Chapter 2931 Thoughts

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 Prior to this, the Ma family was of course the dominant family in Yongjin City. All military and political power in Yongjin City was in the hands of the Ma family. Naturally, no other family dared to compete with them.

The Tian Yu family is an old gentry family in Yongjin City. Their history in Yongjin City is much longer than that of the Ma family.

However, after the Ma family came to Yongjincheng, the two families had always played the role of moneybags.

Yes, once the Ma family runs out of money or goes on an expedition to raise money and food, they and a bunch of other families will be called by the Ma family. They say they are raising money and food, but they are actually harvesting a wave of leeks.

Of course, these two families are not happy. Every time they are short of money, they go to them to get it. There is no benefit at all. They really regard them as being taken advantage of.

But if they are unhappy, what can they do? Of course there is no way. There are more than 60,000 soldiers in Yongjin City, and they all only obey the orders of the Ma family. So what do you think they can do? They can only endure their unhappiness.


Of course, if you endure it, something will happen. The current situation can be said to have been filled with grievances for a long time. If Ma Yixiong was here, he would naturally be able to calm down the situation, but now that the news of Ma Yixiong's death has spread to Yongjin City, the grievances have been

Of course the long-standing resentment is about to explode.

What's more, they have a legitimate reason, which is the issue of inheritance.

Before that, in order to better make money from some families in Yongjincheng, the Ma family still had to do at least superficial efforts. Therefore, Ma Yixiong also used relatively simple methods in order to better squeeze these families.

, then it is naturally a marriage.

Of course, Ma Yixiong is a shrewd person. Although it is a marriage, whether it is the Tian family or the Yu family, they only take women from their families as concubines. As we all know, concubines are naturally concubines. Ma Yixiong has three sons, of course not

What inheritance rights issues may be affected?

Of course, Ma Yixiong could not have imagined the current situation. Not only did he die, but all three of his legitimate sons died with him. This was obviously a big problem.

In the current Ma family, who should have the right to inherit under normal circumstances? The third son of the Ma family, Ma Hongmin, is unmarried. Didn't he go to Tianfeng Kingdom just to get a real wife? Although the second son of the Ma family, Ma Mingyang, is married, his wife has nothing to do with it.

Out, there is also no heir.

The person with the highest inheritance right now is Ma Tianyong's only son, the legitimate son of his legitimate son. From a nominal perspective, he is naturally the best candidate to inherit the Ma family. The only problem is... this legitimate son of his legitimate son is 2 years old this year.

Yes, this is just a baby who has just learned to walk. The so-called Master Shao Guoji, the current situation is obviously going to cause trouble.

Under this situation, the Tian family and the Yu family naturally started to think about it.

The daughter of the Tian family married Ma Yixiong early, and now their child is the eldest among the concubines. The Yu family also has a son born from a concubine, who is also an adult.

Originally, it was absolutely impossible for these two people to get involved in any inheritance matters because of their concubine relationship, but now, all the direct male members of the Ma family are dead, and the remaining ones are either women or 2-year-old children. This can still stop them.


The Tian and Yu families discussed it and decided to cooperate directly to seize the power of the Ma family. You must know that Ma Yixiong is a feudal official. As long as their son inherits his title, then the two families will take off directly.

The only eyesore now is this 2-year-old child. We must not let the inheritance fall on this kid.

So when everyone in the city was still shocked by the news of the defeat on the front line and didn't know what to do, the Tian and Yu families suddenly started to launch a riot.

The Tian and Yu families themselves have quite a few private soldiers. Of course they call themselves servant guards or something like that, with a scale of several hundred people.

Ma Yixiong naturally knew what was going on, but he turned a blind eye and didn't care at all. After all, there were more than 60,000 regular troops in Yongjin City, and there were at most 1,000 private soldiers in Yongjin City.

What is it for?

If you think you feel safe raising such a small number of soldiers, Ma Yixiong will let you raise them. What kind of threat can these militia-level soldiers be, not even the guards of the city lord's palace can defeat them.

Again, Ma Yixiong obviously could not have imagined the current situation. Under the current circumstances, these troops that he usually looked down upon were really causing big trouble.

At this time, the military camp was already in chaos. After all, there was no leader, and now all the soldiers were panicking to death.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even General Cheng Yutian, who had been following Ma Yixiong in the north and south and experienced many fierce battles, was scared to death.

These 2,000 troops defeated an army of 60,000 people. What kind of devil is the general opposite? He is possessed by a military god. Is this an achievement that a human can achieve?

At this moment, the reputation of Dong Ping, the general of Tianfeng Kingdom, could scare the three-year-old child in Yongjincheng to tears, while Linton's reputation could scare away the tears of the child who just cried.

Although Cheng Yutian did gather many soldiers who had escaped at this time, he also raised more than 7,000 troops. However, these soldiers who had been beaten back were now frightened. Not only did they have no fighting power, they were also constantly attacked.

The soldiers in their city were told how powerful the opponent was, which caused the morale of the soldiers in the city to drop crazily.

But Cheng Yutian couldn't solve the problem for a while, because he was almost scared to death.

He still has to consider a question now, that is, what will he do next?

If you ask him to follow Ma Yixiong, of course he will be loyal to the death. If it were Ma Yixiong's son Ma Tianyong, he would be convinced. But if you ask him to follow a 2-year-old child... Cheng Yutian is more or less reluctant.

Of course, not to mention the sons of concubines, is it a shame to support Cheng Yutian? Then why not just take over the army and become the boss, right?

Yes, this general has some other ideas.

Although he has no inheritance rights, he is now the temporary boss in the army. Everyone in the Ma family is dead, so we can't let a two-year-old be the marshal. So at least for a long time in the future, he should be the leader of this army.

actual command.

Then can he have some ideas? How about...replace it?

But just when he was still thinking about what to do, God helped him choose a plan. Because at this moment, a man covered in blood found Cheng Yutian and told him that the only remaining youngest son of the Ma family was there.

It's dangerous.

The Tian and Yu families suddenly launched a rebellion. Ma Yixiong's first wife, Qiu, sent him to ask for help and asked Cheng Yutian to quickly lead troops to quell the rebellion.

This chapter has been completed!
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