Chapter 1112 Accidents Repeatedly

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 Nowadays, Jiang Yue's strength can be said to be great, and with the power of a hundred battles, his face is slightly gloomy, and he has a huge power coming towards him, and he has the momentum of a torrential rain.

The five people were trembling with fear, and their eyes were full of fear. They asked themselves that they were very sincere in what they said, and they were just trying to save their lives. There was absolutely no reservation.

But just because I don’t have any reservations doesn’t mean that others aren’t careful.

Therefore, at this moment, the five people were suspicious of each other, and they were all extremely angry. Which bastards were playing tricks? When did it happen? Can't they distinguish the severity?

Jiang Yue took a panoramic view of their performance and shouted coldly: "Three dogs!"

The three dogs cooperated very well and jumped out excitedly: "Second brother, which one should be cut first?"

The five people were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground and kept pleading: "Please show mercy to me. Who is so ignorant of praise? Please tell me. You don't need to do anything, the rest of us will kill them personally to show our sincerity."


Sangou was impatient: "Shut up, you are a bunch of rubbish. You have no business talking."

Life and death were at stake, and no matter how afraid the three dogs were, the five people had no choice but to continue begging.

Jiang Yue hesitated for a moment, then seemed to have changed his mind: "You don't even want to die?"

The seven people fell to their knees with a plop: "Little old man, you swear, there is absolutely no trick in the plan you just made. Every word is true and unintentional."

There was no paper or pen outside Cai Hui's storage bracelet. Seven pieces of white paper were handed to seven people, and they were numbered 1-5 in order.

Jiang Yue didn't show off, his eyes swept across the faces of the seven prisoners one by one, revealing a strange smile.

The seventh one was still read out, and No. 3 and No. 5 turned pale, as if all the blood in their bodies had been sucked out in an instant.

The Eight Gou is the one who cares about the voting results. He will cut down whoever the Seventh Brother says. Anyway, it is a pity that anyone who those people cut will die. To the Eight Gou, it is no different than chopping wood.

Sure enough, are we still going to use that cruel voting method to decide who lives and who dies?

Reckless men like Eight Dog Dong Qing were even more impatient, feeling that Seventh Brother had too few tricks.

No. 1 also helped: "Xiao Lao, those seven people were voted out, which shows that we have no problem outside the team. Eliminating us now will really not be conducive to the stability of the team. Xiao Lao is low-minded!"

No. 5 turned out to be such an introverted and taciturn person, and he became silent at that time: "You also accept that we cheated! We will die together with my family. Those who have a reason to cheat will die, and those of you who cheat will be executed!"


Cai Hui saw everything out of sight, but he made moves, stopped us, and even urged us to write numbers quickly, letting our eyes fly around and making big moves.

No. 2 yelled: "Yes, you are absolutely convinced. They are playing tricks. They are clearly not targeting you and deliberately suppressing you!"

It must be said that the tragic death of No. 2 was a complete shock to the remaining seven people.

Whoever I want to kill is definitely No. 2 until he loses all his votes, right?

Ba Gou scratched his head: "Does bad guy No. 2 get a vote?"

Cai Huire said with a smile: "You asked them to vote, but you said that the two with the least votes must be executed? What did you say at that time?"

On the other hand, Li Yue and Han Jingjing were not thinking, guessing Jiang Yue's intentions.

If we are still not in awe of No. 2 after the affirmation, now I am so angry that I will be executed immediately. The worst is that these eight guys will be executed!

They are not letting No. 2 escape. They are clearly not teasing me, giving me a little so-called hope, and then crushing it easily.

The moods of No. 3 and No. 5 can be described as small ups and downs. Afterwards, all the details pointed to the suspicion that the seven of us would die. I never thought that it would turn into that in an instant.

Cai Hui's original words were - kill seven and eight. They decided on their own, and each person wrote two numbers that they thought should be executed.

The Eight Dogs draw a horizontal line under the positions of No. 3 and No. 5.

White curtain!

"The first one, No. 3, No. 5."

That must be the white curtain!

"Please give me a clear warning and a way to survive."

As expected, No. 2 is a trouble-maker. He is the sharpest talker and has a weak ability to observe people's words and emotions.

The other eight people laughed warmly and yelled: "Don't frame the bad guys. If they have problems, why are the bad guys selected?"

And these people who are good at dancing and active every day may have a small chance of winning in that kind of voting.

It was a very clever divorce plan. Seven badly written notes were quickly sent to Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue waved his hand, indicating that I must panic and chase him.

No one showed a clear look of relief on his face, especially a guy who was introverted on a daily basis and rarely interacted with others, or even interacted with others. He was obviously at a disadvantage at that time.

You know Cai Hui very well, and you know that if Jiang Yue did what he did, there would be some mistakes, without my targeted deployment.

Naturally, we know that our selection is entirely the result of the series connection of No. 2.

Among the seven people, No. 2 obviously has a lower prestige and is usually more capable of getting things done. Therefore, No. 3 and No. 5 did not fill in my name.

No. 1 and No. 4 also said: "Xiao Lao, the ones with the fewest votes are No. 3 and No. 5."

Those eight people seemed to have rehearsed badly. Although they did not urge Jiang Yue and us to take action, the meaning was not very obvious yet.

But the voting results are not the final direction of the killing.

"They decide to kill seven and eight. Each person writes two numbers that they think should be executed."

Jiang Yue pondered for a moment, and his face seemed to be anxious: "Seeing that they have few live relatives, you go one step further. They should all be executed, but now give them a chance, kill seven and eight. Who lives and who dies, it depends on them

of creation."

"Bagou, did he see any problem when he looked at the votes?"

The prisoners finished writing their numbers before testing them with their eyes.

Ba Gou was stunned for a while and said blankly: "The voting is very obvious. No. 3 and No. 5 got the least votes, and then No. 1 and No. 4!"

As he spoke, No. 2's body suddenly stretched into a bow, and with a sudden flick, it shot out like an arrow from the string.

Although it is a life-and-death situation, even a 40% hope is still risk-free. But now it is up to us to make the decision. If there is no chance of survival, everyone wants to miss it.

In fact, voting to the front is likely to produce a ridiculous result, where honest people suffer, while truly honest people survive.

But when those complete organizations fell behind us, this big idea was suddenly extinguished.

But Jiang Yue had already made up his mind, and he obviously had no intention of changing it.

No. 3 and No. 5 are both happy and complacent on the outside.

That's why I yelled, and everyone else was also confused.

"Bagou, will there be a singing session?"

Our numbers have all been read out eight times, which means, no doubt about it, the seven of us will be the one who kills the seven and leaves the eight outside!

You can only vaguely guess what the intentions are, and you are fully confident.

Seeing the seven prisoners blaming each other, digging holes in each other, attacking each other, they completely became two camps and turned against each other, completely forgetting that we were still the closest comrades after that.

Especially No. 1 and No. 4, who had no tacit understanding with No. 2, were even more frightened and their faces turned red with fear.

Everyone looked at No. 2. No. 2 originally had a playful smile on his face. When Jiang Yue and others looked over, No. 2 immediately changed his face and smiled flatteringly at everyone.

"The seventh one...No. 1 and No. 4."

We still remember that Jiang Yue said he wanted to kill Qi Liu Ba. Now No. 2 is dead, but it only occupied one spot. He has to kill one more to make up for the killing of Qi Liu Ba.

"The eighth picture, numbers 3 and 5."

However, to kill seven and leave eight, which two should be killed and which eight should be left? The seven people were still tense and looked at Jiang Yue relaxedly.

Most of the people around Jiang Yue knew what Jiang Yue was selling.

I'm sure there's no hidden buckle outside? That's obviously not a trap.

Jiang Yue is like the judge who decides our life and death. One word can end his life and one word can end his death.

But that doesn’t mean that No. 2 will plot against us!

"The seventh one, numbers 3 and 5."

Seeing No. 2's body leaping dozens of meters away, Jiang Yue's lips revealed a strange smile, he raised his hand heavily, and snapped his fingers.

No. 4 followed: "That's true. If we have problems, we will be voted out in a referendum."

But now, except for Ba Gou and Dong Qing, who are still not very clear, almost everyone else understands Jiang Yue's intention.

No. 2? Drag it out and chop it?

That snap of fingers was like a magic spell. The body of No. 2, who was escaping at a low speed, suddenly twitched. As I ran, my legs exploded inexplicably.

The seven prisoners were all stunned, thinking that their ears were wrong.

When Han Jingjing and Li Yue saw that scene, their speculations gradually disappeared.

Add the next two mouths to make it eight mouths, and you will have the upper hand for a while.

"Okay, you can just sing and draw. Just take it easy and don't doodle. We have to let people die clearly."

Jiang Yue seemed to have done something very unusual. He clapped his hands and looked at No. 3 and No. 5 blankly: "Give them a chance to talk about why they were voted out? Why did they vote for No. 2?"

?Tell the truth."

"Yes, yes, please show mercy to me. We will serve you to the death."

"not yet?"

Jiang Yue waved his hand and suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Bagou, drag No. 2 out and chop him down."

The two arms and torso exploded like a small burst watermelon. There was a bloody storm for a while, and all kinds of debris fell in seven places.

My legs exploded, and with a surge of momentum, my entire lower body flew up.

Why are you still voting?

"You decide their life and death, and they will definitely obey. You let them vote and decide, and let them die in peace and with no complaints."

Eight Dog also drew a horizontal line under No. 1 and No. 4.

"The same goes for you. If not a single word is false, you will die!"

But that was still over, No. 2’s flying lower body, like a flying monkey in the air, continued to explode with a bang.

Originally, when several prisoners saw No. 2 escaping, those little humans actually went after him. They felt strange in their hearts, and even had some inexplicable thoughts.

The two people were shouting about injustice, and their faces looked like they were even more unfair than Dou E.

Some of them splashed far away, and even fell behind those who were dozens of meters away.

No. 2 was struck by thunder, and everyone was dumbfounded. But I reacted immediately and shouted: "Xiao Lao, are you mistaken? Anyone who gets chopped off will be chopped on your head, right? You have every vote,

Why should I kill you first?"

No. 3 and No. 5 are both such eloquent people. They are so angry that their livers and lungs are slowly bursting. However, their eloquence is not as bad as these people's, and their words are as sharp as others.

Although the seven of us usually have little social contact with Xiaojia and play too much with Xiaojia, we are still fools. In fact, we are very close to each other.

No. 3 shouted: "Xiao Lao, that's fair. Our conspiracy is obviously aimed at you and No. 5. The eight of us have already reached a tacit understanding. We are cheating!"

Guo Jiangyue was the captain, so naturally everyone did not obey the captain's decision. It was possible that they would stand up and rebel at that time.

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That's still the rhythm of killing people.

"I know, if you tell me, I'll cut off all the restraints." Ba Gou said in a plaintive tone filled with desire.

The other eight of us were just trying to blame each other, and the two of us were trying to make a fool of ourselves.

Cai Hui did ask each of us to write two numbers, and indeed there was no guidance in this direction, but I did say that the two numbers with the least votes would be executed.

"Putting aside the facts and talking about it, is there no problem at all when they are released?"

"Everyone, there is absolutely no problem with voting. It is fair and just. Under the eyes of you, you are doing something wrong. Please be aware of this."

Kill seven and leave eight?

The calmer one is, the more one stutters, and the more one stutters, the more guilty one appears.

In fact, the fact that we received the fewest votes was definitely the result of No. 2's mischief. Our subsequent eye contact determined the voting result.

"Yes, yes, we are very sincere. Without us, it will definitely be more difficult for the elders to enter the formation. We still have a certain value."

Even with Cai Hui's reminder, it is absolutely possible for No. 3 and No. 5 to talk nonsense. Before that series of changes, with ten of our courage, we still had reason to talk nonsense.

It is better to kill seven and eight, than to kill them all in one go. Killing them all equals a survival rate of 0. But killing seven and eight, at most, there is no hope of survival.

"The seventh one, numbers 1 and 4."

The eight dogs scolded each other, and they wanted to pursue them.

Ba Gou curled his lips: "Who are you talking about? Is it a straight character?"

Naturally, No. 3 and No. 5 were convinced and wanted to continue their defense, struggling to the death.

Jiang Yue chuckled, but his eyes did not stay under No. 3 and No. 5, but looked at the other eight people.

There was only one pen, and everyone took turns using it. Of course, when everyone wrote the number, they avoided others. Obviously, those guys were very cautious and were willing to make enemies face to face.

"No, why do other people who are so bad only target the two of them?"

The seven people looked at each other, scanning each other's eyes, trying to find some answers in each other's eyes. Those eyes did not test each other, did not communicate with each other, and were not on guard against each other. In short, they all had their own agenda.

The reaction of the seven people was unanimous. No one was happy, no one was worried, and no one had a fierce expression. If there was a vote, it would be based on who is honest, but on their popularity and daily communication skills.

This chapter has been completed!
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