Chapter 0615 The back road of the deputy general manager

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 According to the exaggerated plots of many film and television dramas, you will generally observe all the buttons to see which ones are more worn, and you can basically try to figure out the password.

The real situation was obviously not that easy. Jiang Yue scanned all the keys and could not see any keys that were particularly worn.

Jiang Yue suddenly remembered that he had swept through Deputy General Manager Wan's belongings. Maybe he could check the birthday on his ID card?

Many people like to use their birthday as a password, maybe you can give it a try.

Jiang Yue did what he said, took out his ID card and pressed it against it.

The result is frustrating, it's not the password at all.

He simply stopped trying, called the female secretary in, and first deliberately asked a few questions about the previous materials.

Then he said without leaving a trace: "There is some material in the safe, go and get it."

The female secretary nodded naturally, walked to the safe skillfully, clicked a few times, and the safe opened smoothly.

Immediately, she naturally pulled out a document bag from the safe.

"Manager, is this the one?"

Jiang Yue's heart skipped a beat, and he was secretly surprised.

He just said it casually, with the attitude of giving it a try. He had no hope of success.

He even thought that for a person like Deputy General Manager Wan, how could he let a secretary know the password to the safe?

So, deep down, Jiang Yue actually didn't have any hope.

Unexpectedly, this woman not only knew the password to the safe, but also took out a document bag.

In other words, Jiang Yue's so-called piece of information that he casually told was actually correct inexplicably.

There was actually such a piece of information in the safe, and the female secretary knew about it.

So, the importance of this material is self-evident.

Jiang Yue pushed away his chair and walked to the safe.

The female secretary held the document with a very complicated expression on her face.

"Manager, how come we suddenly need to use this material? Hasn't the situation always been very favorable to us?" the female secretary asked in confusion, her beautiful face full of surprise.

Jiang Yue was shocked again when he heard this.

Sure enough, this document is probably not simple.

At that moment, he took the document calmly, rubbed his forehead gently, and pretended to be overwhelmed.

"The situation is not that bad, but at this time, we must be prepared." Jiang Yue was vague.

Hearing this, the female secretary nodded thoughtfully and reached out to close the safe.

Jiang Yue motioned to her not to close it, as he had other things to deal with.

The female secretary was very obedient and did not doubt the existence of it. She stepped aside very obediently.

Jiang Yue glanced at her and wanted to send her out, but sending the other person out at this time seemed a little too deliberate. It seemed that he was just asking someone to come in and open a safe. Don't arouse the other party's suspicion.

Immediately, he swallowed his words and started searching in the safe.

The safe has three floors. The bottom floor is the most spacious and contains weapons and ammunition.

There was only one box on the first floor of the safe. The box was opened slightly, and inside were two objects that were larger than glass marbles. Jiang Yue recognized them at a glance as two magic pills.

In addition, there are stacks of large banknotes on the middle floor, both domestic and foreign currencies, all with the highest denominations, several stacks of gold nuggets, and a pile of jewelry, watches and other assets.

Of course, there were two cards from overseas banks. Although Jiang Yue didn't know much about these, there was no doubt that these were not ordinary cards, and the amount inside was certainly not small.

For a high-ranking official like Wan Ren, it is not an exaggeration at all to have these things in the safe.

Compared with what Jiang Yue saw before in that mental hospital, Deputy General Manager Wan was completely insignificant.

Putting aside those two cards, the piles of cash and those jewelry would only last eight figures.

If these were all the hidden assets of Deputy General Manager Wan, then Jiang Yue felt that even if this official was not an honest official, he was not particularly greedy.

Of course, Jiang Yue didn't believe that this old guy had anything to do with it.

The so-called cunning rabbit has three dens, and the office may be just one of them.

Jiang Yue is not from the anti-corruption department and has no intention of studying these matters.

On the other hand, when the female secretary on the side saw him taking inventory of the contents in the safe, her expression was somewhat complicated, revealing a bit of confusion and worry.

Jiang Yue could even feel that this woman wanted to speak several times, but due to Wan's usual pressure, she did not dare to speak.

Except for the document in hand, there is no other document in the safe.

Jiang Yue secretly called it a fluke, and he just said it casually. Who would have expected that there was really a piece of information here.

This is really a stroke of luck.

He didn't close the safe, took the documents, returned to the desk, sat down, and turned around to motion for the female secretary to come over.

The secretary was also obedient and walked over tamely.

But her next move almost shocked Jiang Yue.

She actually put a hand around Jiang Yue's neck, leaned her head close to him, and kissed Jiang Yue cheek to cheek.

"Manager, are you hiding something from me?"

Completely different from the previous seriousness, this sentence is as verbose as you want.

Such an intimate gesture and such an ambiguous tone basically illustrate the relationship here.

Even though this woman was dressed in dignified work clothes, she actually had a different kind of charm. She hugged Jiang Yue behind her head and pressed her chest against Jiang Yue's shoulders, which made Jiang Yue almost confused for a moment.


Trying to calm down, he patted the other person's hand and said, "Get up and talk first."

But the other party shook his body coquettishly: "No, please tell me what happened first."

"stand up."

Jiang Yue didn't want to be a bad person, so he had no choice but to shout with a grimace.

Sure enough, turning against someone is the most effective.

The female secretary was really startled, jumped up in a hurry, backed away in horror, hurriedly arranging her clothes and hair, and then stood timidly aside like a student who had made a mistake, her little eyes full of fear and panic.

Apparently he was frightened.

In fact, Jiang Yue's tone was not that scary, but his voice was a little louder.

What really scared the other party was not his volume, but Wan's normal authority.

Seeing the other party's helpless look, Jiang Yue also secretly sighed, how cruel is this Wan person in normal times? Even his close female secretary is so trembling?

"Manager, did I do something wrong?" the female secretary asked cautiously with tears in her eyes.

Jiang Yue was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "Don't think too much, I'm in a bad mood."

The female secretary finally breathed a sigh of relief and came over to please her. This time she was much more honest.

He gently kneaded Jiang Yue's shoulders and neck with his hands: "Manager, you have been under too much pressure during this period. You haven't even had a good rest. It makes people feel bad."

With such a considerate secretary, it’s no wonder that he is so close to her that he even gives her the password to the safe for safekeeping.

At this time, Jiang Yue couldn't say anything.

With the close relationship between these two people, if they interrupt each other rudely again, I'm afraid this woman will become more suspicious.

At the moment, I just let the other person massage me and just kept silent.

The female secretary asked cautiously: "Manager, didn't you say that this material will not be used until the last step? Are we really going to make the last step?"

The material was in Jiang Yue's hand, but Jiang Yue hadn't had time to open it yet.

Hearing her mention it repeatedly, his curiosity was aroused.

At that moment, he simply opened the document bag without leaving any trace and took out a few thin sheets of materials inside.

Jiang Yue turned over it a little and understood it immediately.

This is not official material at all, but a way out that Deputy General Manager Wan left for himself.

Once things fail in Star City, how to escape, what route, how to arrange it, and who to contact are all clearly outlined here.

Moreover, it also mentioned several strongholds, covering almost every detail about the supplies in the strongholds, so detailed that Jiang Yue found it incredible.

On the last page of the material, there are some names and contact information. Judging from this meaning, they should be the protective umbrella behind the scenes of Deputy General Manager Wan, a higher-level backer?

Of course, this is just Jiang Yue's guess.

Because this page mentions some obscure things, it seems to refer to the interests between Deputy General Manager Wan and these names. Jiang Yue is not a party after all. It is difficult to understand 100% of some simplified and omitted information, so we can only rely on guessing.


However, there is no doubt that this is a piece of material that will pave the way forward.

Good guy, this old guy has indeed left himself plenty of backup options.

Just looking at the supplies at each stronghold, even if his family were allowed to hide for five or ten years, they would still be very wealthy.

While Jiang Yue was reading these materials, he could clearly feel that the female secretary behind him had paused in her skills, indicating that the other party's emotions were also very unstable.

He immediately understood why the female secretary asked questions twice and why this material was used?

It's no wonder that the female secretary is suspicious. On the surface, the current situation is very beneficial to Deputy General Manager Wan and the others. It is almost a matter of time before they control the situation in Star City.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to use this thing.

That's why the female secretary feels frightened.

This is a fallback, but if you really use this fallback, this thing is equivalent to a spell.

No one wants to use it, no one wants to get to this point.

Jiang Yue calmly put the materials back and said calmly: "Don't worry too much. As I said before, we have to make multiple preparations and take precautions. The current situation is very favorable to us, and the victory is likely to be ours."


Since this woman was suspicious, Jiang Yue naturally wanted to stabilize her.

However, once a woman's doubts arise, they cannot be dispelled in a few words.

"Manager, I see that you are worried. Is it because of the loss of contact with Mr. Yiming?"

Jiang Yue's face darkened: "Is this what you should ask?"

I thought the female secretary would give up and stop asking questions.

Unexpectedly, the other party only paused briefly, but his tone was unusually stiff.

"Do you think I want to ask? This man of yours is so bold that he even dares to make plans for his father's woman. I'm worried that he is too courageous..."

When the female secretary said this, she took the initiative to stop.

Obviously, what she said next might be too offensive, and she didn't dare to say it after all.

However, Jiang Yue was really startled when he heard this.

What does it mean?

Do all my women have ideas?

Could it be that she is talking about herself?

Boy, this is really a huge amount of information.

Deputy General Manager Wan is an old pervert, and what if Ming is a pervert? It’s just that the father and son have the same interests. Who would have thought that the pervert would dare to touch his father’s forbidden pet?

This courage is indeed not small.

Seeing Jiang Yue's silence, the female secretary didn't know whether it was a show or really sad, so she started sobbing softly.

"I knew you had no principles at all when it came to your precious son. He bullied me, but you didn't even say you would make the decision for me."

"How do you want me to make the decision? Kill him with one shot?"

"How dare I? Isn't it okay if you only need to take care of him? If he really succeeds, if I get pregnant one day, will it be yours or his?"


The scale was so big that Jiang Yue didn't know how to handle it for a while.

"This matter, I'll give him a hard lesson later, so don't worry about it." Jiang Yue had no choice but to comfort him.

"Manager, is he causing trouble for you? It's so good. Why did you find this material? I still feel uneasy."

"I'm not down-to-earth, why aren't you down-to-earth? Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid."

"Okay, don't be afraid. Victory will be yours soon. Just wait for the good news."

Jiang Yue said and handed the material back.

"Put it back. This is our retreat. There is no harm in taking a look. Be prepared for danger in times of peace and don't be dazzled by the upcoming victory. Only then can you stay calm."

The female secretary burst into tears and smiled, obediently taking the document bag over.

"Here you are greeting me, put more pressure on Xie Fuzheng and the others, don't let them be lazy."

Jiang Yue got all his information and basically did what he needed to do, so naturally he didn't want to stay here for a long time.

He must pass on this information as soon as possible and then wait for the opportunity to act.

If the president came back and wanted to meet with him, the "vice general manager," he wouldn't mind meeting this mysterious behind-the-scenes boss.

Jiang Yue was indeed very curious about the person whose ability surpassed that of four five-star big men. What kind of person was he that could make several five-star big men obey his orders?

I have dealt with Big Boss Canghai, Big Boss Xiaoshan, and Jiang Yue, and any one of them can be considered an outstanding figure.

To be able to take orders from this mysterious CEO, this person is definitely not an ordinary person.

After walking out of the door, Jiang Yue called Lao Kang aside and warned: "Keep an eye on her, don't show any traces, and don't let her know."

Director Kang was inexplicably surprised. This female secretary was the boss's pet peeve. What did it mean to ask him to stare at her now?

Falling out of favor?

"Lao Kang, you have been with me the longest. No matter what, you are the person I trust the most."

Director Kang suddenly felt as if he had been given a shot of blood: "Manager, I know how to do it."

Jiang Yue was secretly amused. Dogs biting dogs in the other camp was what he wanted to see most.

For someone like Lao Kang, if you give him a little signal, he will definitely work extremely hard.

This chapter has been completed!
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