1350 Imperial Examination

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 As early as in his previous life, Xiao Han had learned from books. It was the Sui Dynasty that created the imperial examination system!

But what did the newly created imperial examination system look like?

It wasn't written in the book, and the history teacher never told him.

So Xiao Han has always been stupid and naive and believed that the imperial examination in the Sui Dynasty was just like what was shown in the TV series!

Countless local students carried book baskets, grabbed dry food, and led the book boys, rushing towards the Gongyuan from all directions. The scene was as spectacular as the college entrance examination in later generations!

However, there is always a distance between imagination and reality!

It was not until this life that he visited Yangzhou and founded the academy with Yin Can, and then he suddenly discovered that the imperial examinations in the Sui and Tang Dynasties were completely different from the talent promotion ceremony he had imagined!

It can even be said that the imperial examination system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties cannot be regarded as a system at all, but can only be regarded as a concept, and it is still a rudimentary concept!

As the most important means of recruiting scholars for future generations, it does not have dedicated time for planning, no dedicated department for co-ordination, and no dedicated personnel for management! There is not even a unified examination content!

The imperial examination at this time was basically like Xiao Han's archery skills, everything was up to chance!

Leaving aside the early Tang Dynasty, looking at the forty-year history of the Sui Dynasty, only four or five imperial examinations were held! Only thirteen candidates (also called scholars at this time) were selected!

Moreover, these thirteen people were selected.

Liu Zhuo, Hou Bai, Wang Zhen, Du Zhengxuan, etc. were all well-educated people, but because they were born in white, none of them were reused. The emperor awarded them either idle positions or low-ranking official positions! It can be said that even at this time,

Even the emperor looked down upon common people from humble origins!

As for Du Zhenglun, Kong Yingda, Fang Xuanling, and Xu Jingzong, although they are all listed in the history books, without exception, they all shined in the Tang Dynasty!

It is estimated that when these people were in the Sui Dynasty, each of them squatted in someone's stable and stared at the blue sky in a daze!

Therefore, generally speaking, in the Sui Dynasty, except for this concept, everything else about the imperial examination system failed.

The process failed, the result failed, and even the degree of attention failed!

However, we cannot rashly deny the Sui Dynasty’s contribution to the imperial examination just because of the failure of the system! As the founder of the imperial examination system, it still has a contribution that cannot be ignored! And precisely because it gave examples of failure in the previous examination, it will be given later

Li Shimin’s rectification direction!

Manna Palace!

As soon as the excited Xiao Han and Li Shimin rushed in, they lit huge candles and illuminated the entire palace!

Xiao Han moved a pile of white papers and scattered them on the ground. Then he grabbed a pen and walked barefoot on it. He thought about it while walking slowly. But when he had any thoughts, he immediately squatted down and wrote on the nearest paper.

A few strokes!

"Well! The first point is to clarify the content of the test questions! Let the candidates know what they want to learn and what they want to test! I don't think you can just test articles here. After all, what we want are talents, not nerds! Miscellaneous subjects, arithmetic, how much

All must be included in the exam questions!”

Li Shimin followed Xiao Han's example, kicked off his boots, and took a pen to write on the nearest paper: "I agree! Only when you have a direction can you have motivation! Otherwise, you will be like a headless fly, spending too much time and hard work.

, there is no benefit yet!”

Xiao Han laughed and continued to talk and write: "And the process of the imperial examination is really child's play! Yang Guang wanted to know how to build the canal, so he held a special imperial examination for this purpose? Let's not talk about the weird propositions. Wait for remote areas.

I got the news that it’s been a year since the exam, and a lot of people want to take the exam but can’t get it, so how can they convince the public?! So if we want to vigorously develop the imperial examination, we must form a set of inherent patterns! I think that in the first place, we should start with one every three years.

The big test is good!”

"The big exam in three years?" Li Shimin looked up at Xiao Han and said hesitantly: "When all the candidates gather in Chang'an, will there be too many..."

Xiao Han may have run out of ink when he wrote this, and he was too lazy to dip it in ink. He directly took the tip of the pen and licked it in his mouth, and then said with a sinister smile with black lips: "Humph, it's better to have more people. Only when the waves wash away the sand can you see the gold."

!Moreover, although our major exam is held every three years, we can still impose restrictions on it!

For example, if you want to get the chance to take the big exam, you have to go through several small exams, one level at a time! I suggest dividing them into four levels, one is the college exam, the second is the provincial exam, the third is the general exam, and the fourth is the palace exam! Before that!

The two exams are taken by their respective townships and provinces! The exams are also held every three years, but they must be staggered from each other! For example, in the first year, you can take the intermediate school exam, in the second year, you can directly take the provincial exam, and in the third year, you can take the general exam!"

The more Xiao Han wrote, the more excited he became. Until the pen in his hand could no longer produce any color, he threw it away. Then he picked up the wine served by a beauty with palace makeup and poured a few sips into his mouth! He continued to stare.

Guang said: "Also, in order to encourage students to participate in the imperial examination, we can definitely give some privileges to candidates at each level, such as status, reputation, and tax payment!"

"Okay!" Li Shimin lay on the ground regardless of his image, and with the brush in his hand, he recorded every word Xiao Han said!

He waited until he finished writing the last word before he stood up, grabbed the wine in Xiao Han's hand, raised his neck and took a sip, and laughed loudly: "This is a good idea! In addition to these physical rewards,

We can definitely set a ranking for them! They say that there is no first place in literature and no second place in military power! But we have to give them first, second, and third place, so that those arrogant and talented people will break their heads.

Get the front seat!"

"That's right!" Xiao Han applauded drunkenly: "The first place in the provincial examination is called Jieyuan! The first place in the general examination is called member! The first place in the imperial examination is called Zhuangyuan! Those who win the first place can wear red and green and parade through the streets on horseback! They are proud of the spring breeze.

A horse's hooves are so bad that he can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day! Just one of them is enough to envy everyone!"

Li Shimin's face turned red with excitement, and even the wine bottle in his hand trembled: "If someone wins three yuan in a row, his name will be remembered forever!"

"If this happens!"

"All the heroes in the world have fallen into my lap!"


Seeing the two hugging each other and laughing loudly together in the hall! The beauty in palace makeup also smiled happily, and then softly called a few eunuchs, asking them to watch over the two of them carefully, and then quietly withdrew.

Xiao Han, who was too excited, didn't notice that this beauty in palace attire was none other than Queen Changsun!

I wonder if he would be so frightened that he would escape from Chang'an overnight after he sobered up and found out that the wine he drank this time was delivered by Chang Sun himself!

"These are all good strategies to choose one out of ten thousand! But what about fraud? No matter how strict the process is, as long as there are people involved, there will be insider information. The last question is, how can we prevent fraud!"

After a long time, Li Shimin, who was excited, finally came to his senses. Looking at the papers written all over the floor, he felt happy and sad at the same time.

What is gratifying is that the imperial examination system has finally taken shape today!

The sad thing is: if the problem of family intervention is not solved, everything we have done will still be in vain!

"Fraud? This is easy!"

Xiao Han lay loosely on the ground, as if he was using his last breath to say: "The test questions are strictly confidential, the names of the papers are anonymous, and they are copied! The examiners are not allowed to contact outsiders! If there are still cheaters, kill them!"

"Would it be too harsh?"

"Indulgence of evil is the greatest injustice to good! Han Chuang has been studying hard for more than ten years and should not be lost in conspiracy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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