Chapter 0199 The Deng family still wants to do something?

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 Those Class A students who wanted to see disappointment on Jiang Yue's face were disappointed. They didn't see any fluctuation at all on Jiang Yue's face, as if the news had nothing to do with him and he didn't even deserve him.

The slightest reaction, the slightest fluctuation of emotions.

Many people originally followed Deng Kai, and instinctively disliked Jiang Yue. Seeing Jiang Yue's indifferent reaction, they felt indescribably disgusted. They all murmured to themselves, feeling that Jiang Yue was pretending, even though he was pretending.

You're quite calm, maybe you feel a little disappointed?

Mao Doudou was not involved, but his reaction was surprisingly large.

"Teacher Gao, hasn't this person been tested in Star City before? Why haven't you heard anything about it before? Isn't this a bluff?"

Jiang Yue is an unsurpassable legend in Mao Doudou's heart.

In his opinion, how could anyone surpass Brother Yue? If so, he must be cheating.

Gao Yi smiled: "If it were hearsay, I wouldn't mention this to you. This matter has been confirmed by various channels, and it is indeed real data."

Mao Doudou was still dissatisfied: "If you come back from the capital, are you considered a person from Star City? Who knows if there are all kinds of drug abuse in the capital. Speaking of which, we, Brother Yue, are awesome, have awakened to Buddhism, and do not take drugs.

Without any small tricks, it is 180% casually, and this is the data from many days ago. If I were to test it now, maybe 300% would be possible. So, no matter where he came from, I, Mao Doudou

I'm not convinced that he is the number one in Star City. He has the ability to test at the same time."

In a class, there are some who are hostile to Jiang Yue, and naturally there are also those who have a favorable impression of Jiang Yue.

Those who had a good impression of Jiang Yue said one after another: "What Doudou said makes sense. It's not fair that the test time is so different. If we really want to compete, we have to test together at the same time next time. Only then will it be clear and fair."

.Otherwise, the title of No. 1 cannot be given to them by chance."

Obviously, in the eyes of many people, this is not just a personal dispute between Jiang Yue and that person, it is also related to the competition between the two schools.

Your No.1 Middle School has always been overpowered by Yangfan Middle School. If you poach a genius from outside, you want to step on Yangfan Middle School. How can such a great thing happen?

Not convinced!

Gao Yi probably wanted this kind of atmosphere, and he said with a smile: "Who is the first, it doesn't matter what you say. I heard that No. 1 Middle School is going to have an exchange competition with us."

Exchange competition?

Hearing these three words, people's spirits are lifted.

Young people at this age are full of passion and have a strong sense of competition. No one wants to be inferior to others.

"Teacher Gao, how do we compete in the exchange competition?"

"Is No. 1 Middle School so swollen now? We have always been defeated by our Yangfan Middle School. Can you endure it this time?"

"Hey, aren't you just poaching someone from the capital? Do you really think that one genius can conquer the world?"

"No! Our Yangfan Middle School must eliminate their unhealthy tendencies. Otherwise, they will have to crawl over our Yangfan Middle School to shit?"

When these guys talked about their sense of collective honor, their blood boiled with excitement. Those who originally wanted to see Jiang Yue lively became a little angry.

This is collective glory, which has surpassed personal grudges.

Gao Yi smiled and nodded: "Very good, young people should have this kind of energy. But I have to remind you that we haven't been very prepared. The No. 1 Middle School is deliberately trying to overwhelm us and has secretly made a lot of preparations.

So, during this period, you have to practice like crazy, and whoever has more will not fall off the chain. When it’s your turn to go into battle, don’t have diarrhea in the middle of the battle, which will disgrace Yangfan Middle School.”

After saying that, Gao Yi glanced at Jiang Yue and said with a smile: "Jiang Yue, you are the leader of Yangfan Middle School. How about you also share your views?"

Jiang Yue actually took these disputes of spirits very lightly.

Of course, this is not because he was born with Buddhism. It is a 220% awakening level, which is not an exaggerated figure for him.

He deliberately suppressed the last physical test. If he went all out, he could get three times the data.

Therefore, 220% may be an unattainable figure for others, but in Jiang Yue's view, it is nothing more than that and not worthy of his too much attention.

Gao Yi called his name and asked him to say a few words, but he didn't show any pretense.

"Teacher Gao, if you ask me to speak my mind, I really don't have any opinion. Whether it's from Beijing or produced by Star City, it's just starting now. The data is higher and lower, and it's far from being decided.

It’s a matter of personal destiny. So, there’s no need to care too much.”

This is not hypocritical. To say that the strange era is coming, we are really just starting now. Although the level of physical test data can determine the present, but to say that it determines fate is definitely an exaggeration.

For many people, perhaps the opportunity has not arrived, perhaps the method is wrong, and some even have not yet awakened.

The strange era has just arrived. Who can tell now how much potential each person has? Who can tell how many lurking evildoers have not awakened or been discovered?

If you laugh at the beginning, who can guarantee that you will laugh at the end?

Gao Yi stroked his palm and said: "Look at what Jiang Yue said, everyone should learn this. This is the demeanor of a general. Don't be confused by temporary success or failure, and think about problems with long-term thinking. It is rare and worthy of every student's thinking.

one time."

"However, let's put it aside for the long term. Right now, the middle school is probably determined to compete with us, compete with us, and hold an exchange competition of some kind. Jiang Yue, I have agreed, I don't care about other things.

You, you can have privileges, but you can't give up in this exchange competition. Let's learn from Yangfan to keep you in position."

"Students, do you think so?"

Mao Doudou was the first to shout: "That's necessary. Brother Yue is the representative of our Yangfan Middle School. If he doesn't participate, even if the first middle school beats us, his face will be tarnished."

"Fart, can you beat us in one shot? Are you risking your life to win?"

"That's the assumption I made. Brother Yue is related to the collective honor. When have I ever flirted with others?"

Gao Yi pressed his hands and said, "Shut up, all of you. Jiang Yue has the final say on this matter."

Jiang Yue knew that Teacher Gao Yi wanted him to express his position.

As a member of Yangfan Middle School, he really had no choice but to refuse this kind of group activity.

"Teacher Gao, I will participate in the exchange competition."

"Okay!" Gao Yi smiled and turned to Li Yue, "Classmate Li Yue, you are also a signature of our Yangfan Middle School. What do you say about the exchange competition?"

Li Yue's face turned red when her little transparent status was called out.

She looked at Jiang Yue, who happened to be looking towards her.

Li Yue's face felt hot, but she was certain in her heart and said: "Then I will also participate."

Mao Doudou was extremely surprised. Li Yue hardly participated in any group projects in her original class. She seemed to be welded to the desk every day, except for reviewing her homework.

This time he actually agreed to participate in the exchange competition. This was really big news. He couldn't help but give a thumbs up and gestured to Li Yue.

After Gao Yi left the classroom, Du Yifeng walked towards Jiang Yue with a smile on his face.

"Where have you been wandering these past few days?"

"It's a bit of a personal matter. When will you be there?" Jiang Yue asked about the trial mission they had accepted.

"We are not in a hurry. From the looks of it, it will probably be after the exchange competition, right? By the way, I saw that car parked in front of the school for several days. What's wrong? It's not easy to drive?"

"I won't need it in the past few days. Don't worry, I'll drive it away today." Since an agreement had been reached, Jiang Yue did not refuse this kind of reward.

"Go for a walk?" Du Yifeng suddenly suggested.

Jiang Yue saw that Du Yifeng seemed to have something he couldn't say in the classroom.

He smiled, stood up and walked out with Du Yifeng.

Arriving at a remote part of the campus, Du Yifeng suddenly said: "That night, when you left the Silver Lake Hotel, Xu Chunru sent you back, right?"

Jiang Yue was startled, wondering what the purpose of Du Yifeng's sudden question was.

But there is nothing to hide.

He nodded and said, "After I had negotiated with your father, I was going out and happened to run into Xu Chunru. She offered to give me a ride."

Du Yifeng smiled: "It's not necessarily a coincidence that I bumped into you. I guess Sister Ru wandered there for at least an hour just to bump into you."

Jiang Yue smiled noncommittally.

"I heard that she was still blocking you at the school gate the next day, right?" Du Yifeng showed an ambiguous smile, "Your boy's luck in love is really enviable and jealous."

"Yifeng, you really think too much."

"I definitely didn't think too much. I think Xu Chunru thought too much. She is an old cow and I'm afraid she won't be able to eat such tender grass as you."

Du Yifeng's tone was a bit ironic and a bit social.

"You called me out just to say this?" Jiang Yue was speechless.

"Of course not. Do you think I am such a superficial person? I originally wanted to remind you not to underestimate Xu Chunru. This big girl also has scheming intentions. When she approaches you, don't just think that she has a crush on you.

If you think so, I guarantee you will suffer a loss."

Jiang Yue smiled and thought, I really didn't think so.

However, there was no need to tell Du Yifeng about the deal between him and Xu Chunru. Although Jiang Yue had a piece of cake, the deal was a matter of mutual consent. As long as he could take care of these two people and earn two

The money doesn't stop anyone from coming.

Du Yifeng saw Jiang Yue disapproving and didn't say anything further.

He asked Jiang Yue to come out. The most important thing was not this. The real revelation was behind.

"I just asked you about that night, do you know why?"


"That night, something happened to the Deng family. You should remember it, right?"

"It only lasted two or three days, of course I remember it."

"Now there is a theory in the Deng family that they suspect you are the murderer. Jiang Yue, the conversation between us has been discussed here. I will not admit it afterward. Just listen to it."

"Okay, tell me." Seeing Du Yifeng's serious look, Jiang Yue knew that he might really have some inside information to say?

"I heard from reliable channels that the Deng family is investigating you and your whereabouts that night. For this purpose, they have used a large network of connections, invited many authorities, and it is said that they have also invited experts to investigate you. They want to put you

The investigation of your whereabouts that night is clear. It is said that you and Xu Chunru were together and have been investigated. They are still digging further, and it seems that you are their primary suspect in the murder of the Deng family. "

Jiang Yue was secretly surprised, the Deng family's energy was really quite big.

However, he didn't panic.

In the area where the Deng family's incident happened, the core surveillance did not include him. No matter how much investigation was carried out, it would be in vain. Without direct evidence, if you want to deal with him? At least through official channels, it will definitely not work.

Although the Deng family has great hands and eyes, they are very popular in Star City.

He, Jiang Yue, is not a vegetarian now.

Putting aside the fact that he saved Han Jingjing's life, as the leader of Star City, does her father not remember any favors?

Star City Operations Bureau, Luo Chu and Lao Han have helped them so much, don't they take care of them at all?

And the military, haven't they always wanted to win over them? How can they just sit back and watch?

Jiang Yue actually didn't want to play any of these cards.

His biggest card is himself.

There was no surveillance video of him at the scene of the incident, so there was no way to frame him.

Seeing Jiang Yue's silence, Du Yifeng felt an inexplicable fear in his heart. He secretly guessed that the murder of the Deng family was really committed by Jiang Yue, right?

If I tell this ruthless man this, will I be silenced?

Of course, this thought flashed past, and Du Yifeng quickly realized that Jiang Yue was not so impulsive and reckless.

"Jiang Yue, it's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. You have to be mentally prepared for this."

Jiang Yue smiled and said: "Yifeng, there can't be surveillance where the Jiang family's accident happened, right? There won't be witnesses at the scene, right? To be honest, let alone four or five of the Deng family's deaths, even if the Deng family is wiped out, I'm sure

I will be secretly happy. What they did is not human affairs at all. However, if you want to pour this basin of dirty water on my head, it is just a dream."

When Du Yifeng heard this, he was doubtful.

But he was very diplomatic and said nothing more. He patted Jiang Yue on the shoulder with a hint of goodwill.

"Anyway, I'm telling you this. Just have some confidence in your mind. It's okay, just don't let others plot against you."

"Okay, I know it well. But I still want to thank you for reminding me."

"Thank you, no need. Let's get together when we have time."

Somewhere in the Star City Police Station.

Xu Chunru was invited to an office and sat on a single sofa. In front of her was a long coffee table, with people sitting on both ends of the coffee table and a row of people sitting opposite the coffee table.

Looking at this formation, Xu Chunru couldn't help but frown.

"Uncle Huang, what do you mean by this?" Xu Chunru is not the kind of novice who has never seen the world. She knows that this posture looks like a conversation, but in fact it is not much different from an interrogation.

The Uncle Huang she spoke of was a leader of the police station and the one who invited her here.

"Xiao Ru, don't worry too much. I just came here to ask you a question. Uncle Huang promises that he will never let you be wronged, okay?"

"But I already feel aggrieved!" Xu Chunru muttered.

"Haha, how could it be? Come on, let me introduce to you. This is the Director of Operations Division 5 of the Star City Operations Bureau. He has just been appointed a few days ago, but he is already a big star in the future. And this is the Director of Operations.

The deputy of the Division, Deputy Division Liu. These two are members of Operations Division 5."

Star City Operations Bureau?

What does this have to do with me? Xu Chunru was confused. Being approached by these people might not be a good thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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