Chapter 1359 Wangqiao Base

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Wangqiao Base is actually a village at the foot of Dajin Mountain, called Wangqiao Village. This village is at the foot of Dajin Mountain and built along the river. There is only one way to enter the village, which must pass through an ancient bridge. And this ancient bridge

It has hundreds of years of history. Legend has it that a prince inspected his fiefdom and found that the Feng Shui here was very good and the people's customs were simple. However, both sides of the river could only be accessed by ferries. So the prince funded the construction of this bridge and named it Wangqiao.

Since then, the village across the bridge has been called Wangqiao Village, and its name has not changed for hundreds of years.

After the bridge was built, after generations of reproduction, Wangqiao Village became larger and larger in size and population, forming a large village that could be counted hundreds of miles around.

In the Sunshine Era, as everyone moved south to work, many villages became empty nest villages. Except for left-behind women, children and the elderly, there were almost no adults.

Although Wangqiao Village has also been affected by this, the situation is much better than most places. As a large village, Wangqiao Village has a very good collective economy, with several large-scale factories and enterprises, and the local employment situation is very good.

, so the loss of young adults in the village is relatively better.

Although it is not said that the whole village is fully developed locally, compared with other villages, the situation is definitely very good.

But even such a large village with a population of three to four thousand cannot survive the strange era. When the strange happened, Wangqiao Village also suffered heavy losses, and the vast majority of the population did not escape the waves of strange turmoil.

Impacted again and again, Wangqiao Village has become the current Wangqiao Base.

There are many rumors about the Wangqiao base. Some people say that the base in Wangqiao Village is dominated by local wealthy families, while others say that the Wangqiao base is controlled by outsiders.

Of course, as a base, if Wangqiao Base wants to survive and develop, it cannot be limited to the original Wangqiao Village.

After all, after waves of turmoil, the population of Wangqiao Village will definitely disappear. According to the normal ratio of two out of ten, the remaining people will only be a few hundred people. Just a few hundred people will definitely not form a large scale, nor can it become a large-scale population.

A serious problem at Xie Chun base.

Xie Chun listed the bases as the biggest threats, and the Wangqiao base was ranked among the top three, and could even be said to be the biggest potential opponent.

No one would believe that a base that could make Xie Chun pay so much attention to it and be jealous of it had no close connection with the Weird Tree.

But again, if we want to target the Wangqiao base and launch a war against it, we must find enough evidence.

It is unjustifiable at any time to kill someone without teaching, and to teach without a name. Especially for official forces, if they want to take action, they must first grasp the great cause and sufficient reasons for starting a war. Even if these reasons are made up, they must try their best to make them look like they are.

, at least he must be able to justify himself and block the outside world's mouth.

Jiang Ying was already wandering around Wangqiao Village at this moment. She was not in a hurry to enter the village. Wangqiao Village has a special geographical location. If you want to enter, you must pass the ancient bridge.

And the ancient bridge is heavily guarded. Even if you turn into a fly and fly over, you will probably be discovered.

And working in the water and escaping through the water are not Jiang Ying's specialties.

After observing for a while, Jiang Ying was basically sure that the Wangqiao Base's seemingly calm appearance was indeed an undercurrent. It didn't seem to be as powerful as the Xie Chun Base, with various high walls and gates, but behind its seemingly loose appearance,

On the contrary, it has a tighter defense.

Entering hastily will definitely not work. It will attract attention, even if your acting skills are amazing. For a stranger who has just entered the base, he will be closely watched. Whatever she wants to do, I am afraid she will not be able to escape the eyes of someone who is interested.


The idea of ​​passing the ancient bridge from the front can basically be given up.

Wangqiao Village is at the foot of Dajin Mountain, with Dajin Mountain in the back. There must be a way to enter the village at the end of the village. Moreover, with the mountain forest as a cover, it is much more convenient to sneak in.

With Jiang Ying's ghost-like movement, there is still a certain chance of sneaking into Wangqiao Village, but it is difficult to say what to do after sneaking in. You must proceed with caution.

It's really difficult to sneak in during the day, even from the back mountain. The best time for activity is naturally at night.

After night falls, Jiang Ying lurks in the back mountain like a shadow, feeling the movement around him.

The Wangqiao base can make Xie Chun feel threatened, and they naturally have their own skills. Although the back mountain is very open, the defense is tighter than the front.

Of course, for Jiang Ying, there are still loopholes to be exploited in this strictness.

Jiang Ying's shadow teleportation is so fast and highly concealed that it has indeed reached a very high level. After the previous few battles, her level is also recognized as reaching He Jin's level, and she is the real Jiang Ying.

The highest level existence under the leap.

He is a top expert who can truly stand alone.

No matter how strong these bases are, the average level will eventually lie there. Just like Xie Chun Base, Wangqiao Base also has these problems.

Except for a few top combat powers, the level of others is far from keeping up with their supreme combat power. Not to mention compared with the team here in Star City, even compared with ordinary members of the Action Bureau, the gap is not small.

In the final analysis, a ragtag group of people has not accumulated enough experience in actual combat and has not accumulated enough experience, and it is impossible for them to grow into an elite division for no reason.

After some observation, Jiang Ying found a relatively weak breakthrough. She didn't even use any secret method to get through the first line of defense.

As for those so-called tight defenses, there were even people half-dozing off at midnight.

Wangqiao Village occupies a large area. Because the village is built on a mountainous area, the buildings throughout the village are scattered and the heights are relatively large.

The area near the river is low-lying and has the most densely populated areas. The area behind the mountain also has many houses. In the Sunshine Age, the entire village was divided into several areas, mostly based on clan surnames. The area behind the mountain

In this area, there is a Xu family, which is the common surname in Wangqiao Village. Almost all of the hundreds of families in the surrounding area have the surname Xu.

The ancestral hall of the Xu family is relatively conspicuous, located in a location with excellent Feng Shui in the back mountain.

At this moment, the area around the Xu Family Ancestral Hall is extremely crowded with people. The lights in other places are relatively dim, but the area of ​​100 meters here is brightly lit.

Lanterns were hung on some big trees, and fires were burning in open areas. I don’t know what kind of rituals were going on.

Around the ancestral hall, there are at least dozens of young men, either openly or covertly, guarding it from all directions.

At this moment, Jiang Ying has approached the area 200 to 300 meters outside the ancestral hall, hiding in a hidden corner to ensure that there are no restless factors around.

Of course, Jiang Ying's awakening talent is very sensitive to the void. Whenever there is a threat approaching, she will definitely be the first to sense it.

In the entire Wangqiao base, if someone wants to approach Jiang Ying quietly, I am afraid that such a person does not exist at all.

Jiang Ying observed the direction of the Xu Family Ancestral Hall from a distance, but had no idea what these people were doing.

To say that this ancestral hall is one of the eight formations? It doesn’t really look like it. However, Jiang Ying has not entered the ancestral hall to observe at this moment, and does not know what is going on inside.

Unless she had Jiang Yue's borrowing skills, she wouldn't be sure what was going on inside the ancestral hall.

If she rushes over, no matter how good her body skills are, she may not be able to reveal herself in front of so many pairs of eyes. After all, no matter how agile her body skills are, she has not yet reached the level of invisibility.

At this moment, she heard someone running quickly towards the slope in the direction of the ancestral hall, shouting: "Let the kitchen side be more agile, the food for the sacrifice must be properly prepared, and,

Brothers are waiting for midnight snack."


Jiang Ying looked in the direction where the man was shouting, and saw a house that was common in rural areas. The yard at the door was quite open, and there were faint lights flickering. Among the lights, there was smoke rising from the kitchen, but in the night, the smoke was very visible to the naked eye.

Hard to see at a glance.

However, if you use your five senses a little more carefully, you can smell the smell of burning wood in the air. The kitchen is still in operation in the middle of the night, which is obviously not just a midnight snack.


According to local customs, sacrifices are generally held during festivals or on the birthdays of deceased elderly people, and sacrifices are not just about burning paper, but also preparing some meat. These meats do not need to be too delicate, or even fully cooked. But this ceremony must

In place.

Commonly used meats include pig heads, goose, chickens, ducks, etc. Of course, it also needs to be paired with some pastries, drinks, etc.

Generally speaking, preparing these things is not too complicated. As long as the raw materials are available, no fine processing is required at all.

As for the raw materials, in today's world, it's hard to say whether they can be prepared. Of course, it shouldn't be a problem to prepare all these things for such a big mess.

Jiang Ying knew that it would be difficult for him to penetrate the ancestral hall, but he might be able to take a look at the kitchen.

After all, even if the kitchen is important, it is not a secret place. Even if there is someone to guard it, it will only be a few relatively marginalized people at most. Who can hoard heavy troops in the kitchen for defense?

Sure enough, just as Jiang Ying guessed, there were only two people wandering outside the house in the kitchen. They looked like guards, but they actually looked very lazy. They were very interested in the food in the house. Both of them poked their heads into the yard.

, obviously, they are also looking forward to this late-night snack.

In this strange world, it is a luxury for ordinary people to have a full stomach, let alone an extra meal. And late-night snacks are obviously a bonus.

Jiang Ying easily avoided the eyes of these two people and rushed into the house.

The kitchen was built in the open air, with only three earthen stoves built with stones, one large and two small. Something was cooking in the big stove, which was probably everyone's midnight snack.

The small stove is actually not small, but it is the best for preparing sacrifices. There is a chopping board next to the three earthen stoves. There is a big tree next to the chopping board, and a bunch of pork hangs on the branch. The pig head has been processed in the small stove, and the other

The pork is obviously already in the cauldron too.

In addition to pork, there is also a large amount of food, which is packed in various large stainless steel pots, and there are also many bottles and jars of seasonings. Looking at this posture, those who don't know it think it is a small banquet.

Jiang Ying was also secretly stunned. This is a strange era. Survivors in many places have no food to eat, but this place is still so luxurious. It seems that the Wangqiao base is living a good life.

However, when Jiang Ying glanced at the people in the kitchen, he felt something strange.

Even the cooks in the kitchen are all young and strong men. Only two of the women who chop vegetables and help cook are women. The women are all in their thirties and forties, and they don't look in line with the good food. They all look skinny.

, there are dishes on the noodles, and you look like you are starving.

In the kitchen, in addition to the chef, there are also two helpers. These three men are mainly the chef and are assisted by the two cooks.

The chef obviously had the most say, and he was shouting and drinking in a very imposing manner. The two cooks scolded the two women at every turn. If they moved just a little slowly, they would be beaten and scolded immediately.

The two women accepted it without any resistance at all. No matter how they were beaten or scolded, they remained silent and tried their best to make themselves go faster.

Obviously, it was a great honor for them to be selected to help cook. As for the food in this yard, they would never dare to touch it.

Not to mention being stared at by several men, even if no one is watching, they don't seem to dare to eat.

Soon, Jiang Ying heard something famous. The chef's accent sounded like he was not a local. He was not even from Star City.

His cursing accent was definitely that of an outsider. The two cooks did not speak with the accent of Wangqiao Village either. Jiang Ying had classmates from Wangqiao Village and was familiar with the accent of Wangqiao Village. What’s more, Panshiling is not too far away from here.

Far away, the accent is close.

In other words, these three men are not locals of Wangqiao Village.

This is a bit strange. Wangqiao Village is said to be a relatively closed village. If a base is formed here, it should be dominated by local people. After all, there are not many young and middle-aged people working outside this village, and most of them work in local factories.

So it stands to reason that the survivors here should be mainly young and strong locals. Why are these outsiders allowed to yell and scream here?

The two women were submissive and barely spoke. Jiang Ying could not recognize their accents.

"Brother Zhang, you said that if we hold sacrifices in other people's ancestral halls, wouldn't that mean mourning for others? Will this work?" One of the cooks was very disapproving.

Brother Zhang, the chef, frowned and said, "Is this something you, a cook, need to care about? We will do whatever the superiors tell us to do. You don't need to talk so much nonsense, okay?"

The cook was asking for trouble and scratched his head in embarrassment, but did not dare to say anything.

But another cook said: "Today is really weird. The three forces in our base seem to be inexplicably tense. Originally, everyone guarded their own territory and had their own food. Today, after hearing that the three leaders were secretly spying, they actually

We reached an agreement and kept saying we wanted to cooperate? Why does it sound like something is going to happen to me?"

Lao Zhang said angrily: "You two are the only ones who talk a lot of nonsense. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as mutes, right?"

The cook who spoke behind him had no fear of Lao Zhang, and said with a smile: "Lao Zhang, you are the chef in the kitchen, but don't forget, we are here to help you temporarily, and we are not your subordinates. What is your job?"

Just put it away and put it away as soon as possible. I won't accept this trick."

This chapter has been completed!
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