Chapter 3148 Sweep

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Faced with such an exaggerated situation, even Qinglong's father was dumbfounded. When he was stunned, the iron tower rod had already been swung towards it.

At the critical moment, Qinglong Dad finally came to his senses. However, at this moment, he suddenly realized that it seemed that it was too late to escape.

The length of this iron rod is so exaggerated that it is unimaginable, and the position it attacks from a distance is already beyond visual range. I never thought that this thing could carry out beyond visual range attacks.

Some people want to say that since it is sweeping across, why not just fly up? However, in fact, because the length is too exaggerated, the iron rod is swinging up and down in the air at this time, deforming in various ways. I don’t know what this iron rod is.

What kind of material is the stick made of? It keeps shaking like this.

The farther away you are, the deformation is exaggerated, and the floating displacement is larger. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to determine the specific location of the attack.

There was a loud "bang", and Father Qinglong didn't have much time to respond. The next moment, the iron rod here hit it directly on the head. Yes, this blow actually hit the head directly, Linton

I still don’t understand how it hit the head accurately like this. Is it just luck or the battle girl’s precise control?

Along with this loud noise, Linton suddenly saw a large amount of red liquid splashing out. Yes, this was obviously the blood of Father Qinglong, and this blow actually hit the mythical beast directly.

Of course, Father Qinglong himself was also thrown away by the huge force, spinning towards the distance. After only spinning slightly for a while, Father Qinglong here stabilized his figure again in the air.

Also flying out was Linton himself. With just one blow, Linton himself was sent flying. It can only be said that the huge mass and centrifugal force made Linton a little unsteady.

"Well, this thing is easy to use." At this time, Linton was still showing off the idea he had come up with to Fighting Girl. Unfortunately, Fighting Girl rejected it.

"The operating performance of the weapon is extremely poor. It is recommended to abandon the weapon and use fists and kicks to attack." The battle girl here said directly.

"Nonsense! This thing is so useful, don't throw it away from me." Linton yelled directly.

"The target unit has a negative status, and it is recommended to capture it." At this time, the fighter jets came and went again and changed the prompts.

"What capture? Who told you to capture it? You have been in the Pokémon world for too long and your brain is broken, right? Don't waste the Master Ball I just made. Just give it a big iron stick and kill it." Linton.

He yelled quickly.

Fighting Girl is really easy to talk to sometimes, and sometimes it mainly refers to when she makes suggestions for fighting.

Hearing Linton's words, the next moment Battle Girl suddenly twisted violently in the air. She probably used the shell of the tailed beast to make two giant claws from behind, and pulled down directly to the ground to brake suddenly.

At the same time, the body twisted, and after turning in a circle, the hand holding the iron rod went directly to the top of the head, and swung the rod again.

This attack was a top-down chopping attack. I saw that the iron rod here continued to deform crazily, and then was forcibly lifted to the top of the head, and then quickly slashed down. The position was naturally where Father Qinglong is currently lying.

lower position.

Yes, the Qinglong dad below is lying on the ground at this time. It must be that the blow just now was really hard, and the Qinglong dad has not gotten up yet.

Of course, he definitely didn't faint. After all, the auto-battle wasn't over yet. He was probably knocked unconscious by the blow just now, but he was a bit frozen and hadn't completely shut down yet.

But just when Linton swung the second blow, Father Qinglong suddenly raised his head.

At this time, you can see that the opponent's head has indeed been opened, and the blood on the top of the head is very obvious, and even flowed down and dyed its eyes red.

But at this moment, Qinglong's father's anger clearly emanated through his blood-stained eyes, biting Linton like a poisonous snake. His angry eyes seemed to tear Linton apart in the next second.


Being beaten to blood by a guy who claimed to be a human being, Qinglong's arrogant heart obviously couldn't accept it. And now it's second to none. The main thing is that Linton actually pulled out this thing.

This is something that their Qinglong family has taken care of for generations, and this is the mission of their Qinglong family, but Linton ruined it all.

I originally thought this was just a farce for my daughter, who didn't want to get married and escaped, so she randomly found a human being as a shield. Obviously, Father Qinglong didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

Now that the seal has been destroyed, he doesn't know what to do next. But the only thing he can do now is to tear Linton into pieces before saying anything else. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand the hatred in his heart.

It was just that he had just stood up and his reaction was obviously a little slower, because by the time he felt the wind pressure, the iron rod had already almost reached the top of his head.

Just now, because I saw Linton pulling out the tower and even wielding it as a weapon, I was a little surprised and lost my mind. But this time, it was really too late to recover after being blinded, which made it even more serious.

It was easy to dodge the attack, but he still couldn't dodge it.

There was another loud "bang", and this time Father Qinglong was smashed directly into the ground. The iron rod couldn't stop at all, and it swept Father Qinglong directly into the ground.

This exaggerated blow seemed to split the ground directly. Although it was obviously a stick, it actually hit the ground, which somewhat surprised Linton.

He might be able to bend and break the stick just by relying on brute force, but now it seems that the stick is harder than he thought, as if it is really a word that will not break, and he keeps forcing it.

Obviously, this shouldn't be some kind of ability that Battle Girl uses. After all, if she doesn't buy it, Battle Girl won't be able to use it. That means that this iron rod is really not a simple ordinary thing on the outside.

"It can't be that this thing is really a weapon, can it, the golden cudgel? No, no, in the case of Dragon Ball, the golden cudgel is inserted at the top of the Kalin Tower and connects to the temple. Since this is a copied setting, it cannot be changed randomly."

There was a loud "boom", but this time it was not the sound of Father Qinglong being beaten. Because just when Linton was thinking wildly, the ground suddenly exploded, and Father Qinglong who had just been smashed into the ground was directly blown into pieces.

He came out, rushed towards Linton's position, opened his big mouth, and looked like he wanted to swallow Linton directly.

"Father and daughter really died in the same way. Look at me, fighting... No, what are you doing!?" Linton was very familiar with this scene. Wasn't Qinglong Xiaoyue just like this before?

Dive directly into the body and then a fighting tornado seconds?

However, Linton had already read out half of the names of his moves, but Battle Girl didn't play according to the routine. At this time, Linton saw Battle Girl dig aside, and actually took out a Master Ball again...

This chapter has been completed!
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