Chapter 473 How wide is the bandwidth?

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After Cai Gen and the others entered, Hu Xiaocao took out the tea set,

Boil water and prepare the Kung Fu tea you are learning.

This is her latest little hobby,

Southerners are particular about drinking tea, while northerners drink tea to quench their thirst.

Two concepts, two starting points.

Ever since Hu Xiaocao watched Kung Fu Tea on TV,

I also got myself a tea set and slowly started learning how to do it.

This Kung Fu tea is just different from making tea in a big iron vat. You can't be in a hurry, but you can't be in a hurry either.

It lies in the control of heat and timing, which is very helpful for calming down and nourishing Qi.

This tea set is already Hu Xiaocao’s third set.

The first two sets were because drinking tea was cumbersome. I got impatient while drinking and dropped the tea set.

Today is a good day to send Cai Gen to Dichi.

It’s suitable to sip tea slowly and think about what’s coming next.

Mr. Hu San basically left all matters in this area to Hu Xiaocao.

It's not because she has a good year, but mainly because she has a good mind.

The water is boiling. It is Changbaisan mountain spring water. No porters are needed and the quality is very good.

Carefully control your impatience, slowly take the tea leaves, pour water, wash the tea, and smell the fragrance.

After finally drinking the first brew, Mr. Huang San came.

"Hey, you don't mind the trouble. How about drinking from the teapot?"

Hu Xiaocao had long been used to Mr. Huang San's lack of attention to detail.

He didn't care and poured a glass for Mr. Huang San.

"Third Master, after these steps, I can drink the taste of spiritual energy. You can try it."

Mr. Huang San took it all in one gulp and almost swallowed the small teacup.

He clucked his lips and shook his head,

"The amount was too small and I didn't drink it. By the way, did Cai Gen and the others go in?"

Hu Xiaocao felt that he had wasted a cup of good tea in vain.

He took out a large teapot from the iron cabinet and made a large cup of tea for Mr. Huang San.

“When I first walked in, I didn’t know how confident I was with just a pot of water.

The ignorant are still fearless, as if they can really find a pond in the ground."

Picking up the big teapot, regardless of the heat of the water, Mr. Huang took a big sip and nodded.

"It's still so cool, Hu Yatou, don't underestimate Cai Gen, he is unfathomable.

Maybe we can actually find the underground pool. If we can get down there, that's great."

Before he finished speaking, the big iron door opened and Cai Gen walked out.

Coming out so soon?

Forgot something?

I want to smoke when I come out. Is this because I don’t want to go in and I’m making an excuse?

Hu Xiaocao became considerate right away, and just wanted to give him some advice, and that was it.

What kind of pool are you looking for? Isn’t that looking for death?

Then I heard Cai Gen say,

"I haven't given up. It's over."

There must be some misunderstanding, Hu Xiaocao said tentatively,

"Uncle Cai, how far did you come back?"

Before Cai Gen could answer, Xiao Sun and the others also entered the gate, all in a state of embarrassment.

Especially Xiao Sun, who seemed to be injured and very weak.

Cai Gen picked up the big tea jar on the table and handed it to Xiao Sun without asking who it belonged to.

"Take a sip first to warm yourself up. I'll see if you feel weak."

After saying that, he threw the cigarette to Na Qi and helped him light it before answering Hu Xiaocao,

"We've come to the end."

The end? How far is it? Hu Xiaocao didn’t know, so he continued to ask,

"Then Uncle Cai found Dichi?"

Cai Gen quickly drank up his cigarette habit and drank all the water in the tea cup on the table.

"Well, I found the underground pool."

Mr. Huang San stood up from his chair immediately and asked with a shocked look on his face,

"Brother Cai, did you go downstairs? Did you save the child?"

Cai Gen poured a round of tea and gave it to Zhen Shuiyin.

"Well, although things didn't go too smoothly, everything that needed to be done was done."

Well, Mr. Huang San and Hu Xiaocao looked at each other, both shocked and curious.

"Uncle Cai, you are too neat.

I only drank the second brew of this pot of tea, are you all done?"

Huh? Is it Kung Fu for a pot of tea? Or Kung Fu tea? Cai Gen noticed something was wrong,

"Are we fast? It's been three days, okay? Has your watch stopped?"

Hu Xiaocao subconsciously looked at his watch and waved his hand. Do you need to look at your watch?

My tea is sitting here.

"Uncle Cai, I thought you knew the difficulties and retreated. It was really fast, as fast as drinking a pot of tea."

Zhen Shuiyin drank several cups of tea and finally felt full. She was so hungry that she didn't want to talk anymore.

"Brother Cai, this is normal. In different spaces, time flows at different speeds.

As the saying goes, one day in heaven and one year on earth."

Yes, that’s what myths and stories say, what a dream, a dream, a cowherd and a weaver girl.

No, according to this statement, Cowherd and Weaver Girl is a scam.

The Cowherd spends three hundred and sixty-five days on earth to see the Weaver Girl for only one day.

Weaver Girl can see Cowherd and children every day in the sky.

The poor Cowherd, the happy Weaver Girl, and the tormented Magpie Bridge all go to work every day.

After Zhen Shuiyin said this, she finally found a scientific and reasonable explanation for Cai Gen's return so quickly.

Hu Xiaocao and the others don’t know whether it’s true or not, but they just need to finish their work.

Mr. Huang San didn't ask Cai Gen for details. People don't take the initiative to tell such things, and it's hard to ask.

"That's it, that's it. Let's go back. Isn't it romantic to drink tea here?"

Cai Gen smoked three cigarettes in a row and drank several rounds of tea before he had time to say,

"Wait a minute, do you want to pay some protection fees?"

Mr. Huang San, who originally stood up to leave, immediately sat down again.

"Brother Cai, please tell me in detail, who are you protecting?

How to deal with it? To what extent is it protected?"

Cai Gen pointed at the big iron gate,

"To protect you, you can absorb the spiritual energy in the underground pool without any worries in the future. You don't have to worry about safety issues.

Of course, there is a limit to the number of people we can protect. If it’s not tens of thousands, that would be a bit ridiculous.”

Dichi? Spiritual energy? These two sensitive words are like marijuana seeds, which instantly made Mr. Huang Tiantian’s head buzz.

It's not that he doesn't think deeply, it's that this matter is too important.

If you can go in safely and absorb the spiritual energy of the ground pool, you don't have to worry about being obsessed with your mind.

After that, I will undoubtedly distribute endless amounts of Ten Thousand Immortals Brew to each family.

What is aura? It is strength, power, cultivation, and status.

It is the only way to control one's own destiny and the best guarantee for a long-lasting history for future generations.

Hu Xiaocao was already stunned by Cai Gen's suggestion. He was still relatively young and was speechless.

Look at how calm Mr. Huang San is. Although his lips are trembling slightly, he can still speak.

"So, Brother Cai, how much is the protection fee?"

This is the point. It’s like someone giving you a ten-dollar voucher to buy an airplane. It’s meaningless.

If they cannot afford the price of such protection, it will be in vain.

"Give me a broadband connection inside this iron gate."

After Cai Gen finished speaking, he lit another cigarette.

Broadband? Mr. Huang San didn’t react. It’s too important. We must ask clearly.

"Brother Cai, how wide a belt do you think is enough?"

This chapter has been completed!
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