1256 Unfavorable to enter the city

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 Tang Feng is a good drinker. Seeing a drunk man on the street is nothing these days.

Moreover, it is not just those street scoundrels who are drunk and sleeping soundly on the street!

Some famous scholars can often be found on the roadside.

It is said that during the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the wine lord Liu Ling would have someone carry a hoe when he went out. If he died drunk on the roadside, he would not even have to go back home, but would just dig a hole on the roadside and bury him.

As a result, influenced by this, in all the subsequent dynasties and generations, people who liked wine would regard death by drunkenness as a lucky life. As a result, there were more and more drunkards on the road.

In some big cities such as Chang'an and Luoyang, one of the important tasks of the street patrolman Wuhou is to assist the yamen in dealing with these drunkards to prevent them from hurting others or being injured.

After all, it's fine in the summer, and you can only feed the mosquitoes if you sleep. But if you get drunk on the road in the winter, after one night, this person will turn into a popsicle.

In the middle of the road, the drunk man fell to the ground and did not get up for a while.

Xiao Han looked at him with toothache and frowned tightly. Seeing that he really couldn't get up, he winked at Jia Yi.

As soon as A realized what he was doing, he jumped off his horse sideways, patted his frightened mount, and together with A two, who came up behind him, they each carried the drunkard with one arm and threw him into the straw pile on the roadside.

"Hey? Hey? What are you doing! How dare you touch me! Do you know who my father is?"

The drunk man was lifted off the ground by his feet. He immediately broke out in a cold sweat. Even with the wine, he woke up for three minutes. He hurriedly waved his arms and shouted: "Where are my people? Where are everyone! They are all dead.

Where are you, someone is beating up your young master! Hey, neighbors, someone is bullying one of our own!"

The drunkard resisted vigorously and shouted loudly.

But neither the subordinates he mentioned nor the townspeople who were watching the excitement stood up to speak for him.

Not only did he not speak for him, but he also looked like he was trying to resolve his hatred!

Ayi and the others didn't care what this guy was shouting, they just picked him up and strode to the roadside.

Then the two of them stood still, exerted force on their arms at the same time, and the drunk in their hands made a "swish" sound, drew a perfect arc in the air, and flew to the edge of the straw pile on the roadside!



It hit the hard ground hard, causing the drunken man's white teeth to almost break in pain.

At this time, he couldn't scream anymore, he just kept lying on the ground and sucked in the cold air. Looking at it, Jia Yi and Jia Er became more and more relieved.

It's his grandma's! You have long disliked him. Do you really think that people like you have no temper?

Not to mention you, a unruly citizen in a small county town, and the drunken general Guogong at the Marquis's house, they have all "thrown" several of them... It's just that those people were "thrown" on the bed.

"Sir, what happened?"

Ziyi heard the commotion in front of the team, got off his bike, and stepped forward to ask.

Xiao Han was enjoying watching the excitement at this time. When he heard this, he turned around and laughed, pointing at the drunk man for her and said: "Oh, it's okay! I met a little ruffian who couldn't find his father and asked us who his father was! I

I wonder how we can know this? He has to go home and ask his mother about this!"

"Ha ha……"

Before Xiao Han could finish his sentence, there was a roar of laughter all around!

Everyone, who had been unable to hold back because of the drunken man's embarrassed appearance, completely burst out laughing at this time! Even the fool rolled off the carriage with laughter, and happened to hit the cow that Wang Wu almost fell off just now.

On feces.

The ambiguity in Xiao Han's sentence is too obvious!

Coupled with the evil look on his face, even Zi Yi couldn't help but blush, cover her mouth and chuckle.


The drunk man obviously understood what Xiao Han said. He stood up from the ground unsteadily, holding his waist with one hand and pointing at Xiao Han with a slightly trembling hand. He was about to curse! But he seemed to suddenly see Xiao Han.

The purple-clothed man in the back immediately straightened his eyes.

"Master, Master!"

Just when the drunk man saw Zi Yi, from the far side of the road, several scoundrels were running towards here quickly, shouting and screaming as they ran, acting as if they were protecting their master with affection.

Xiao Han didn't pay attention to the drunk man's eyes. His attention at this time was completely attracted by those losers.

This scene, this love, this scene, is inexplicably familiar!

Oh, I think about it, it seems that Xiao Han has seen this scene in many TV movies, but the protagonist was replaced by himself, which feels quite fresh.

He waved his hands slightly to signal the guards who were surrounding him not to block those bastards with slanted hats and sloping clothes.

Because he was very curious about whether this drunkard would lead these losers and jump in front of him to show off his power like those in those vulgar plots!

If he really looked like that, wouldn't it be more enjoyable if I slapped him again?

Xiao Han couldn't help but feel happy in his heart as he imagined himself incarnate as justice, slapping the gangsters as if they were free of charge and crawling all over the floor.

No wonder others like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers. This feeling is indeed very refreshing!

Rubbing his wrist, Xiao Han let out a long breath and looked at the drunk man leisurely, then waited for him.

However, Xiao Han soon became disappointed.

Because the drunk man saw his own people arriving at first, and he felt quite confident.

But after being pointed at by a loser next to him, he somehow suppressed his bad breath.

In the end, he just glanced at Xiao Han bitterly, then at Ziyi, and then slipped away down the alley without looking back.

"Sir, do we want it?"

Xiaodao was a ranger and was very sensitive to the drunk man's eyes. When he saw this, he quietly came to Xiao Han and wiped his neck with his hand.

Xiao Han glanced at him sideways, but just smiled and shook his head.

People at different heights will look at things differently.

Xiaodao was worried that this person would be harmful to him and wanted to strike first.

But Xiao Han is confident that no matter who this drunkard is or what he wants to do, he will not cause any harm to himself.

A barking vicious dog may bite its owner, but it can never do anything to an elephant.

On the contrary, if the elephant insists on trampling the vicious dog to death just because the vicious dog roared at the elephant, then it will probably waste half of its time on these things.

Because there will never be only one vicious dog. When the time comes, it’s not enough trouble to kill the younger one, run away the old one, and lead out a big litter!

The drunk man ran away in despair, but the people on the street looked at the convoy with more and more strange eyes.

Especially the little boy with a runny nose. He looked up at the alley where the drunkard had fled, as if he was disappointed, and his little face was full of sighs.

"Why didn't they start fighting? They are a bunch of cowards. They don't dare to go up to others when there are many people. What are they afraid of? If they go up and fight, the most they can do is to be beaten to death..."

This chapter has been completed!
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