Chapter 125 The follow-up of cement

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As Tang Jian expected, the note was rolled into a small ball. It was not very big after unfolding, and there were not many words on it. The attendant secretly craned his neck to take a look, and saw that it read: "Liu Wu and Zhou Ruo attack Taiyuan."

, don’t worry about it, run immediately, the faster the better!”

Tang Jian held the note, his eyes a little confused. He didn't understand why Xiao Han would say such a meaningless thing and call it a joke? No one would take this as a joke. This is to teach

He escaped from the battlefield? No wonder he had to write a note. If others saw it, this would be a serious crime!

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure out the reason. Tang Jian glared at the follower behind him who was still stretching his neck. The follower immediately made a non-squinting expression.

"I guess it's a joke..." Tang Jian muttered to himself, slowly tore up the note and fluttered it in the wind, but he already remembered this sentence in his heart.

Happy time is always short-lived. A loud chant in the distance interrupted Butler Lu's words. Xiao Han looked at the distance with regret, waved to Butler Lu and said, "Okay, everyone can live well."

, if you still have something to do, go ahead and get busy. The souvenirs from King Qin are becoming more and more urgent. I don’t know what triggered it. Hey, I have to be busy too!"

"Well, Mr. Hou, take care of yourself!" Butler Lu bowed his hand to Xiao Han and wanted to go back first. After taking only two steps, he suddenly turned back and asked Xiao Han: "By the way, Mr. Hou, there is someone here these days.

The masonry merchant wants to come over and ask Mr. Hou for the distribution of cement, but I haven't made up my mind yet. How do you think I should respond to this?"

Xiao Han just sat down and listened to Butler Lu's words. After thinking for a moment, he replied: "There is no problem. Let's verify this person. If there is no problem, just delegate the power to him. Just have the same conditions as the honorary. This cement kiln is too tiring."

There are people, and there is dust everywhere. We have no choice now. We use too much and can only burn it ourselves. It would not be a bad thing if another businessman takes over. Tell him that King Qin and the others have a stake in this job and let him weigh it.

Moreover, we must give priority to purchasing the cement we produce. There is such a shortage of this stuff. I originally thought of paving a road with cement, but now it seems that there is no chance of it in the next few years..."

"Okay, but according to Lao Nu, our cement kiln can't sell indiscriminately. Businesses and the like can only be given to a few or five families, and the same conditions as those of Xungui seem to be a bit inappropriate..."

Butler Lu did not follow Xiao Han's attention this time. Instead, he looked a little worried. Let's not talk about the status of the merchant, let's talk about the current cement kiln. The nobles all thought that this was a discount given to them by Xiao Han. If he continues

Several fat-headed, unfamiliar businessmen popped out with items exactly like mine. What would they think?

When he told Xiao Han what he was worried about, Xiao Han nodded again and again. Butler Lu was thoughtful, but cement kilns must be rolled out in the Tang Dynasty. Only a few noble people are doing it now, and they can't do it.

To expand the scale of face, it will probably take hundreds of years for everyone in the Tang Dynasty to use cement...

"Let's see. Didn't you go to see the manager of Yahang last time? Go to him again and ask him to ask the big merchants who want to make cement. Let them come to you and bid for the right to build the cement kiln. Who will pay the price?

If it's high, give it to whoever it is, so that everyone is fair."

Butler Lu's eyes seemed to light up, and he quickly raised his hands: "Master Hou, this is a good idea, and by selling your favor, we can make more money. I think those merchants will definitely flock to it when they hear such a good thing.

!It’s no longer a matter of time, I’ll do it now!”

Xiao Han rubbed his head and watched Butler Lu's back disappear into the distance. He sighed and continued to lower his head to deal with these scraps!

Cement is so popular these days. The biggest topic in Chang'an City right now is undoubtedly the secret recipe for cement from the Marquis of Sanyuan County!

This stuff is so good. Mix it with sand and gravel, pour water on it, and it will become as hard as a rock overnight. At first, it was only owned by Xiao Han’s family, and it was the only one that had scorpion shit! But later, somehow, overnight, it became as hard as a rock.

There are many more people who know the recipe.

Cement kilns have also sprung up everywhere, but until now, all the cement produced has been supplied for city repairs. Only those with great skills can get a few bags to repair houses and pave the paths in the gardens.

The demand for this thing is so great that no matter how much it is made, it will be difficult to meet the huge market demand. There are so many people waiting to use this magical thing, but it is a pity that only a few can get it.

After going back and forth, naturally some people will have their own ideas. Unfortunately, after seeing the background of the cement companies, no matter how restless the person is, they will just stay there and wait eagerly for Xiao Han, the prodigal son, to spread the secret recipe to the outside world.


The ordinary people are talking about Xiao Han's prodigal behavior. They all can't figure out why he would use such good things to make for others. If it happened to them, he would hide it and leave it to his descendants as a reward.

The foundation for building your own family.

The person who is most interested in this cement is the big businessman in this world.

Cement is definitely a new thing, there is no doubt about it! Businessmen travel all over the world and are incredibly well-connected with information. However, they have never even heard of cement, not to mention seeing it before.

This is simply unimaginable for a large commercial bank!

The only answer is that this cement was created by Xiao Han!

Of course, it doesn't matter who made this thing. What's important is whether they can get a share of the pie. People who have a little friendship with Xiao Han are building kilns one after another, and the products that come out never seem to be enough.

, it is said that orders have been scheduled for next year!

For them, money is still secondary. The most important thing is that this thing is really useful! Who doesn’t want to have a home that is as solid as a diamond? Last time in that county, a little earth dragon turned over, and the most important thing in the county was

The wealthy businessman Hu and his wife didn't even have time to run away. They were hit by the collapsed roof. It was already the third day before they were dug out!

But it is said that this house made of cement does not have such troubles at all. Let alone the small earth dragon, even if the big earth dragon turns over, it can persist for a long time, enough for people to run out! Poor Hu Shang, who has worked hard all his life to save, in the end

That groom is so cheap...

Why, why is it a groom? Hu Shang and his wife are both dead, and he is a migrant. There is no family here. There is only a concubine left. The family property naturally belongs to the concubine. Although she has a high status,

You are low, but you are also a Tang Dynasty person. It is natural to accept your husband's property. As for marrying a tall horseman after hastily organizing a funeral for Hu Shang and his wife, you outsiders have nothing to do with it, right...

After seeing how strong the cement-coated city wall was, a large group of wealthy people flocked to the cement kiln, waving their money and asking the clerk to sell them a few bags of cement. But when they got there, they didn't even bother to get in through the gate. They just looked around.

That guy's nostrils were so dizzy!

"I'm sorry, the output in the past few months has been covered by others, so please wait for now!"

"It makes me so angry!" During the discussion in the Cui family compound, the steward, who had not been rejected by anyone for many years, heard the report from his subordinates and threw out all the account books in anger!

I recently wanted to build a treasure house at home. As soon as I excavated, I dug out the sand and water layer and filled it with Sanhe soil. However, there are still water droplets precipitating on the walls. This humid place cannot be used as a treasure house at all. Many treasures are afraid of water and are left like this.

In the treasure house, it won’t take long for the treasure to really become a treasure. It is estimated that shells will grow on it...

Just when the housekeeper's hair was about to turn gray with worry, cement came out. As a thousand-year-old family, they naturally had the means to get a few bags, but this was limited to a few bags.

With a dubious attitude, I painted half of the wall according to the instructions. Only then did I realize that this cement definitely lived up to its reputation. Where there is cement, no water can drip out. The walls without cement are full of water. Hang an animal head and it can be used as a fountain.

Used orally!

However, although I know that this thing is useful, it is a bit inappropriate to use my connections to get it. It is too little. Go ahead and buy it. Who won’t give our Cui family some face?

Unexpectedly, the servant went out for a walk and came back to report the news, which almost made the steward angry. He had just got a guaranteed deal with the housekeeper at home, and now he was slapped in the face?

While he was annoyed, he didn't notice that the young master was passing by the door. The young master, who was always nosy, stopped curiously when he saw the steward's angry look, stood at the door and asked: "Huh? What's wrong? You're so angry?

The originally angry steward looked for the voice and quickly calmed down. He bent down and bowed: "I would like to say hello to the young master..."

Cui Renxuan waved his hand casually, walked into the room, kicked the account books on the floor, and said: "Excuse me, I want to ask you a question, why did it cause such a big fire?"

"It's nothing serious. I don't want to trouble the young master to worry about it. It's just that I sent a servant to buy something, but he didn't sell it..."

"Huh?" The young master seemed to be interested. He raised his eyebrows and let out a light sigh. What did the Cui family want to buy but couldn't buy it? Just when he was about to ask, he suddenly remembered that he went to the ghost market to buy things in person some time ago.

It seems I didn’t buy it either!

"Is the Cui family's sign not working well recently?"

Touching his chin, the young master's eyes gradually became a little playful! When the steward and the servant who went out to do business saw the young master's family in such a state, they immediately knelt down on the ground, not daring to look at the young master!

"What is it?" Cui Renxuan's tone became less cynical and more solemn. Now he really has the demeanor of a young master.

The steward lay on the ground and replied without daring to raise his head: "It's cement. I wanted to buy some and bring it back to repair the treasure house, but in the end I was embarrassed..."

"Cement?" Cui Renxuan didn't expect it to be this thing. He was stunned for a moment. He had heard this name in the past two days, but he didn't take it to heart. He was just more interested in the treasure and a gray building.

The material is not interesting at all!

This chapter has been completed!
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