Chapter 0429 busy night

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 There is no doubt that Lao Hong is a bastard. Regardless of the standards of any era, anyone who always thinks about prostitutes must be a scumbag.

However, the worry about the future of the family in this sigh is real.

"Brother, I want to ask you something." Lao Hong mustered up his courage and said.

Jiang Yue wanted to refuse flatly, but considering that all current actions required the cooperation of Lao Hong, he could only nod his head: "Let's talk about it."

"We discussed the official protection of my family at noon today, right?"

"Don't you believe it?"

"Yes, I'm not sure. But if something happens to me, their orphans and widowers will definitely end up in a miserable state. So... for the sake of my full cooperation, I hope that the official can do their best to protect my family and at least take care of my daughter.

Grow up."

"If I remember correctly, your daughter is only eleven years old, right?"

"Girls are precocious, and my daughter has been taking the body-hardening liquid for a long time, so she will wake up sooner or later. Speaking of which, the authorities are not at a disadvantage. If my daughter takes the physical test, she must be a top-notch talent. If these things hadn't happened,

I am not willing to push my daughter towards the official side at all."

Jiang Yue laughed angrily: "Then you have the heart to push your daughter to your organization?"

"Then I can't bear it even more. That's why I haven't let her take the physical test. If her talent is exposed and the organization targets her, this daughter will no longer belong to me."


"The organization is trying its best to recruit all kinds of young awakened people. The younger they are, the more malleable they are."

"Since you are so comfortable in the organization, wouldn't it be a good idea to send your daughter there?"

"Haha, do you think I'm stupid? We all do stupid things. Looking at the appearance, we are actually walking a tightrope, and every step may lead to thunder. I don't want my daughter to make the same mistake again."

"You have such a realistic mentality."

To use an inappropriate analogy, when patrons come to a romantic place, they all want the girl to be as young as possible, since she is someone else’s daughter anyway.

If the same thing happened to their own daughters, they would hate it more than anyone else and resist it more than anyone else.

Lao Hong stared at Jiang Yue, his eyes full of pleading: "This is my request, can you guarantee it?"

"If that's all you ask for, I think it's no problem."

When Lao Hong saw Jiang Yue agreeing, he immediately beamed with joy.

Jiang Yue couldn't help but be a little surprised: "You are so strange. I am your enemy, and you trust me so much?"

Lao Hong smiled bitterly and said: "Now I have too many enemies. At least you are not so creepy to me. I finally feel that I can trust you. I, Lao Hong, have neither looks nor extraordinary knowledge, so why can I get along so well?"

, it depends on these eyes that see people.”

It may sound like boasting, but in fact it is actually a slap in the face.

Not to mention, Jiang Yue felt quite comfortable hearing it.

"Since you can still speak human words, I agree to this. But again, as long as you cooperate well, it would be better for you to stay and take care of them."

"I'll do my best, and I will do my best. However, can I ask you to come to my house tonight? I have a small notebook in my safe. Please give it to my wife. The password is..."

"Your wife doesn't know the password to your safe?"

"Haha, there are some things that I don't want her to know until the end. In this world, it is useless to know too much, and it is easy to have random thoughts. She has a heavy mind, and I am worried that she will not be able to sleep."

"Okay." Jiang Yue chuckled, "But at this point, I go to your house, something doesn't feel right."

"What's wrong? Aren't you pretending to be me? Doesn't that mean going back to your own home?"

"Didn't you say that your wife always urges you to pay the public salary?"

"Hey, just say you are busy and go to the study to deal with it all night. Or simply say that the company has to work overtime and leave directly. Brother, you can't take advantage of others' danger and do that kind of immoral thing."

"Hey, you know it's immoral. Why don't you consider this when you are thinking about someone else's wife and sister?"

"Hey, I'm just obsessed. But I know brother, your moral level is much higher than mine. I can accept anything, but I can't accept being cheated on..."

Is this about conditions?

This meant that if Jiang Yue fell in love with him, he would not cooperate.

Fortunately, Jiang Yue didn't have that thought, and smiled: "Come on, you are already this old. No matter how beautiful your wife is, there is only so much she can do. I'm not that hungry."

"That's not possible. You haven't seen my wife. Isn't Chen Yingxing a pretty woman? In terms of appearance and temperament, my wife is by no means inferior to her. It's just that Chen Yingxing is more coquettish."

Jiang Yue didn't have the heart to listen to him talking about this, and pushed Lao Hong's forehead casually: "Just stay well, not everyone is as dirty as you."

Before Lao Hong could react, Jiang Yue stuffed the rag back into Lao Hong's mouth and closed the cabinet door.

After leaving the room, Duoduo's mother was standing stiffly at the door of the kitchen, her hands nervously stirring on her apron. A bowl of dumplings that had just been cooked was placed on the dining table, still steaming.

"Brother... we don't have anything to eat. Let's eat a few dumplings to cushion our stomach." Duoduo's mother was a little shy and stammered in such a short sentence.

"Sister-in-law, how do you know I didn't have dinner?"

Jiang Yue was a little surprised. Looking at the steaming dumplings, his stomach really started to stir up some excitement. He went over and grabbed the chopsticks, picked one up and put it into his mouth.

"Be careful of the heat."

"It's okay...the pork stuffed with green onions is pretty good."

This year is not the age of sunshine, but having a bowl of hot dumplings is already a good treat.

Jiang Yue was not polite at all. He took one dumpling at a time, and in the blink of an eye, twenty dumplings fell into his stomach.

"Isn't it enough? Can I give you some more?"

Jiang Yue drank half a glass of water and breathed a long sigh of relief: "I'm full, I'm full."

After filling his stomach, Jiang Yue joked with Duoduo for a while, and left regardless of the children's pleas to stay.

Jiang Yue was actually a little embarrassed when he went to Lao Hong's house at this time.

But since I promised Lao Hong, I couldn't break my promise.

When he came to Lao Hong's house as Lao Hong, it was Lao Hong's wife who opened the door.

Jiang Yue's first thought when he saw the other party was that a big cabbage had been eaten by a pig.

He even couldn't understand why Lao Hong got such a gentle, beautiful and young wife into his hands.

This old Hong is quite romantic. Not only does he have a little one outside, but he also misses his wife and sister.


Lao Hong has a delicate oval-seed face, not too much pink and white. He is clearly over thirty years old, but he still retains some girlish charm in both body and temperament.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Yue felt what it means to be treated like the head of the family.

Handing over slippers, picking up home clothes, and serving tea and water, she is simply more attentive than a nanny.

Legend has it that when the eleven-year-old daughter heard the news that her father was back, she also ran out and climbed onto Jiang Yue's back very affectionately.

Fortunately, this girl has inherited most of her mother's high-quality genes, and has not inherited Lao Hong's short and fat appearance. Although she is not particularly tall at the age of eleven, she is still well-proportioned, compared with normal children of this age.

, obviously more noble than a wealthy family.

My daughter is underage, so that's fine.

The key is that Lao Hong's daughter-in-law has quite a sense of ceremony. She touches each other's faces, hugs, and kisses, making Jiang Yue neither able to refuse nor to welcome her.

He had no choice but to sneak into the study, claiming that he had official business to deal with.

Not long after he sat down in the study, a cup of hot coffee was served.

The gentle, lovely, gentle and beautiful wife put her arms around his neck from behind the chair, put her cheek against Jiang Yue's face affectionately.

From these actions, we can clearly feel that this woman is deeply dependent on Lao Hong.

I have to say that Lao Hong’s grandson is very lucky. Colorful flags are flying outside, but this man in the family is so considerate, gentle and considerate.

A gentle palm rested on his shoulder, squeezing with just the right amount of force. Although there were not many sweet words, this simple action showed a wife's thoughtfulness and concern for her husband.

This is really an unbearable tenderness.

Jiang Yue was a little embarrassed. If he continued like this, he might reach an indescribable stage before long.

Then he coughed softly and said: "I have to go out later. By the way, there is a small notebook in the safe at home, which contains some important things about our family. You can take it out and look at it, and make sure you are aware of it.

Hey, you know the password, right?"

At that moment, Jiang Yue said the password twice more.

Probably sensing Jiang Yue's low interest, Lao Hong's young wife did not pester him. She gave him a few gentle words of advice and then left in a sensible manner.

Jiang Yue sat in the study for a while, then picked up his bag and ran out as if running away.

Although the stay of Lao Hong's family was short, it had a great psychological impact on Jiang Yue.

Even if a man is a heinous person outside, in the eyes of his family, he may still be a good husband and a good father...

As cruel as he is to the world, he may be as gentle as he is at home.

Logically speaking, how could a scumbag like Lao Hong deserve to be happy? But after seeing his wife and children, Jiang Yue felt that even in the Sunshine Age, how many families could truly be said to be happier than Lao Hong?

Live in a big house, have a beautiful wife, well-behaved children, accumulate wealth, and have a high social status.

Those honest people who adhere to the bottom line of morality and the bottom line of life principles for decades may still be crowded in a small house with a few dozen square meters. Even their wives may not be able to keep it, and their children may not think highly of this father...

Just like in Star City now, the most decent Star City official is now the most passive among all the forces in Star City.

Who can I talk to to reason with you?

The cool night breeze blew across Jiang Yue's cheeks, dispersing Jiang Yue's complicated emotions.

Jiang Yue came all the way to the action bureau.

The late night visit obviously surprised Luo Chu.

Seeing the cigarette butts in the ashtray in front of Luo Chu's desk, the smell of second-hand smoke filling the room, and Luo Chu's sunken eye sockets, Jiang Yue sighed secretly.

These are all respectable devotees, but in this world, how many people can understand and cherish their efforts?

"Luo Chu, you have to take it easy. I know you are a tough guy, but you can't stand the torture day and night. You have to rest when you should. Even if you work 24 hours a day, you still can't finish things. Tell me, please

Keeping your mind clear is more important than anything else."

"You've started preaching to me, but I haven't seen you any less busy than me. Do you have any good news in the middle of the night? Come and let me know. I really need good news to boost my morale."

"There must be some good news. I have found out some clues about this organization. Here are some materials. Take a look."

Luo Chu's eyes lit up and he quickly opened the material and looked through it.

After a while, Luo Chu's expression became richer. The more he looked at him, the more seriously he looked, and his expression became more and more serious.

It took him a long time to read it once, and then quickly flip through it a second time.

After reading it for the second time, Luo Chucai put down the material and said in surprise: "Xiao Jiang, in just one day, you investigated so many clues?"

"These clues are 100% reliable, but these alone are not enough."

"Isn't this enough? Let me tell you, first arrest all these traitors, and then follow the list to hunt down the key members of that force. Cutting off some of the tentacles of this force can be considered a blow, right?"

"What's the use of cutting off a few tentacles? They can grow back easily. If you cut off the roots without removing the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows. It's useless to deal with these branches and leaves."

"Don't you have a list of five-star bosses?"

"There is a list, but I have no idea about the activities of these people or where their daily strongholds are. Didn't you see? They have more than 600 dens in Star City, large and small. Even if you wipe out dozens

It's just a small trauma to them, it can't damage their muscles or bones."

Luo Chu slowly calmed down from his excitement and agreed with Jiang Yue's statement.

Small fights don't mean much.

"If this is the case, those traitorous spies cannot be touched. I am familiar with many of the names on the list, but there are a few that I never expected. Their thick eyebrows and big eyes actually betrayed the officialdom and were willing to become thieves!"

"Frankly speaking, in the face of strange times, the official response is indeed too slow. No wonder people have penetrated so deeply."

Luo Chujing could not refute this point. Facts have proved that the official performance during this period was indeed unflattering and almost passive at every step.

"By the way, where is Lao Han?"

"The leader is rushing back to Star City tonight, and Old Han is going to take care of it himself. Of course, it's all done in secret. To the outside world, I mean he's on a mission. The release of your list makes me even more unsure about how I feel.

There are thunders everywhere, and everyone may be a traitor?"

Is the leader coming back?

Although this was a matter that had been discussed, Jiang Yue did not expect that the governor would respond in such a timely manner.

It seems that he is still sneaking back secretly, not intending to alert the enemy, but to catch the opponent by surprise?

It's a good thing to have this vigilance, at least it proves that they have learned a profound lesson from the loss they suffered last time.

"Luo Chu, there is another thorny issue that you may not even know about yet."


"In addition to this organization, there is another force in Star City. At first, I thought it was an official backstabbing, but later I found out that she neither belonged to the official nor was she aligned with the organization. Moreover, she also controlled quite a lot of people.

Extraordinary power... Luo Chu, have you noticed that in comparison, the one who is most miserable now is your Star City Operations Bureau..."

This chapter has been completed!
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