Chapter 3001 Blocking the Door

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When Linton and his troops arrived, the capital had just experienced a huge wave of chaos.

After a wave of careful consideration, Emperor Li Qing decided to run away. This was probably because news came from the front. He knew that Li Ying now had about hundreds of thousands of troops, and the remaining regular troops in the capital were only

Thousands of people, probably.

Although the capital city is very strong, Li Qing must be panicking due to such a gap.

Fortunately, orders had been given to the Wang Clan before to make advance preparations, so it was still too late to run away at this time.

It's just that the emperor here just gave an order secretly, and the news spread immediately to everyone. As I said before, it is generally impossible for people to know such an order, even now Li Jinglong and others have been secretly

Keep an eye on the movements in the palace, but it is impossible to receive the news so quickly.

So who spread the news? Of course it was the emperor's good daughter, the Sixth Princess, who had always played an important role in this incident.

Although the matter of running away was very secretive, and the emperor basically told no one, he did not abandon his wife and children, not even telling his own family.

More importantly, he even wanted to choose someone to stay here and take charge of the overall situation.

Li Qing had a good idea. He ran away and left a son or the like to continue the confrontation here, just to buy him time. After all, if the news of his running away spreads, the capital will probably fall immediately.

If Li Ying chooses to pursue him desperately, he will certainly be in danger.

Therefore, the best situation is that the capital can continue to hold off, preferably for another ten days and a half. By the time Li Ying and the others find out, it is already too late to continue the pursuit.

Of course, if you want to facilitate this, you must leave a person in charge of the overall situation. Otherwise, all the royal family will disappear, and everyone will know that the emperor has run away.

Just as he was about to talk about this, he told his family that he was about to run away.

Unexpectedly, there was a prince who was willing to stay, and Prince Li Chengjing was willing to stay. He was a kind-hearted prince, and he wanted to share the worries of his father. He had no selfish motives at all, he just really wanted to stay and help Li Qing buy time.

There are also a few princes who were not very favored before, such as the fifth prince Li Chengyu and the sixth prince Li Chenghou. The reason why they like to stay is mainly because they have never been favored and they just want more attention from the emperor Li Qing.

In other words, they were probably still young and did not expect what kind of situation they would face. In their view, the person facing them was their imperial uncle after all. Even if they fell into his hands in the end, they should

He won't be cruel either.

Li Qing definitely didn't want Prince Li Chengjing to stay at first. He preferred the second prince Li Chengfeng. But Prince Li Chengjing was very insistent, saying that it would be easier for him to control the situation as the prince was present.

If the emperor is not here, he can say that the emperor is sick because of anger. When seeing the prince, there should not be many people who doubt that the emperor has run away. But the prince is not here either, so the two of them cannot be said to be sick at the same time.

It's too suspicious.

Li Qing was a little convinced. After all, the fifth and sixth princes were still too young and had not yet reached the crown. The second prince, Li Chengfeng, was completely silent now and pretended to be dead. Li Qing was not easy to hold down either.

On the opponent's head.

However, before Li Qing here could make the final decision, someone had already made the decision for him.

While the emperor and the princes were still discussing, the sixth princess here actually took the time to go out of the palace. Yes, the current situation, even the palace is a bit chaotic.

Just now, the students from the Imperial College were causing trouble at the entrance of the palace. There were not enough guards in the palace. Now most of them were watching the group of Tai students in front of the main hall. No one actually cared about the Sixth Princess going out.

Naturally, the Sixth Princess overheard the discussion between the Emperor and the princes, and found out what was going on and they were about to run away. The Emperor didn't really call her about this, he just told the Queen, the Queen Mother, and several other princes.

Princesses, concubines and the like are out of the question at this time.

But the Sixth Princess had a habit of eavesdropping, and now she knew about it, so she hurried out of the palace and went directly to the residence of the Prime Minister Qi Yan.

The reason why she came here had nothing to do with the Prime Minister, mainly because Chu Chengwen was living in the Prime Minister's Mansion at this time. Yes, she came to Chu Chengwen to ask him to go with her.

As for why Chu Chengwen lived in the Prime Minister's Mansion, it was of course because he knew the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Yes, he and Qi Xinyao, the legitimate daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion, were neighbors when they were young. Because the Prime Minister Qi Yan had not yet taken office at that time, he was just a scholar with some family status. Qi Yan's father happened to be an official in Ningzhou City, and the two of them

It can be said that they have been childhood sweethearts since childhood.

However, Qi Yan's father was transferred back to the capital, and Qi Yan was promoted to become an official. So the Qi family moved to the capital, and the two parties lost contact. More than ten years have passed, but Chu Chengwen has never been there.

I just forgot that I have a sister like this.

In fact, the most important purpose of his coming to the capital this time was to see this sister again. As for the sixth princess, the daughter of the Wang family, etc., they were all provoked after arriving in the capital.

The Sixth Princess started making trouble as soon as she arrived at the Prime Minister's Mansion, because when she arrived, she saw her brother Chu having sex with Qi Xinyao, and she felt so sweet that she exploded on the spot.

She had no brains and was angry, so she told Chu Chengwen directly and asked him to go with her and ignore Qi Xinyao. After all, she couldn't run away, and the emperor would not take their family with him. And Chu Chengwen had to run.

Lu, because he has a grudge against Li Ying. Didn’t everyone know that Chu Chengwen went to save people and injured Li Ying’s daughter Li Xiaoyue? It would be dangerous to stay here, so the Sixth Princess hurriedly came to inform


This time it exploded. With her making such a fuss, Prime Minister Qi Yan certainly knew that the emperor was about to run away.

Qi Yan originally disagreed with the emperor running away. Of course, he was doing it for the sake of the justice of his family and country. How could the emperor run away? So he decided to remonstrate immediately and must stop the emperor from running away.

But when he thought about it, he might not be enough to stop the emperor on his own, so why not contact some people to go together?

He didn't expect that this matter would be responded to by hundreds of people. For such a dangerous matter as a deadly remonstrance, most of the officials he contacted said they would go with him. Even Liu Wenxu, who he usually looked down upon at all and had already been branded as a traitor in his heart.

He expressed that he would go and die together to remonstrate.

Before Li Qing could finish the discussion, he was blocked by a large number of ministers again.

This chapter has been completed!
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