete the module task.


The better news is that if this task is like this, then judging from the compared module promotion tasks, the contribution point reward of this task should be quite a lot. Because the module promotion task is also Linton’s favorite.

The tasks and rewarded contribution points are really very many.

This fusion task should be simpler than the module promotion task, because the task of module promotion is to calculate the task rewards according to the proportion of people who know the module to the total number of people, which means that this task is basically impossible to complete perfectly.

But the progress bar of the world fusion mission is obviously easier to navigate, at least that's how Linton feels now.

Now that there is a way to complete the task, Linton has begun to make plans. However, no matter how he makes the plan, there is a troublesome problem... he doesn't have enough.

Linton and Wei Lan said before that they were out of stock, and they were indeed out of stock. He could directly map simple things like maces through projection magic, but not the elf ball. He himself couldn't understand the structure of the elf ball, so naturally

Cannot be reconstructed.

In addition, there are a lot of things that I don’t have at all. I want to let people in this world understand that I don’t even have things, can I just talk about it? Obviously I need to buy a lot of goods, that is, I need to go to my pocket.

The world of monsters.

Although Linton had bought a lot of things in the Pokemon world before, he didn't know at the time that he would have to do such a task in the future, so he bought more curious things without taking it seriously. For example,

He said he bought a lot of potions, but after Linton handed them over to Asuna for research, he forgot about it.

This time it seems that I need to purchase items in a targeted manner, such as props and skill teaching CDs that I have not bought before. I need to buy some of these. As for commonly used items such as Poké Balls, I may have to buy in large quantities, otherwise

How to promote.

The only problem now is that it takes ten days to go back from the exploration of the new world, which means that I have to wait ten days before I can go back to the main world, and then go to the Pokemon world immediately. If I remember correctly, the Pokemon world itself

The exploration has not been 100% completed, which means that I have to stay there for at least another ten days before I can come back.

This is really troublesome, and this is even if I have forgotten nothing. If I forget something, I may have to make a few more trips. Although the fusion mission has no time limit, my exploration mission has a time limit.

, this gave Linton a headache.

But just when he had a headache, he suddenly discovered something, that is, his world page actually had more than one option.

Yes, generally for this kind of world that has not been explored, there will be no other options on the world selection page, only one return. If you click on this return, if the time is less than ten days, you will be prompted that the time is up. You have to wait until the exploration is completed to become a low-threat position.

Only after meeting each other can we go directly from this world to other worlds.

But the situation seems to be different this time. Linton's selection page actually has an additional option, which means that he can directly go to other worlds during his exploration.

Without even trying, Linton instantly knew which world he could choose to go to now. Therefore, he is currently in a rather special situation. He can now travel between these two worlds that are about to merge.

After discovering this, Linton felt much more convenient in an instant. Apparently, most of the previous headaches had been solved. Of course, Linton also tried it, and the button to return to the main world still prompted that the exploration time was insufficient. There was no change.

There is only one other world that can be merged with, the world of Pokemon.

Now Linton understands why his own world is gone. After all, the fusion has not been completed yet. It is estimated that after the fusion task is completed, the two worlds will be completely merged. Now, of course, the Pokemon world is still another world.

Linton was still groping when he took on the fusion mission for the first time, but now he had an idea. At this moment, Bobo, whom Linton had just conquered, suddenly fell from the air, and surrounded Linton anxiously while shouting.

What are you still planning?

This chapter has been completed!
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