Chapter 1244 Countermeasures

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Chapter 1248 Countermeasures

Jiang Qiao and San Gou were obviously very worried about Jiang Yue, especially when they learned that they would be chasing robbers everywhere in the mountains, so they were lying if they said they were not worried.

When Jiang Yue returned to the inn, the two of them were overjoyed and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Jiang Yue got an unexpected piece of news from them. Tang Li and his team of adventurers were all pulled for interrogation. Apparently, they had been exposed for their visit to the Jiangli Mountains yesterday afternoon.

After all, it came out with great momentum.

However, the time they went to the Jiangli Mountains obviously did not coincide with the time of the Yunchou Ao ambush. In addition, they had reasonable motives. They were hired by the Bauhinia Adventure Team to support them. These are well-documented, so they

Although he was interrogated, he was not labeled as a robber.

But there are also disadvantages. They cannot leave Jiangli City for the time being. This is because the top officials of the Yaohua Clan have issued an order that anyone who is a bit suspicious must not leave Jiangli City until a thorough investigation is carried out.

It is reasonable to say that the Demonic Flower Clan does this.

These adventure teams usually work alone, each clearing the door and earning their own money. Suddenly, so many adventure teams joined together, which is very eye-catching. And they left at a very sensitive time.

Mountains. Although there is evidence that they were hired by pneumatic drills at a high price, you cannot always take everything at face value.

Naturally, the Demonic Flower Clan will have to dig deeper. They will never be allowed to leave easily until they are completely cleared of suspicion.

Of course, as long as they do not leave Jiangli City, there is no restriction on them. They can still move freely in Jiangli City.

It wasn't just Tang Li and his adventure team who were troubled by this, even the people from Wangqing Valley were called in for interrogation.

They had also left Jiangli City and had visited the Jiangli Mountains. Fortunately, the areas they visited did not go too far into the area, which was far from the ambush area. They could not find any strong evidence, but it did not embarrass them too much.

On the contrary, Jiang Qiao and San Gou were not questioned at all. Since their whereabouts were concealed, they were not noticed in the Jiangli Mountains.

In addition, they are just humble mushroom people, and no one will doubt them, so they have escaped interrogation.

Moreover, they moved more freely in Jiangli City. No one questioned or followed them wherever they went, which created many opportunities for them to come and go freely, allowing them to gather a lot of information.

All in all, the entire Jiangli City is now a pot of messy porridge, and it is boiling messy porridge. If you accidentally fall into it, it will be overcooked.

"Second brother, how is the situation over there?"

"Master Duo is still alive. I have told him about the formula and encouraged him. He has decided not to return to the Baoshu Clan but to go to the Titan City State."

Jiang Qiao nodded: "This is inevitable. If the Titan Academy really develops that formula, the Baoshu Clan will be hit the hardest. The Baoshu Clan's dominant position will suddenly disappear and be replaced by the Titan Academy.

As a member of the Baoshu clan, he will definitely not be able to accept this."

Jiang Yue smiled and said, "I wonder if anyone within the Baoshu Clan has learned this secret. What Mr. Duo means is to arrange for a few guys from Wangqing Valley to return to the Baoshu Clan to report the news. Look, this is the token he gave me.


Jiang Yue showed the token.

"As one of the top ten golden tribes, the Baoshu tribe can't lead the entire invasion plan of the inner earth world if they can't even receive this little news. They must have gotten the news. Duoye is not at ease, so he just took an insurance policy.

." Jiang Qiao analyzed.

"What does he plan to do with us?"

Jiang Yue smiled and said: "I have fully gained his trust. He wants us to follow him to the Titan City-State."

Sangou curled his lips: "Should we still use him to take us with us?"

"Of course we can go by ourselves, but it's just three mushroom people, so going there will be very abrupt. If we go with Master Duo, we can save a lot of trouble. With this identity as a cover, we can do a lot of things behind the scenes. Just like

Now we will leave the city and everyone else will be interrogated. We mushroom people are safe and sound. No one bothers to question us. They don’t even think that we mere mushroom people can do anything."

Sangou chuckled and said: "That's true, but it's a bit frustrating to pretend to be a grandson all the time. Second brother, can't we change to a more prestigious identity this time when we go to Titan City-State?"

Jiang Yue sighed: "The more prestigious your identity, the easier it is to attract attention. Let's follow Mr. Duo, and Mr. Duo's identity will serve as a cover. No one will pay attention to you at all among the mushroom men."

Jiang Qiao knew what Jiang Yue was thinking, and said: "Let's go to Titan City State, but we can't abandon the Baoshu Clan. So following Duo Ye is the best choice. But these days, if you want to go to Titan City State, you can't.

It’s not that easy, right? Even if you want to leave Jiangli City, I’m afraid there will be many twists and turns.”

"Yes, Mr. Duo is waiting for us to meet up in the Jiangli Mountains. I'm afraid this will take several days. No one can leave safely until this storm passes. But what Mr. Duo means is that we will follow him on the teleportation ride.

We must go to Titan City State. Except for those who went back to the Baoshu Tribe to report the news, the others in the Valley of Forgetfulness are trying to find a way to go to Titan City State on their own."

Sangou muttered: "The Demonic Flower Clan is making so much noise, who knows when it will stop. If they can't find the robbers for a day, why won't they open for a day? How long will it take?"

"It's not that they're not open to the public at all, they're just conducting more rigorous interrogations." Jiang Qiao said with a smile, "It will be no problem for the three of us to leave Jiang Li City. No one will suspect that the mushroom man is a robber."

Sangou said: "Everyone in the Yaohua Clan is so familiar with dog-eating dogs. Can't we find some clues? Isn't the Yaohua Clan known as one of the top ten golden tribes?"

"Even Mr. Duo didn't get any benefits. Those robbers are indeed extraordinary. But what's the use of such an interrogation? After the robbers succeeded, they must have escaped long ago. Whether it's a city closure or a mountain closure,

It's all about finding a needle in a haystack, and it must be in vain to see the excitement." Jiang Qiao has his own judgment on this.

Sangou said: "For such a big battle, how much money did Yuntu bring to the auction? The Yaohua clan is very wealthy, how can it be that being robbed once can make them poor?"

"This is not only a matter of money, but also about the face of the Yaohua Clan. If people dare to attack their people in their territory, wouldn't this be a direct slap in the face of the Yaohua Clan? Now the Yaohua Clan is riding a tiger and it is difficult to catch them.

Without the robbers, it would be fine if they couldn't get the stolen goods back. Their face and authority would be challenged, which is what the Yaohua clan least wants to see." Jiang Qiao obviously analyzed the situation more deeply.

Sangou was more concerned about money and sighed: "Face is important, but there must be a lot of money. If it were tens of thousands of silver coins, the Yaohua tribe would definitely not have such a big battle. Second brother, Duoye didn't disclose it.

This information? How much does it cost? Master Duo really didn’t get it?"

"Hey, the auction price is 10 million silver coins, plus the funds for traveling through the portal, and Yuntu's personal property, the total should be a thousand to several hundred thousand. As for Duo Ye, what should I say? He has some on hand

A storage bracelet, but he hid this from me. His storage bracelet has been destroyed, and he still has a sense of luck, thinking that the 10 million auction money may be hidden in the bracelet. In fact, that

It's a trap and a cover-up for Yuntu, the purpose is to make him take the blame and serve as a scapegoat."

"Whose hands did the real auction money fall into?" Sangou was more concerned about this.

"Guess it."

"Could it be that Yuntu escaped with the money?" Sangou guessed.

"No, after Yuntu gave the fake storage bracelet to Mr. Dao, he chose to self-destruct. His body self-destructed, and his body was separated into countless pieces and scattered for several miles."

"Ah? Self-destruction? Then what's the use of this deception? Isn't this just a trap? Can't Mr. Duo see that this is a trap?"

"Master Duo must have guessed it, but he must still be lucky. What if it's true?"

"Is that possible?"

"It's impossible." Jiang Yue said firmly.

"How do you know? Do you know where it really is?"

"I know, the real storage bracelet was in Yun Tu's stomach. It was splashed two miles away and was picked up by a small or medium-sized ferocious beast. Now, this storage bracelet should be in the mouth of another ferocious beast.

In the stomach." Jiang Yue said this with a smile.

Jiang Qiao had a vague guess: "Are you here to witness all of this with your own eyes?"

"Yes, I participated in the whole process. Strictly speaking, Master Duo did not make the oriole, I made it for him. At that time, Yuntu gave the fake storage bracelet to Master Duo, and Master Duo immediately fled the scene

, the group of robbers from the Yaohua clan also chased after them immediately. Therefore, I stayed at the scene, and by chance, I gained insight into Yun Tu’s plan..."

Sangou finally understood this time, and his eyes lit up: "Second brother, what do you mean?"

"Yes, that's what it means. The auction money has already entered my storage bracelet. As for the storage bracelet containing the auction money, I force-fed it into the belly of a large ferocious beast."

"Is there something wrong with that bracelet?"

"Yes, that bracelet has the unique mark of the Demonic Flower Clan. The boss of the Demonic Flower Clan who carved this mark has a secret method to track and lock this bracelet. Therefore, I had to buy the beads and return them, so I transferred the storage bracelet.

What I want is the auction money, not their storage bracelets."

"Hahaha..." Sangou couldn't help but laugh, "I really can't hold it in anymore. Each of these guys is more cunning and cunning than the last. I didn't expect that in the end, we got an advantage in vain. Second brother, after all, you want so much

What’s the money for?”

"Auction!" Jiang Yue spat out three words solemnly.

When going to Titan City-State, he must attend the auction. He must also find out whether this formula is real.

Are you qualified to enter the auction if you have no money? Are you qualified to participate? An auction of this level must have a capital verification link.

Without money, you can't even think about getting close to it. If just anyone can get close to the auction, then the level of the auction is too low.

Of course, it would be better if you could get this formula.

"Second brother, as you said, we are just a few mushroom people. Even if you have money, you don't dare to take it out, right? If three mushroom people give tens of millions of auction funds, everyone will be suspicious, right? It was eight hundred silver coins.

They are all being targeted by the lizard people. If this is worth tens of millions of dollars at auction, shouldn’t it be as popular as Tang Monk’s meat?”

"If you really want to participate in the auction, you will naturally have to change your identity. This is not a problem."

Sangou thought of being high-spirited and pretending to be rich at the auction, and couldn't help but be aroused. He said eagerly: "Second brother, this is interesting. If we want to do something, let's do something earth-shattering. Stay in a small place all day long.

, Pretending to be a grandson is really embarrassing."

Jiang Qiao scolded: "Sangou, if you don't do these small things well, you want to do big things as soon as you start. How can you do it if you haven't laid a good foundation? Don't underestimate the small things your second brother does. If he didn't do these small things,

Accumulate, without enough information and detailed plans, where will you go to do big things? Don't even think about taking a step forward."

Sangou scratched his head and said with a smile: "Of course I know that there must be a reason for what the second brother does, but he is so boring. Second uncle, don't you think this is boring?"

Jiang Yue said seriously: "Three dogs, you have to remember that it is good to do big things. There will definitely be big things to do when you go to Titan City this time. But you must always remember that this is the inner world of the earth. The only way to ensure that you

Only when we are safe can we have the capital to do great things. Once our identity is exposed, we will not be able to do anything. Just running for our lives will make us exhausted!"

Sangou had always been in awe of Jiang Yue, and when he saw his warning in such a serious tone, he knew that his second brother was serious about it.

"Second brother, you don't understand me yet? I just want to talk fast, but in the end I still listen to you. I will do whatever you want to do."

Jiang Yue nodded: "This time the Titan City State's conspiracy is very big, and its target is the masters of our surface world who have infiltrated, that is, grandpa and his group. If they succeed, it will not only cause losses to the surface world, but also

Let the inner earth world invade the surface world more firmly. I have a hunch that this trip to the Titan City-State is likely to be a collision between the surface world and the inner earth world, and may even affect the final trend."

"Xiao Yue, if this is the case, should we send people back to the surface world to bring in reinforcements? Otherwise, with the existing manpower, it is impossible to fight against the Earth Core Clan in their home base." Jiang Qiaodi

My first thought was to go back and bring in reinforcements.

Jiang Yue shook his head: "Where we are now is too far away from the passage we came from. Moreover, there is a thousands of miles of smoke disaster in between, which is impossible to pass through. If we go around, it will be even more difficult.

It’s a struggle. It’s been a long time, and it’s too late to mobilize manpower. Moreover, we don’t know enough about the inner earth world. How to mobilize manpower? How many manpower? How to fight in the inner earth world? There is no experience to guide us.

Without enough information to support it, it simply won’t work.”


This chapter has been completed!
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