Chapter 0102 Optimized copy skills!

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"Second brother, I'm going too." Sangou volunteered.

During the last Qingming Festival, Sangou and his second brother encountered so many strange things in Panshiling. When they left in the middle of the trip, he still felt that he still had unfinished business.

How could he not be part of this return to Panshiling?

Jiang Yue nodded and did not object.

Old Han is in a bit of a dilemma. The affairs in the town are not over yet.

At this time, several team members came over one after another, all holding mobile phones in their hands. Obviously, they had been responsible for monitoring the mobile phones of the replicators.

In the mobile group chat, Zhao Shouyin is going crazy!

"Where the hell did they all die?"

"What happened in Yunxi Town?"

"What happened to my family?"

"Is there anyone alive?"

The group chat has never been so deserted, with only Zhao Shouyin scrolling.

Except for Wang Fucai, who was captured alive and was still under anesthesia, all the replicators in Yunxi Town had been burned to ashes.

On the other side of Star City, although Jiang Yue didn't ask, they must have acted at the same time. Whether Jiang Yue took Jiang Yue's advice and killed them directly, Jiang Yue didn't intend to ask.

No matter how much he has an opinion on this matter, I'm afraid he can't make the decision for those pig teammates.

Jiang Yue suddenly said: "Give me that old Kang's cell phone."

Jiang Yue obviously has no use for Wang Fucai's mobile phone. Lao Kang's mobile phone may still be of some use!

"Brother Ergou..." Just as Jiang Yue turned around, Wang Xiang trotted over behind him.

Sangou was stunned: "Wang Xiang, why do you call me second brother?"

"Brother Ergou!" Wang Xiang said matter-of-factly.

Sangou chuckled: "My second brother didn't beat you?"

Third Dog would occasionally jokingly call Jiang Yue Second Dog Brother, but every time he received a severe beating, he could only think about this title in his mind.

Now a man of god actually calls him out to his face, and he doesn't get beaten?

This is so unfair. Am I still your cousin?

Outsiders can shout, but I can’t?

"Wang Xiang, don't worry, your brother should be released soon."

When saying this, Jiang Yue glanced at Lao Han specifically.

Lao Han smiled dryly and said: "Soon, very soon, it will only take a few days."

The truth about the replicator case has been revealed, and those innocent murderers should be freed as soon as possible, both ethically and legally.

"By the way, Wang Xiang, go back and tell your mother. You should be able to leave town now."

"Really?" Wang Xiang's eyes lit up.

Not only Wang Xiang, but also many residents of Yunxi Town nearby became inexplicably excited after hearing this.

These days are like being locked up in hell and not being able to get out.

I have been struggling with fear and despair all day long. How can I not be overjoyed when I hear that I can finally escape from Yunxi Town? This is completely a life after the disaster!

"Could it be that burning those bones really suppressed the ghosts?"

"That said, we should still listen to the government."

"What! This is not listening to the government. This is listening to the descendants of the old god Panshi Lingjiang."

"That's right, the descendants of the old immortal are the little immortals who follow their words!"

"Let's go back and pack our things. It's not dark yet, so there's still time!"

Old Han couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Jiang, are you sure you can leave Yunxi Town?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. How about giving it a try?"

Although there are still some aftermaths, it seems not too important. The replicator has also been destroyed, and the anesthetized Wang Fucai has been taken into custody.

The replicators in Star City were also arrested.

At least, their mission is basically completed.

The reason why I say basic is because there is also Zhao Shouyin.

But whether Zhao Shouyin is a replicator or not, we have to decide now.

After meeting up with Luo Chu, it was finally decided that the large force would take a detour back to Star City. Luo Chu would take two team members and Jiang Yue Sangou to Panshi Ridge.

Lao Han originally wanted to take the initiative, but Luo Chu refused.

What do you mean, Old Han? All the credit for Yunxi Town belongs to you, but Panshiling still wants to snatch the last trembling? In front of the leader, do you understand what it means to be restrained?

In terms of being thick-skinned, Lao Han couldn't compare to Luo Chu. He had no choice but to quit with a wry smile.

"Luo Chu, what happened to those replicators in Star City in the end?" Seeing Luo Chu, Jiang Yue couldn't help but ask.

Luo Chu suddenly made a bitter face: "Xiao Jiang, I really fought hard for this matter. But there is a giant Buddha above, and he just won't allow it. He said that at this juncture, these monsters need to be left for research."

"Leaving three or five heads is not enough for research?" Jiang Yue was speechless.

"I said the same thing, but I can't stand up to someone's N-level official crushing someone to death." When Luo Chu said this, he also punched the car door angrily.

Having said this, what else could Jiang Yue say?

Just as Jiang Yue said, the haze in Yunxi Town seems to have really been blown away.

The motorcade leaving the city kept driving out of Yunxi Town, honking cheerful horns.

This is the joy of surviving the disaster, escaping from the carnival of life.

Jiang Yue's mood did not relax much.

That weird photo, the ghostly figure in the dressing table mirror, the missing pair of embroidered shoes, and the weathered clothes all over the room...

There is no doubt that all this is related to Zhao Shouyin's mother Gong Wanyu.

The haze in Yunxi Town has been blown away for the time being, but the knotted things have not been untied.

Although Jiang Yue didn't understand why the Zhao family's silver system suddenly caught fire and burned itself, why did Gong Wanyu not come out to harm others even though she had become a powerful ghost?

But he knew that this was definitely not the case that Gong Wanyu had become a ghost but was still kind-hearted and could not bear to attack.

There must be some restriction.

As a result, she couldn't kill anyone with her own hands!

Otherwise, based on her inhumane experience, the hatred and resentment she accumulated could be said to be heavier than a mountain, deeper than the sea, and definitely ten times or a hundred times higher than that of an ordinary person.

When such resentment turns into evil, it must be extremely fierce and murderous.

There is no reason. In the past eighty years, even though he has become a ghost, he has not killed anyone?

Including those members of the Zhao family who persecuted her, turned into evil spirits and evil ghosts, and there was no reason to let them go.

It is this resentment that turns evil into evil. Without this resentment, how can we call a resentful spirit a vicious ghost?

The only explanation for why the evil ghost does not kill people is that she is restricted and cannot kill people.

Just like today, whether it is Sangou, Jiang Yue or Lao Han.

She obviously had the opportunity, especially since Lao Han was taking pictures of her room and was alone, that was the best time to take action.

But Lao Han was safe and sound, which proved that the evil ghost transformed by Gong Wanyu was indeed unable to kill people.

She couldn't help but show up, proving that she was by no means a ghost willing to be lonely. Even if she couldn't kill people, she would still come out to cause trouble.

The horrific scenes she created were, to put it bluntly, a kind of warning, a kind of expulsion, and a kind of intimidation.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have been scared away long ago.

However, Jiang Yue and San Gou are not ordinary people.

But, what restricts her from killing people?

Jiang Yue guessed that it must be related to her body.

Dajin Mountain, Panshiling.

Zhao Shouyin's long stay in Panshiling is probably related to this.

When you think about it carefully, it is simply terrifying.

Could the mission and the overall plan that Zhao Shouyin mentioned in the group be related to her mother's body and her mother's ghost?

And he may have been working secretly for decades to set up this trap?

Was that bus trip during Qingming Festival this year just the first step in taking real action?

What a terrible idea and what a careful plan.

This long-term operation is simply appalling.

An old silversmith could have such a scheming mind, such a powerful city, and such means...

The word "pervert" is not even enough to describe it.

Although there are indeed incentives for his perversion, it does not mean that his perversion is excusable.

Huge resentment, after all, must pay attention to the fact that there is a blame and a debtor.

Avenging one's mother cannot involve the life and death of the whole town.

There were even innocent people in Star City who were inexplicably involved and lost their lives inexplicably.

The car was driving on the mountain road, and the sun was gradually setting in the west. The setting sun outside the car window was like blood, which seemed to carry some kind of terrifying metaphor of nightfall.

A bloody night may come again.

"I'll take care of myself for a while."

It takes two or three hours to walk to Panshiling via the mountain road.

It takes a while for the car to start moving and take a detour.

Jiang Yue sat in the passenger seat and entered the meditation stage. In fact, he wanted to check on the intelligence.

Because Zhiling gave a hint before, it seemed that he had completed another task and received a reward.

"Congratulations to the host for ending the replicator mission."

"Reward 1: Obtain the optimized version of replicator skills, unlimited times, time limit."

"Reward 2: The aura of invulnerability to all evils is advanced, the defense level is increased to C level, and the time limit remains unchanged."

"Reward three: get 100 points as reward. Total points: 400."

Thank God, I finally got a permanent and unlimited skill!

Previously, the replicator skill was extremely limited. It could only be used once a day and for one hour at a time. This restriction was indeed too great.

The optimized version of the permanent skill has no restrictions and no side effects. This is simply more powerful than the copying skill of the replicator.

Jiang Yue observed the replicators and always felt that their replicating skills were limited.

But what he possesses is unrestricted optimization skills.

I didn’t say it before, it smells delicious!

The upgrade of the immunity-to-evil halo is undoubtedly good news. The defense level is improved, and you have greater confidence when facing higher-level ghosts. Unfortunately, there is no time limit for giving away, and there is no long-term holding, which is a fly in the ointment.

When can I get a lifetime version of the SSS level immunity halo, that would be awesome.

Of course, this can only be thought about, Zhiling definitely cannot be so generous.

If it was really so generous, Jiang Yue would become suspicious.

As for points, Jiang Yue is regarded as a mascot. If there are too few, he will feel flustered, but if there are too many, he will feel at ease.

Anyway, Jiang Yue didn't plan to use his points for the time being since he hadn't accumulated a certain amount.

This chapter has been completed!
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