Chapter 2414 Tracking

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"America! America!" Under Strange's soft call, America slowly woke up. Just after she woke up, her whole body trembled so hard that she almost jumped up.


Yes, she was really frightened just now, but she vaguely remembered that she seemed to have activated that ability again and traveled through the multiverse, so she should be in a new universe now.

Looking at Strange in front of her, she suddenly realized that he seemed to be injured. When she looked carefully, her chest was covered with blood, which was still dripping down.

"Are you okay?" America asked in a panic. The situation is a little better now. Before, under Linton's aura, America felt that it was very difficult to breathe, let alone move.

"You... can you still open the portal now? That guy is here, and he has just searched for our location. We can't hide for long." Strange said. Yes, he used breath sensing just before Linton.

The moment he locked onto him, Strange also clearly felt the feeling of being locked onto him.

This is of course Strange's sixth sense, a feeling of being watched directly by someone. Of course, he would not think that this was his illusion. He instantly knew that Linton had found his location, so he took the unconscious America with him.

He left immediately and cast a spell to hide his traces.

However, he felt that Linton was definitely still tracking them and would probably find them soon, so he couldn't stay here longer. The first thing he could think of was to let America open a multiverse portal again and leave here.

"Me? No... no, I have no way to control this power. It can only be activated when I am extremely scared." America said.

"You'd better be kidding, because there's a monster that can tear Thanos apart right now chasing us," Strange said.

"..." America looked at Strange without saying anything.

"Huh... this is... the worst news... um..." Strange naturally understood what America meant, sighed, and at the same time twitched the wound. Although he suppressed it a little with magic power

The injury is serious, but it is still very serious.

"How about... let's go to the hospital first?" America suggested, looking at the bleeding Strange.

"When being chased by a monster?" Strange obviously had no such plan, but continued to think of a way, "What about you in this universe? Can she control her own abilities?"

"I don't exist in this world." America said.


"I have searched, and there is no world where I exist." America replied, "And...I have never had a dream."

Strange fell silent. At this time, he already knew that dreams are actually a projection of images from the multiverse. America has never had a dream, which means that she does not have avatars in other multiverses.

"What should we do now? What happened to the monster named Linton? I have never seen him in other universes." America continued.

"Haven't you seen...?" Strange asked a little surprised.

"No, you never told me about him when I met him before," America said.

"Maybe... I just don't like to mention that guy." Strange wasn't sure, and he certainly didn't discuss Linton much with others.

"Perhaps we can fight him if we get the Book of Emperor Weishan." America suggested. "Your other clones said that if we get it, we can stop those who are tracking me."

"The person who was chasing you before was Wanda. Compared with him, you are considered amiable." Strange said.

"Then we can't just surrender. If we find your clone in this world first, he might be able to do something about it," America said.

"This... is a good idea." Strange was persuaded, "Let's go, he might be coming already."

On the other side, in main universe 616, Wanda, who had fainted, suddenly woke up from a dark nightmare with a scream.

A sudden scream frightened the little spider Peter who was sliding with her. The other party immediately let go, but immediately a spider thread stuck to Wanda again, grabbed her and landed on the roof of a three-story bungalow nearby.


"You're awake, are you okay?" Peter asked quickly.

"I...well..." Severe pain came. Before Wanda could answer, she felt severe pain all over her body.

"Eat this first." Peter handed something over and stuffed it directly into Wanda's mouth. Wanda didn't have the right to choose whether to eat or not, so she swallowed it subconsciously.

The next moment, she suddenly felt that her body felt comfortable in every aspect, and the severe pain receded like a tide. Even her right hand, which she had no feeling at all before, seemed to have some feeling. She raised her hand and found that her arm seemed to be...

It is like a sprout and is slowly regenerating and recovering.

"What is this?" Wanda asked in surprise.

"It seems to be something called fairy beans." Peter replied, "Mr. Stark gave it to me before. It seems to be something Mr. Linton gave him before. It can restore injuries."

Hearing Linton's name, Wanda's chaotic memories immediately connected, and she quickly asked: "Isn't this Kama Taj? Why did you bring me here?"

"Kama Taj..." Peter looked like he didn't know how to answer, and then looked in a direction to the side.

Wanda looked in the direction Peter was looking. Not far away, there was a perfect circular pattern on the ground, which looked like a crop circle. Wanda was stunned, because if she remembered correctly, that place

It should be the location of Kama Taj that she planned to attack before.

Just...razed it to the ground? Wanda had just fainted and didn't know what happened. Could it be Linton did it?

"Where are they? Linton, Strange, Tony and the others, and the girl." Wanda asked anxiously. He was mainly worried that the girl was dead or that her ability had been taken away by Linton.

"Mr. Linton, Mr. Strange and the girl were probably sucked into another universe by the suddenly opened teleportation array. Mr. Stark was sent home by a mage to get his suit, and he will be back soon.

"Little Spider briefly explained the situation, "What should we do now? Senior."

"Senior?" Wanda was a little surprised to hear this title, but now was not the time to talk about that. After thinking about it, she said, "I will catch up."

"Catch up? You mean Mr. Linton and the others? But they went to other universes, how can we pursue them?" Peter asked.

"Dark Secret Art...Dream Walking."

This chapter has been completed!
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