Chapter 0050 The real murderer appears?

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 Luo Chu’s authority is no better than that of Lao Han.

The authority of his department is extremely high. Even personnel on the hidden front and even relatives of top dignitaries can be found in their internal highest system.

Anyone who cannot be found in his system must have a terrifyingly high level or be a shady person, and there is no information about this person at all.

Lao Han was usually despised by Luo Chu, and he should have said a few sarcastic words at this time, but things were so weird that he was not even in the mood to retaliate.

On the contrary, Jiang Yue was relatively calm and didn't even feel strange at all.

"Xiao Jiang, judging from your reaction, it seems that you have expected it?"

"Actually, you should be able to guess it. Just imagine, since he can imitate Teacher Sun, why can't he fabricate a face out of thin air? Why can you easily find him?"



Year-eating people can use the age-eating skills to make themselves younger and avoid surveillance.

So why did this monster allow surveillance to find him so easily?

He can be A today, B tomorrow, and C the day after tomorrow...

"According to this, even surveillance cannot target him. Is there nothing we can do against such a monster?" Lao Han, an old criminal detective, was completely confused.

"That's not necessarily the case."

"There is always a way. You see, he appears twice, both in the same form. This shows that he may not change into a new appearance every time he appears. Maybe, we can check the real-time monitoring and see him in this form

, will it appear again?”

"You can also use surveillance to see if the same person appears in different places at similar times."

"In addition, there is another way. We can take the initiative. This monster obviously likes to attack young women. To deal with this, we can even lay bait."

monitoring room!

Several people came to the monitoring room. Old Han Liang's identity was very good and he took over the monitoring room smoothly.

The security guard also enjoyed his leisure time and went outside to smoke a cigarette.

To the disappointment of Luo Chu and Lao Han, the figure did not appear again during the surveillance. It was not known whether it was because they were not dispatched today, or because they became vigilant and changed their form.

Jiang Yue did not watch the replays with them, but stared at the real-time monitoring.

"Sangou, in the surveillance, can you see any difference between them?"

Sangou wanted to show off his skills and prove how incredible his abilities were, but after watching it for a long time, he still shook his head honestly.

"Everyone looks the same on the surveillance camera, including the same two people, and there is no difference."

"Then how did you judge that day?"

"After close contact, the aura on the person's body was a little different. The next time I looked at him, the aura on that person's body was even colder. There seemed to be a faint mist. It was dark, so I'm not sure."

"So, even if the monster appears on the video, you can't see it?"

"Second brother, I feel that my yin and yang eyes are more confident in seeing those evil spirits. Last time I saw Tangtou in Dajin Mountain, the people on the bus in the town, and the evil spirit who went to Xiaoyi's house to run wild.

Spirit. I can see these things clearly. I may not be able to see through the year-eaters you mentioned."

"You've never seen a year-eater."

"I've never seen it. But I sat in the seat where the Year Eater sat, and I didn't find anything wrong with it." Sangou was talking about the taxi.

After being reminded like this by Sangou, it seems that this is really the case.

Are there different types of monsters?

The two of them chatted together, but Jiang Yue never took his eyes off the surveillance camera.

"The security guards in the community are very responsible. The security guard in the monitoring room said he was going out to smoke a cigarette, but he actually patrolled everywhere. Look at the entrance to the parking lot, is it him?"

Jiang Yue pointed to a certain surveillance video grid, and the security guard walked into the underground parking lot with a flashlight.

"Second brother, what's so strange about this? Murder cases happen every day in the community, so the property management company is also afraid, right?"

"It would be strange if you weren't afraid!"

The two of them stared at the screen. It was not too late at this point, and there were still many people coming in and out of the community. However, after several murders, the owners had obviously become more vigilant, and they came and went in groups.

There are almost no lonely figures.

The two brothers stared until their eyes were tired, but they still gained nothing.

The security guard probably patrolled a circle and returned to the control room. Seeing that they were still there, he didn't say anything. He picked up a thick pirated novel next to him, then picked up the flashlight on the table and dragged it out.

A deck chair, lying in the corner and reading a novel.

This action is quite ordinary.

Jiang Yue frowned.

After whispering a few words in Sangou's ear, Sangou turned around, looked at the security guard a few times, then approached him, laughed and exchanged a few words, and asked him what novel he was reading.

The two talked and laughed, and actually discussed the content of the novel.

After a while, Sangou returned to Jiang Yue and whispered: "Brother, I don't see anything wrong with him. He is a normal person, without that cold aura, and he is definitely not a monster."

Jiang Yue was just guessing and had no concrete evidence. After the security guard came in just now, he always felt that something was wrong.

That's why I asked Sangou to test it out.

The result of the three-dog test was that there was no problem.

But Jiang Yue's feeling that something was wrong did not dispel.

There must still be a problem!

Jiang Yue has always believed in intuition. As long as he has this feeling, there is probably something wrong that has not been noticed.

What's the problem?

As if replaying in his mind, Jiang Yue reorganized the timeline from when the security guard went out to when he came back.


Jiang Yue's heart skipped a beat as he discovered a subtle problem!


In the surveillance just now, the security guard clearly entered the underground parking lot with a flashlight.

Why did you come back empty-handed?

The security guard just now obviously picked up the novel first and then picked up the flashlight on the table.

In other words, the flashlight on the table has always been there before!

"Master, how many flashlights do your security guards have when patrolling at night?"

"How many? You're overthinking, just one." The security guard was immersed in the plot of the novel and didn't even raise his head.

"Then when you went to the underground parking lot just now, did you borrow someone else's flashlight?"

"Are you talking about me?" The security guard was startled, put down the book in his hand, and looked at Jiang Yue blankly.

"If not you, who else?"

"I didn't go to the underground parking lot. I just smoked a cigarette outside, met several property owners, and listened to their chat outside. Some people said that our community is haunted these days!"

Jiang Yue's heart moved.

"So, did you meet any strange people just now? For example, someone you didn't recognize, or someone who didn't say a word?"

"You said it, it seems like there really is one. He walks slowly and slowly. I don't think I've ever seen him in the community."

"Is there surveillance where you saw him?"

"Surveillance cannot cover everything."

Luo Chu and Lao Han also stopped what they were doing and looked at Jiang Yue without knowing why.

"Go quickly! Underground parking lot!"

If the security guard had not gone to the underground parking lot before, then who had gone there? Who had been seen in the previous surveillance?


Appeared again!

This time, I was imitating a security guard!

From this point of view, the target of this monster is most likely to be random!

Lao Luo took out his mobile phone and issued an order: "Lock all exits of all underground parking lots. If you see people wearing security uniforms, control them first."

Han Yiming also gave the same instructions.

Sure enough, for this series of serial murders, it was impossible for them to act alone, as they secretly arranged many people.

Simply guarding the pedestrian exit is definitely not enough.

The passages below the parking lot extend in all directions and can directly reach the elevator entrances of each unit in each building.

"Luo Chu, Lao Han, let your people be more natural and don't startle others."

Whether it is the Year Eater or this monster who imitates other people's crimes, instinct has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability.

If the person being followed reveals a flaw, he or she may be alerted.

What's the use of just staring at someone in a security uniform? This monster can obviously change the appearance of other people.

"One of you will stay here and keep an eye on the surveillance camera, and keep track of each other's specific location at any time."

"Xiao Jiang, why don't you stay here and watch the surveillance?" Lao Han asked tentatively.

"Are you more confident than me in dealing with these monsters?" Jiang Yue rolled his eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense, Old Han, you stay. Or call someone to replace you." Luo Chu directly used his level to crush Han Yiming.

Although Lao Han was reluctant, he had nothing to do.

He could only watch as Luo Chu took Jiang Yue and Sangou to take a shortcut and walked towards the underground parking lot.

He quickly took out his mobile phone: "Someone comes to the monitoring room and keeps an eye on the surveillance for me. There are latest developments in the case and they must be in place within three minutes!"

In the case of the year-eaters, Lao Han personally participated in the case and handled it very beautifully. He received great praise from his superiors and made Lao Han really shine.

Subsequently, this monster caused so many murders in a row. Not only did it completely strip away the halo of Old Han, but it also stepped on him several times, putting him under tremendous pressure.

Therefore, Lao Han did not want to be left behind in this case.

We cannot let the special departments take away all the benefits.

Once Luo Chu was asked to do this, he would not even leave a mouthful of soup for him due to the special department's urine.

This chapter has been completed!
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