Chapter 0486 people blocking the way

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 If he only made choices based on his emotions, Officer Ji would never hesitate for half a second.

But there was always a rational voice in his head reminding him not to be impulsive.

Impulse will bring unpredictable consequences, and no matter how you look at it, it may not end well.

Luo Chu seemed to have expected that Officer Ji would not have the courage. He jumped into the car neatly and did not forget to give Officer Ji a playful smile.

"Lao Ji, hasn't Xie Fuzheng always been thinking about this hospital? Let's consider it handed over now. But don't blame me for not reminding you, the things inside are evil, you have to take it easy."

These words are definitely not murderous, but the insult is still obvious.

Officer Ji punched him so hard that the poor hood immediately dented a hole.

Although the deputies were very angry and couldn't bear to see Luo Chu's success, they still did not dare to make decisions for Officer Ji.

In the car, Jiang Yue gave Luo Chu a thumbs up.

"Okay, Luo Chu, does this count as an occasional appearance today?"

Luo Chu slowly blew out a puff of smoke: "I've been holding on to this breath for a long time. Xiao Jiang, you don't know how arrogant those people under Xie Fuzheng have been recently, relying on Xie Fuzheng's momentum."

Although Jiang Yue didn't know much about the inside story, conflicts over material control and various majors were happening everywhere these days.

Things like what happened in Duoduo Ma's store can be said to be happening all the time.

Otherwise, where did the various traders at the grain trading station get their supplies?

The situation has reached this point and is actually in a semi-out of control state. It cannot be reversed by any one person. Jiang Yue can only turn a blind eye most of the time.

The leading car of the convoy suddenly stopped, followed by the entire convoy.

"What happened?" Luo Chu's expression changed, and he instinctively wanted to open the door and get out of the car to check, but Jiang Yue grabbed him.

"Don't go down."

Jiang Yue reminded in a low voice.

The intercom quickly reported the situation ahead.

"Luo Chu, there is a person thirty meters ahead."

"This man has his back to us and can't see clearly what's going on. He has a weapon on his shoulder. He is highly suspected to be a dangerous person and he is coming towards us."

"The weapon is highly suspicious of a broadsword, analysis completed."

"Report to Luo Chu, the fire lock on the target has been completed, please give instructions on the next step."

Luo Chu pondered for a moment: "Blow the whistle to remind him to give way. If he doesn't give way, you can shoot as a warning. If he makes the next move, he is allowed to be shot to death."

Jiang Yue didn't say anything. This was a convoy belonging to the Action Bureau. After all, he was just an outsider. He couldn't do anything for Luo Chu, let alone make decisions for Luo Chu.

He just calmly used his borrowing skills to observe the uninvited guests on the road ahead through the perspective of the driver of the vehicle in the front of the convoy.

There are only two possibilities for blocking the road with a big knife at night.

First, this person is insane and mentally ill. Second, the other person is not kind.

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the latter is more likely.

The vehicles in the front row of the motorcade began to honk their horns three times in a row. The man remained motionless, as if a metal statue made of copper and iron was welded in place.

If his wild hair hadn't been messy in the wind, maybe someone would have thought that this was a statue being carried on the street, right?

The whistle is invalid.

A team member took out a megaphone, put his head out of the car window, and shouted: "People in front of you, please pay attention, this is the Operations Bureau performing official duties, give way immediately, give way immediately."

The man still didn't react at all, as if he was really a clay sculpture.

The team member who shouted was also angry: "Warn again, warn again, if you don't retreat, we have the right to take all necessary measures, and you will be responsible for the consequences!"

This is already a very serious warning. If you are a normal person, you should get out of the way by now.

Of course, everyone in the action bureau has already concluded that this person is here to cause trouble.

However, the Operations Bureau is an official unit after all, and all actions are disciplined and have a set of relatively standard procedures.

If there is an emergency, it is not impossible to do something extraordinary without following the procedures or omitting the procedures.

But the current situation seems to have not yet reached the point where you can directly pass all programs.

The team member who shouted saw that the other party was still indifferent, and became angry.

He took out his gun and fired three shots into the night sky.

"Last warning, final warning. If you don't get out of the way, you will be regarded as an evil monster, and we will use all means to annihilate it."

At this moment, the man's figure suddenly moved.

His movement was as fast as a ghost. His arm swayed, and the sword on his shoulder was swung in the air.


Amidst the impact, a spark flashed out.

The bullet fired by the team member actually collided with his sword through an unknown angle, and then disappeared into the void.

When Jiang Yue saw this, he secretly yelled something bad.

Almost at the same time, the team member who fired the warning shot let out a scream, and the entire arm that was sticking out of the window was forcibly removed, and the flesh and blood shot out everywhere, including the windshield and the hood.

There was blood everywhere on the car window.

An arm fell off from the arm, and was actually shot off by the bullet that was deflected back.

The bullet's residual impact was not completely eliminated, and it shot into the front tire of the second car with a pop, immediately blowing the tire.

The car shook violently, causing a cry of surprise.

Luo Chu spoke into the intercom to give the order to fire.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Yue quickly stopped him.

"Luo Chu, this guy is not good. Don't shoot yet. This guy has the ability to reflect bullets back."

If you have the ability to bounce bullets back, then for the Action Bureau, firing means that you may be shooting at yourself.

The firepower may eventually be directed towards you.

Luo Chu knew that Jiang Yue would not speak freely. Since he made such a judgment, he must have a reason.

Although under the intensive firepower, Luo Chu felt that the opponent might not be able to bounce all the bullets back, but what if the opponent had this ability?

Without any protective measures, the vehicles in front will have to withstand this intensive firepower. Once this happens, the losses will be terrible.

Luo Chu couldn't afford to gamble.

"Everyone listen to my command, don't shoot yet, don't shoot yet."

At this moment, the man in the middle of the road raised his arm and slashed down the middle of the road with the big knife in his hand.

A crack several meters long suddenly appeared on the ground.

Another knife.

The cracks became significantly larger.

If it were struck with this momentum and struck seven or eight times, the crack would open up a big hole. It would be difficult for the convoy to pass. Even tanks and armored vehicles would have difficulty passing.

"I'll go down and take a look."

Jiang Yue had been observing for so long, and he had more or less made some judgments in his mind.

I jumped out of the car and landed at the front of the convoy.

Although the man's back was turned to this side, he seemed to have eyes behind his back. When he knew someone had appeared on the road, he stopped chopping with his hands.

The two of them were twenty or thirty meters apart.

With Jiang Yue's speed, he could rush to the opponent in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, Jiang Yue was more dignified than ever before.

Every step he took, every pore in his body was on high alert.

Although the man opposite him never turned around, he stood with his back in the darkness, as if he was surrounded by countless dangers.

Jiang Yue could feel that the other party was a human being, not a monster, not an evil spirit, not a ghost, but an out-and-out human being.

Since the strange era, there have been very few humans who can make Jiang Yue feel threatened.

But at this moment, Jiang Yue clearly felt the danger signal emanating from this person.

Jiang Yue gently held the tiger symbol in his hand.

As long as the opponent makes the slightest move or sends out the slightest signal to attack, he will activate the tiger symbol without hesitation.

It wasn't Jiang Yuegou, but the opponent had a weapon in his hand. Jiang Yue would not be stupid enough to fight the opponent with bare hands.

The opponent's big sword didn't seem to be anything special, but it could actually block bullets, reflect accurately, and not be damaged at all.

What does this mean?

It shows that this sword is definitely not made of ordinary metal.

In the words of the novel, this is a magical weapon.

When Jiang Yue approached to a distance of fifteen meters, the man slowly turned around.

Underneath the flying hair, there is a face that is stiff and stiff, and the facial features can hardly be seen clearly, and the face is vague.

Jiang Yue immediately judged that the other party was wearing a mask.

He goes out late at night and wears a mask.

No matter how he looked at Jiang Yue, he felt that the other party was showing off.

The man's throat was dry and hoarse, and his voice was as deep as if he had just crawled out of the grave.

"Are you that Jiang Yue?"

know me?

Jiang Yue's first reaction was surprise.

But he was relieved immediately.

Since the opponent is a human being and he dares to openly intercept the Action Bureau's convoy on the street, he must have a lot of background.

Even Jiang Yue could guess who sent the other party.

"Since you know me, why do you still wear a mask and pinch your throat on purpose? Are you so shameless?" Jiang Yue sarcastically asked.

The expression on the man's face was still dull, as if Jiang Yue's sarcasm didn't stir up the slightest emotion in him.

"Someone entrusted me to take your head."

The man stretched his arms, held the sword across his mouth, and blew lightly, his expression showing a kind of self-admiration and intoxication.

It was as if this knife was his lover and there was some tacit understanding with him.

Jiang Yue laughed: "There are many people who want my head, so you are jumping in line."

"Three swords, I will only use three swords. If you can dodge my three swords and survive, I will let you go today."

"If you can't avoid it, the winner will take all, your head will be kept, and all the belongings of the team will be kept."

After Jiang Yue heard this, he chuckled and couldn't help laughing.

The man seemed a little unhappy: "Why are you laughing? Is this funny?"

"I guess you are not very old. Why do these words sound so funny?"

"It's good that you want to provoke me. It shows that you are very courageous and that you are my favorite opponent."

The man probably also realized that talking too much will lead to mistakes. His arms suddenly exerted their strength, and the muscles all over his body swelled with a powerful force, condensed in his arms.

At this moment, the broadsword seemed to be integrated into the opponent's arm, like an arm using fingers.

When Jiang Yue saw this, he didn't hesitate at all.

The Tiger Shape and Meaning Talisman was quickly activated, a golden light emerged, and the Tiger Shape and Meaning suddenly came to life. The colorful giant tiger rushed towards the opposite side with a golden light and a majestic force that overwhelms the world.

This scene obviously shocked the other party, and even the operations bureau let out a series of exclamations, apparently shocked by Jiang Yue's move.

This giant tiger is obviously much larger than any existing tiger. In terms of size and power, it is more like a species from ancient times.

Almost at the same time, the man brandished a big sword, and his messy long hair was completely lifted up by the wind because of his speed. Like a ferocious lion, he reduced simplicity to complexity, and struck Jiang Yue with a simple sword.


The golden tiger that rushed out made a tiger leap, slapped its two front paws in the air, and accurately clamped the big knife.

It's like a lion's sword striking, or an ancient giant tiger's striking.

This is a collision of absolute power and speed.

The violent collision and the aroused power sent flying sand and rocks all over the ground.

It's hard to tell the difference.

The opponent pulled back hard, trying to seize the opportunity.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yue, a fierce tiger, was not taking things easy.

Before the opponent's second strike was fully activated, his waist and hips twisted violently, and the tiger's tail like an iron whip swiped hard at the opponent's wrist.

This sweep made a whirring sound, and it was obviously very powerful. If the sweep hit, it would definitely paralyze both of his arms on the spot.

The man knew that the opportunity was lost, and even if he turned around and counterattacked, at most, both sides would suffer losses.

Losing both sides is definitely not the outcome he wants, nor is it an outcome he can accept.

After all, he is made of flesh and blood, and if his two arms are disabled, he will definitely not be able to afford the injury. Even if he can recover given time, he will still be taking a huge risk.

The opponent, on the other hand, does not even seem to be a real life form. Both sides suffer losses, which is equivalent to suffering a loss.

In the flash of lightning, the man made a decision. He kicked off his legs and quickly fired backwards. The knife faced forward to protect himself. With the help of the opponent's sweeping force, he could barely sweep the knife to form a huge wave.

The force pushed him out more than ten meters.

Judging from his momentum, he was now at a disadvantage.

The eyes behind this man's mask shone with surprise, staring at the golden tiger whose power was still unabated from a distance, and then looked at Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue looked calm: "Isn't it three swords?"

The man said calmly: "Relying on external force is not a skill. Can't you just fight with me openly?"

Jiang Yue laughed dumbly: "Is that a toy knife in your hand?"

The man was speechless and snorted: "You can also use weapons."

Jiang Yue glanced at the Golden Tiger and said leisurely: "I have already used it."

"You call this a weapon?" The man obviously thought Jiang Yue was too shameless.

"Then what do you think a weapon is? Who stipulates that weapons must be used to dance with swords and guns?"

Jiang Yue actually has weapons, but he hasn't used his ancestral sword pill yet.

The sword pill consumed too much energy, so Jiang Yue didn't want to use it. At least on this occasion, he didn't want to use the sword pill.

This chapter has been completed!
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