Chapter 2351 arrest people

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"Auntie, other things are not very relevant to us. The most important thing is that if you have banknotes at home, you must go to the bank within a month and exchange them for new banknotes. Otherwise, the old banknotes will become invalid.


In the village of Rohir on the outskirts of the imperial capital, Joel, as one of the few literate people in the village, was explaining to his neighbor the edict that the royal family had just issued. Of course, although everything written in the official document was Linton's intention, it was also

They were all polished, and I guess even the aunt wouldn’t understand them. Joel simply explained them to his neighbor’s aunt.

The first and second items in the official document have little to do with them, but the third item has a great impact on them. Because it is so convenient to use, everyone now exchanges some banknotes. Of course, they also save some metal currency.

Now that the empire has money, ordinary farmers like them can save more money.

"The old banknote can't be used anymore? Why?" The lady here immediately panicked when she heard this.

"It's not that it can't be used, it's that it needs to be replaced with a new one." Joel here has read books. To be honest, he can probably tell that there is something wrong with this policy. It should also be a policy aimed at the rebels in the north. But

As for the specific functions and effects, his vision is not yet that far ahead.

Yes, after all, paper money is still a new thing, and most people think it is just more convenient money. Now most people in the mainland have no concept of financial war at all. To be honest, they still don’t care about the first two policies.

I can understand the general meaning, it's obviously about alienation and differentiation, but I really don't understand what effect this third policy can have.

If Linton confiscated all the money, they would still think that there was going to be a war, so they would grab a wave of people's money and use it as military expenses. But Linton's intention was just to let them give up their old money.

The money is just replaced with new money, and nothing is deducted. Isn’t this unnecessary in the eyes of many uneducated people? It’s all money, why change it?

"Anyway, it said that you can just go to the bank and exchange them for new coins." Joel here repeatedly explained that they were just exchanging old coins for new coins, not confiscating their money. Naturally, the aunt didn't know what this was for.

I'm here, but I know it's quite troublesome.

"I know, I know. Anyway, when my boy comes back, let him rush to the city to change money." The aunt here nodded and said.

Although this policy still has some impact on ordinary people, the overall impact is not very big. After all, it is just a matter of going to the bank. Now banks have many branches in the empire, and Linton also gave him a month.

, so at most it only makes people complain twice, which is not a big deal.

Of course, I still have to talk about it. The aunt here did complain about the trouble at first and asked them to run to the city or something, but as she said it, she started talking about other topics. What about the house next door?

The chicken was crowing early in the morning, waking me up, because my son hadn't found a good partner yet.

There were many village elders and aunties listening with the aunt, and soon these people were chatting together. When Joel saw this situation, he originally wanted to leave and continue working, but as a result, the villagers on the other side

Suddenly there was a loud noise above my head.

"What's going on? Someone seems to be quarreling over there?" Of course a group of elders and aunties also heard it. It sounded like someone was quarreling, and the sound was quite loud.

"Let's go and take a look."

A group of people decided to go watch the excitement, but before they reached the halfway point, the bell in the village suddenly rang. This bell usually rang only for emergencies, such as the invasion of bandits. This could disturb a group of people.

The uncle and aunt were frightened. But Joel reacted very quickly. When he saw someone's pitchfork placed at the door, he directly picked it up and ran towards the place where the quarrel was.

When he arrived, a large group of people had gathered at the entrance of the village. It was obvious that most of the people who heard the noise had arrived, and Joel also held a pitchfork and squeezed in to take a look at the situation.

A group of people were confronting each other inside. On one side was the village chief he was familiar with and several people from the village. On the other side was a group of people wearing leather armor or simple iron armor. There were about ten people on the other side, more than ten people.

Of course, there were far fewer people in their village, so these people were immediately surrounded.

Even though they were wearing armor, Joel immediately knew that they were not Empire soldiers. Because recently the soldiers of the Empire have been wearing uniform armor, and the Empire has not recruited soldiers for a long time. So these people wearing such armor are obviously

His identity should be that of a mercenary, bounty hunter or something like that.

Joel looked at the ground and frowned slightly. At this time, there were three people lying on the ground, all tied up with ropes, and the other end of the rope was in the hands of the leader who looked like a mercenary.

Joel knew the three people lying on the ground. After all, in such a small village, it was obvious that every household knew each other.

The two girls and one boy are both from Gruto's family in the east of the village. One of the two girls is Gruto's mother, the other is Gruto's daughter-in-law, and the little boy is Gruto's son, Serral.

He is 9 years old this year.

Gruto and Joel were close in age, and they had grown up playing together. Joel was naturally very familiar with their family. Seeing that each other's family members were being tied up, Joel just picked up a pitchfork and walked away.

Rushed to the front.

"Stop! What do you want to do!" Joel here yelled angrily.

Of course, he still didn't rush up. After all, the opponent was a mercenary. Although the equipment was not very good, he was still much better than farmers like them. When Joel went up, someone on the opposite side was aiming at him with a crossbow. Obviously, this village

The majority are old, weak, women and children, and those like Joel, who are young and strong, are really the ones to take care of during the fight.

"Let him go!" Some villagers nearby shouted at this time. After all, everyone in the same village naturally takes care of each other.

"What do you want to do? Robbery?" the old village chief here stepped forward and asked. Although these people claim to be from some kind of mercenary group, the problem is that in the eyes of the villagers, most of the mercenary groups

There is actually no difference between them and bandits. Many mercenary groups have done what bandits did.

The mercenary union has a certain degree of control, but someone must be alive to file a lawsuit. Some mercenary groups have no money. If they burn down a village and kill everyone, can the dead people still file a lawsuit?

The old village chief has lived a long time, and has seen many such things. However, in recent years, there have been a lot fewer such things, mainly because the troops from the empire are often patrolling nearby, and while encircling and suppressing bandits, of course

It also makes some mercenaries with evil intentions not dare to take action.

"Robbery? This is the village chief, right? Our McCall Mercenary Group is a regular mercenary group and never commits robbery." The leader here said directly to the old village chief. Of course he is not a mercenary.

The leader of the corps is just a small captain. The McCall Mercenary Group is still a large mercenary group. Now the whole group is divided into more than a dozen teams to search for people in nearby villages, and he is just one of the teams.

"Then what are you doing?" Before the old village chief here could speak, Joel couldn't help but said, "Let them go quickly and get out of here."

"Hey, this little brother has a bad temper. Are you related to his family? Are you a relative?" the team leader here asked with a smile.

"So what, Gruto is my childhood friend, my brother." Joellik said.

"Uncle Joel!" Seral, Gruto's son on the ground, cried when he saw Joel. He was really frightened. A group of people rushed into their house and tied him up. This made him

Can you not be afraid?

"Fa Xiao? Not real brothers?" The team leader here frowned, "You're lucky, get out of the way."

As he spoke, the other party pushed Joel directly. Joel was already anxious, and when he pushed him, he went up and wanted to take action. However, he was stopped by the old village chief from behind.

"Stop!" The old village chief felt a little strange. The other party didn't look like they were here to rob, but instead seemed confident. He felt something was wrong, so he called Joel to stop and asked directly, "Why do you want to arrest them?"

"Are you literate? Old man." The team leader here didn't know what to say about respecting the elderly and caring for the young. He directly took out a document and held it in front of the old village chief. "Look clearly, this is a document issued by the empire.

Their man's name is Gruto, right? He is now a soldier in the Second Army. You see clearly, now they are a family of rebels. Their man has betrayed the country. According to the laws of the empire, he is a rebel.

Family. Her Majesty the Queen’s order is to arrest all the traitor’s family members, and everyone can be arrested. If you catch one, you will get 5 silver coins.”

"What?" Hearing this, the people around him instantly became confused. Although most of the people were illiterate, but judging from what the other party said, it was clear, so it must be true?

Most people in the village knew that Gruto was a soldier in the Second Legion. But about the rebellion of the Second Legion, to be honest, although the empire did not hide the news, no one cared about it.

At this time, Joel was also stunned. Yes, the official document that the other party took out was the one he read to his aunt before. It was exactly the same. It was not a fake, it was an official document. But Joel had not paid attention to this first clause before.

, he thought that the third one had the greatest influence on them, but now he remembered that Gruto was indeed a soldier in the Second Army.

"Did you see it? Did you see it clearly?" The team leader here looked at the old village chief and Joel who realized the seriousness of the problem in front of them, and continued, "This Gruto is a rebel. Why, your village

Do you want to protect the family members of these rebels? If you dare to try, come on!"

Everyone took a step back. Who dares to do this? If you help the rebels, aren't you rebelling? What is the crime of rebellion? I have made it very clear before. The Yi tribe, how can they dare to do this?

This chapter has been completed!
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