Chapter 0799 The secret of the laboratory building

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Luo Siying knew very well that as long as she moved forward and reported Yu Siyuan, this would definitely be the best choice for her.

At least this choice can put herself in an invincible position. Even if things get out of hand in the end, she will definitely not be held accountable if she reports it successfully.

Even if Yu Siyuan tops the cylinder, in exchange, Xiao Ji and others may be saved, and they can avoid death with great certainty.

The only one who needs to be sacrificed is Yu Siyuan.

As long as Luo Siying walks out of the office, goes to Hang Changgeng and reports the matter, she can put herself in the best position.

But Luo Siying still couldn't take this step.

What Yu Siyuan just said was like a magical spell, lingering in her mind and lingering.

She could not forget what Yu Siyuan said, nor could she forget Yu Siyuan's determined expression when he said those words.

If it wasn't for absolute trust, Yu Siyuan would never have been able to say that.

Luo Siying and Yu Siyuan also have a close friendship and know Yu Siyuan very well.

This girl who looks quiet is actually very independent and has her own set of standards for distinguishing right from wrong. She will never follow the crowd or blindly follow others in the face of big issues.

To a certain extent, Luo Siying actually admires Yu Siyuan very much.

With Kuang Jinlong's current status in Star City University, Yu Siyuan could say no to him without any pretense and would rather die than obey.

This also proves Yu Siyuan's integrity from the side.

Behind the quiet and delicate appearance, this girl has a will of steel.

But such a determined person respected and trusted a young man from a foreign school so much.

This kind of admiration and trust even exceeds the level of admiration and trust in Luo Siying.

Luo Siying naturally wouldn't be jealous, but she couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

If Luo Siying was an egoist like Kuang Jinlong, she would definitely not care about this, and she would even report Yu Siyuan without hesitation.

But she is not.

She is not an absolute idealist and has always compromised with reality.

But in the final analysis, there is still a bottom line deep in Luo Siying's heart. It may not be the bottom line of good and evil, but it is the bottom line of being a human being and the bottom line of right and wrong.

She also knew very well that the current independent small kingdom-like rule of Star City University was actually based on the blood, tears and bones of a large number of low-level survivors. To a certain extent, it was inhumane and even anti-social.

Among the six giants, the vast majority of people who maintain this kind of dominance do it to satisfy their own selfish desires.

This kind of selfish desire may be material desire, it may be financial desire, or it may be power desire.

Including Luo Siying, she cannot deny that she took up this giant position to make herself live a better life and to have a place in troubled times.

Therefore, from a big standpoint, she must maintain the dominance of Star City University.

But this does not mean that she has lost her humanity and lost her bottom line.

The warmth of human nature and the boundaries between right and wrong were not completely blurred in her heart.

Because of this, as a giant, she also protected many people, saved many lives, avoided many tragedies, and stopped many bad incidents.

But after all, she is only one person, and one person's power is limited after all.

She was unable to fundamentally solve the problems at Star City University.

What happened to Yu Siyuan undoubtedly brought two situations together.

On the one hand, it is her bottom line and humanity, on the other hand, it is the ruling interests of Star City University.

Regarding the Yu Siyuan incident, the conflict between the two has become as incompatible as fire and water and cannot be reconciled.

If we must stick to the bottom line and humanity, the status quo of Star City University's dominance may be impacted.

But if she was determined to maintain this kind of ruling situation, she would have to go against her conscience and inhumanely to report Yu Siyuan.

After much thought, Luo Siying still couldn't make up her mind.

She stared blankly at Jiang Yue's photo on the file, wondering what ambitions this handsome boy had in coming to Star City University.

Is it really just to find a laboratory to settle down?

The laboratory in the School of Bioengineering at Star City University has long been classified as a restricted area.

Could it be said that Jiang Yue has been eyeing that laboratory for a long time since he came here?

However, in this case, Luo Siying finally didn't understand how Jiang Yue could succeed?

The laboratory is classified as a restricted area, which means it is heavily guarded.

He wanted to settle down inside, but there was absolutely no room for maneuver. Not even a fly could fly in, let alone people or equipment.

Besides, even if everyone is admitted, a series of infrastructures must be running in order for the laboratory to operate. Under the current conditions, how can it be possible not to alarm the people of Star City University?

"No matter what this guy thinks, he can't succeed, right?" Luo Siying secretly thought, "Since he can't succeed, when he realizes that there is no chance, he will give up. Why should I bother?"

Luo Siying actually had a choice deep down in her heart, she didn't want to report it.

However, she must find a good reason for herself.

The reason for not reporting was because Jiang Yue would definitely not be able to achieve his goal, so it seemed that there was not much point in reporting or not reporting.

Originally, after making the decision, Luo Siying should have relaxed.

But Yu Siyuan's words were still in her mind.

Because there are some contents in those words that are really scary.

Yu Siyuan actually said that that guy came to Star City University for the survival of Star City.

If he fails, Star City will only have a few days left.

With these words, Luo Siying instinctively felt from the beginning that she was alarmist and wanted to impress her with her shocking words.

But she thought about it carefully, and combined with Yu Siyuan's movements and expressions, she suddenly felt that maybe Yu Siyuan was not completely alarmist.

He kindly invited her to join the temporary action team just to help her stay away from Kuang Jinlong. Yu Siyuan would not know about such kindness.

But she still refused.

Of course, this rejection was not because he looked down on her, Luo Siying, but because he did not want to make things difficult for her and did not want to cause her to get burned.

This shows that Yu Siyuan was calm from beginning to end.

So, what if what she said is true?

How many days are left for Star City's fate?

So, what is the significance of Star City University’s foundation and its so-called dominance?

In such troubled times, expecting a stable and long-term rule is in itself deceiving oneself and others.

If we encounter huge turmoil or even earth-shaking changes, who can guarantee that what Yu Siyuan described will not happen?

There was no one else in the office, but Luo Siying's heart beat faster the more she thought about it.

Because, the deeper she thought about it, the more she realized that it was unfathomable.

Mr. Na Ye came to Xingcheng University on behalf of Mr. Qing Ming to issue orders to Jiang Yue, who must be eliminated.

Speaking of Luo Siying, she is not Mr. Qingming's subordinate.

Among the six giants, Hang Changgeng is Mr. Qingming’s die-hard loyalist.

He has always emphasized that the current state of rule at Star City University is entirely due to the support of Mr. Qing Ming.

Mr. Qing Ming has also shown his energy intentionally or unintentionally.

In fact, several giants at Star City University are aware of Mr. Qing Ming's official status.

But why did Mr. Qing Ming want to kill Jiang Yue even though he was an official?

Jiang Yue is the future son-in-law of the leader of Star City. He is as close as a brother to Luo Teng of the Action Bureau and has always contributed to the government.

Logically speaking, shouldn't Mr. Qing Ming be in the same position as Jiang Yue?

Or is it that Mr. Qing Ming wants to kill Jiang Yue entirely because of political struggle?

If it was just political fighting spirit that caused Star City University to go to such great lengths to deal with Jiang Yue, Luo Siying would undoubtedly resist deep down in her heart.

Luo Siying guessed that there might be some inside story here.

Especially Mr. Qing Ming, maybe he has other identities besides his official identity.

Luo Siying made insinuations about Hang Changgeng several times, but Hang Changgeng was like an old fox, cleverly evading the situation every time but refusing to reveal the true situation.

At this moment, Luo Siying became more frightened the more she thought about it.

She even thought of a very scary possibility.


If everything Yu Siyuan said is true, Jiang Yue is fighting for the survival of Star City.

And Mr. Qing Ming is the evil factor that controls the survival of Star City, and Hang Changgeng is Mr. Qing Ming's loyal accomplice. The entire Star City University has been dragged into him, so what should we do?

This possibility simply made Luo Siying terrified and sweating profusely.

She really wanted to put this horrible thought behind her, not to think about it, not to think about it.

But I don't know why, this thought always lingers.

As she thought about it, she almost fell into Yu Siyuan's rhythm.

If it was between Jiang Yue and the Star City University Student Union, Yu Siyuan chose to believe in Jiang Yue.

This choice appeared in Luo Siying's mind inexplicably. Luo Siying found that she was baffled and didn't think Hang Changgeng was trustworthy!

In fact, the degree of credibility is not higher than that of the unfamiliar face in the information.

This is ridiculous!

Luo Siying couldn't sit still. She was feeling inexplicably irritable. She only felt a sense of fear weighing on her heart, making her restless.

She felt that she had to go out for a walk.

Since everything revolved around the laboratory, Luo Siying decided to first find out why the laboratory was classified as a restricted area.

She only knew that all that happened was because of the disappearance of Professor Lu Jinwen.

Now it seems, maybe everything is not that simple?

Otherwise, why would Jiang Yue come to the laboratory, but Mr. Qing Ming couldn't let Jiang Yue and others succeed by naming him?

Must Jiang Yue be killed?

Is everything related to that laboratory?

Hang Changgeng personally decided that the laboratory should be classified as a restricted area.

Of course, Hang Changgeng did not personally intervene, but left it to Zhang Dinggao to take charge. Zhang Dinggao was originally a student at the School of Bioengineering, so it was reasonable for him to take charge of this matter.

Luo Siying was very careful. Zhang Dinggao seemed to be a tall and arrogant man, but he was a reckless man.

In fact, looks can be deceiving. This is just Zhang Dinggao's superficial image. In fact, this person has a pig-like face and a bright heart.

If you are fooled by his rude words and deeds, you will most likely fall into his trap.

Therefore, Luo Siying was very cautious and did not rush to find Zhang Dinggao.

Instead, they targeted the names of several combat groups.

These people were originally Luo Siying's acquaintances, and some were related to her, but now they are all regular combatants on duty in the restricted area of ​​the laboratory.

Three shifts around the clock.

Luo Siying wanted to find someone, and there were good reasons.

To set up a temporary action team, it is natural to find some elites and some strong men who are trustworthy. Then it is reasonable to find some old troops to chat with.

Now everyone is actively preparing the team and looking for personnel. Luo Siying's actions will not arouse others' suspicion.

"Sister Siying, are you looking for me?" The person who came this time was a fellow student of Luo Siying, but she was one year later than Luo Siying. She was a girl from the physical education department. She was almost as strong as an average boy.

"Tingzi, sit down."

The girl from the physical education department obviously had a good relationship with Luo Siying, so she didn't show any politeness and sat down on the sofa opposite.

"Sister Siying, is it about setting up a temporary action team? If you call me, I will definitely arrive without a second thought. However, over in the laboratory, you have to say hello to Senior Zhang Dinggao before letting you go, right?"

The girl is obviously tough and not very scheming.

"I see that the laboratory is classified as a restricted area. You are very busy with your daily work. Can Zhang Dinggao let you go?" Luo Siying asked tentatively.

"What are you busy with? There is nothing to be busy with at all. You are almost too busy to swat flies. Sister, over there in the laboratory, actually..."

"Actually what?" Luo Siying said calmly.

Even though Tingzi has a tough personality, she probably knows that there are some things that she shouldn't say nonsense.

But facing her was Luo Siying, her most trusted senior, so that was another story.

"Sister, there are not many real experimenters in the laboratory building. Most of them are under house arrest. Moreover, people die there every day, and they are thrown out and burned as soon as they are wrapped in sheets. It's just...

These things are generally not allowed to be discussed."

Tingzi was a little hesitant when she said this: "Sister, I'm just telling you. Just listen."

Luo Siying solemnly said: "Don't worry, I have a sense of discretion."

Tingzi obviously trusted Luo Siying and did not doubt that Luo Siying would betray her. She continued: "Actually, I don't want to do it there for a long time. I really can't stand those dirty things. I don't know why.

They didn't do anything wrong by treating those people like that. Why can't they be treated like normal Star City University students? Why should they be held like prisoners?"

"You mean, imprisoned?"

"Actually, it's just detention." The muscles on Tingzi's face twitched slightly, obviously remembering the tragic things she had witnessed during this period, and a strong sense of discomfort surged up in her body and mind at the same time.

"Sister, is it really right for them to do this?" Tingzi's tone was full of painful questions.

"Tingzi, what do you know?"

"Sister, many people die every day in the laboratory building, and their deaths are very strange. Although we dare not say it, many people actually know that these people are not experimenters, but are treated as experimental subjects. Moreover, the laboratory building

The real host is not from our Star City University. There is a group of strangers there, who must be from outside the school. We all suspect that they are doing some evil experiments..."

Tingzi's tone was a little shaky, but she still said bravely: "Sister, even people in our combat team have often died inexplicably these days. If I die one day, it will definitely not be a normal death. Sister, if you can,

Please help me transfer out of there, okay?"

This chapter has been completed!
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