Chapter 843 Temple Fair

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"Sorry, sorry, you may not believe it. I just went out on a field trip and came to see you as soon as I came back from Venice. I really didn't mean to be late," Linton said.

Linton also just met Misaka Mikoto. The two had agreed to meet at 5:30 on the last night of the Daihasei Festival. Now it is already 7 o'clock, and they are an hour and a half late. The look on Misaka Mikoto's face is obvious.

It won't look too good either.

"So, do you think I will believe it?" Misaka Mikoto here said as she flew up with a kick. There was a "bang" sound, and Misaka Mikoto's flying kick directly hit an automatic beverage vending machine next to her.

The machine here made a strange noise and a bottle of drink fell out.

"Would you like a drink?" Misaka Mikoto skillfully took out a drink and asked.

"Why is there winter melon soup in the vending machine?" Linton looked at the drinks and said.

"So you went to Venice?" Misaka Mikoto asked, "You suddenly went on a field trip there? Why did you go there?"

"Oh, I accepted a mission to destroy a fleet. Anyway, the mission is very simple. The reward of 4.5 trillion is quite high. I just go and settle the debt." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Destroy a fleet?" Misaka Mikoto said, "Really?"

"Although it sounds like I'm making it up, believe me, I'm really too lazy to make it up," Linton said.

"The mission of the academy? Is it related to something in the magical world?" Misaka Mikoto asked, "Looking at the current situation, it seems that the relationship between the Christian Church and the academy is very tense."

"You also know about this?" Linton asked.

"Isn't it always reported in the news?" Misaka Mikoto said, "Do you think I don't watch TV?"

"Oh, that's right." Linton nodded. It seems that Aleister really wants to fight with magic. The TV news here is probably just a warm-up. After all, Academy City is here.

Under the control of the General Council, if you really don't want to make it public, you will never see any news about this.

"Is the current situation going to start a war?" Misaka Mikoto asked.

"I don't know." Linton said, "I don't know about the academy either. The Roman Orthodox Church is definitely going to cause trouble for me."

"Really? What are you going to do?" Misaka Mikoto asked.

"My TN is so happy that I can't help but find someone to share it with." Linton said, "So don't you think I'm looking for you to share it with now?"

"Hey, hey, why are you so happy?" Misaka Mikoto held her forehead, "Generally speaking, being targeted by such a troublesome guy is more than just a headache."

"So I said, this kind of 'trouble' is my favorite kind of trouble. The Roman Orthodox Church is actually quite good and very generous. Of course, it would be nice if they could cooperate a little more and put all the valuable things together.

." Linton said.

"I forgot that you are also a headache." Misaka Mikoto said, holding her forehead.

"Where are you going now?" Linton looked and asked, because the two of them were in the square now, and the evening parade was marching next to them. This was the last day of the Daibaxing Festival, and it was particularly lively. Usually this

At that time, there were not so many people on the street, but today it felt like almost everyone came to the street.

"There is a temple fair over there, it just started not long ago." Misaka Mikoto pointed to the front and said.

"It's really a very normal date. Is it going to a temple fair?" Linton said.

"It's... it's not a date. It's just because you helped me last time and I want to treat you to something from Temple Fair Street." I have to say that it's quite cute that Misaka Mikoto can't help teasing her. She just said a few words.

Face flushed.

"Oh oh oh, but isn't the favor of saving a life too cheap? It's just a treat for dinner. Generally speaking, according to ancient customs, shouldn't you just pledge yourself directly?" Linton certainly went a step further. After all, the reaction

It's really interesting.

" you said it was ancient times...then...then what do you want?" Misaka Mikoto said.

"I already said that I would give my life to you. I think this proposal..."

"Shut up!" Misaka Mikoto shouted directly, "Is there any other slightly normal option?"

"Then...kiss me? This is a relatively normal option, right?" Linton said with a smile.

"What's going on in your head, you bastard!" Misaka Mikoto yelled directly.

"Huh? But I think these are normal options. Generally speaking, isn't it the repayment option for a hero to save a beauty? Didn't you say that you have watched TV? In those TV series you see, usually after a hero saves a beauty,

Is this hero asking the rescued princess to calculate the money?" Linton asked.

"This...this..." I have to say that there is some truth to this. Misaka Mikoto's judgment was plummeting at this moment, and she didn't know how to refute it for a while. "Really...really?"

"Really, the way you look at me is so pious," Linton said.

"You're just looking at me so blindly," Misaka Mikoto yelled.

With a "pop", as soon as Misaka Mikoto finished speaking, Linton suddenly pressed her hands directly on Misaka Mikoto's shoulders. Before the other party could react, Linton said directly: "Look carefully at my eyes."

"You..." Misaka Mikoto wanted to say something else, but she was suddenly stopped by Linton who was approaching. Yes, no matter how the two of them looked at their current postures, they were going to do something serious in the next step. Misaka Mikoto was now in a state of shock.

A mess, "Wait...wait a minute..."

Linton ignored her at all. He lowered his head and came close to Misaka Mikoto's face again. Misaka Mikoto was so panicked that she closed her eyes. However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind her: "Sister."

grown ups!"

With a "whoosh" sound, Misaka Mikoto took off directly on the spot, and then plunged into the grass next to her.

"As expected of anime, there really is such a way to interrupt." Linton looked up and found a girl not far away pushing a wheelchair and rushing over. Yes, the person who came was Kuroko Shirai.

, and behind her, two other girls were chasing her, one of them was Uiharu Shiri whom she had seen before, and the other one had never been seen before.

While talking, Shirai Kuroko here had already rushed in front of Linton. Although he was still sitting in a wheelchair, he was faster than the two people running behind him. As soon as he rushed in front of Linton, the other party shouted: "

You, you, you... what did you, a great ape, just want to do to my sister?"

"It's just like what you saw." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"You, you, you...I want to duel with you!" Kuroko Shirai pointed at Linton and said, "Sister-sama can only be mine, no one else can take her away."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Misaka Mikoto stood up from the grass nearby and shouted at Shirai Kuroko, "We... didn't do anything! And don't say such misleading words, okay?"

"What... onee-sama actually still speaks for this ape, could it be... don't I have a chance?" Shirai Kuroko suddenly shrank, "No, we must not let onee-sama be snatched away, even with force.

, I’m also going to get onee-sama’s first kiss, onee-sama, I’m here!”

As he spoke, Shirai Kuroko rushed directly to Misaka Mikoto next to him with a wheelchair. Of course, 3 seconds later, Shirai Kuroko turned into a coke-like black object on the ground.

"Yeah, yeah, has it really turned out like this?" Saten Ruiko, who was behind him, just caught up. Of course, what he saw was the burnt Shirai Kuroko. Looking at Linton here, Saten Ruiko also directly

Said: "Are you Misaka-san's legendary boyfriend Linton? I am Saten Ruiko, please give me some advice."

"Oh, are you Saten Ruiko?" Linton nodded. He had heard her name before, but he had never seen her. "I am the legendary boyfriend, Linton."


"There's no need to celebrate now." Linton interrupted directly, "So we said we should check the situation. Are you going to jump out when I tell you my name? You can't wait for me to show off.

come out?"

"I understand, Lord." Woz immediately retreated.

"Uh... what happened just now?" Saten Ruiko asked with a confused look, "It seems... quite interesting."

"It's a little troublesome to explain. In short, it's just a celebration device set up with some cards when announcing the game." Linton said, "But there seems to be some problems with the current judgment, and I don't know how to adjust it."

"Uh..." Saten Ruiko was a little confused.

"Anyway, let's go shopping first," said Uiharu Shiri next to her.

"Speaking of which...why are you here?" Misaka Mikoto asked.

"Shirai-san said he smelled Misaka-san here, so he came here." Uiharu Shiri explained.

"Are you a dog?" Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but ask.

"Onee-sama is actually dating a boy. Kuroko no longer wants to live." Shirai Kuroko on the ground screamed in despair.

"It''s not a date. It's not a date anyway." Misaka Mikoto said.

"Um... Misaka-san, this situation is usually called a date these days." Saten Ruiko said, "I think it's better for us to leave? Will this disturb you?"

"Well, I will, I will. If you hadn't appeared just now, I would have..."

"Ahhh!" Misaka Mikoto yelled and interrupted Linton's words. She pulled Linton aside and said, "What happened just now is absolutely not allowed to be discussed."

"Why?" Linton spread his hands and asked.

"Because... because of that..."

"Ah! The bonfire dance has started." Saten Ruiko suddenly pointed to the side and said. Several people looked in the direction she pointed. Sure enough, the people over there had already started dancing around the bonfire. Most of them were one man and one woman.

The combination.

"Let's go too." Saten Ruiko continued.

"Huh?" Misaka Mikoto was stunned.

"Let's go! Let's go together." Saten Ruiko said.

"Wait, onee-sama, that's a trap... um..." Shirai Kuroko suddenly understood, but as soon as he stood up, he was directly held down by Uiharu Shiri behind him.

"Let's go, let's go." Saten Ruiko said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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