1449 Political Office

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"Brother Xuanling, what are you looking for?" Xue Shou looked at the remaining basic memorials in front of him, stopped the pen in his hand, and looked over with a smile.

"Huh, you're asking even though you know it!" Fang Xuanling, immersed in a pile of memorials in his headquarters, replied impatiently while reading the words.

However, this is not to blame for Fang Xuanling's bad attitude. The people who can sit here are all foxes who have practiced for thousands of years, so what else is there to do?

Everyone is uncharacteristically here today and came here early. Isn't it because what Xiao Han did on the grassland was publicized to everyone in Chang'an yesterday?

As the top person in the Tang Dynasty, others may not know His Majesty the Emperor's attitude. How could they not?

That’s why! They all came to see the memorial in unison, because they were afraid that the group of people under them, who didn’t know the heights of the world, would hit the iron plate head-on, not only breaking their heads and bleeding, but they might also be hurt!

"I recently heard that there was an unusual movement in the northern grassland, and soldiers armed with swords were killing people...Although the victims are from foreign races, how can we, a huge country that governs the world with propriety, do such a thing that violates the laws of nature and benevolence?"

Finally, sweaty Fang Xuanling picked out several impeachment letters from a pile of memorials. Although these impeachment letters were mildly worded and did not specify anyone or anything, anyone with a discerning eye would know just by looking at them.

This is impeaching Xiao Han!

"I heard that the memorial was a matter of the Yushitai! How did you know what happened on the grassland thousands of miles away?" Gritting his teeth, he marked a line of large characters on these impeachment papers with a red pen. Fang Xuanling thought for a while, and then said it carefully.

The four characters “I don’t know what to say!” were written at the back!

After writing these four words, Fang Xuanling felt that her mood finally felt a little better, and then she subconsciously looked up at the boss of the Yushitai opposite, Wei Zheng!

However, if you don’t know this, you will be shocked when you see it!

At this time, Wei Zheng's face was distorted, and his hair and beard were spread out! The hands that used to hold the pen as steady as a rock were trembling uncontrollably, and they almost broke the pen in their hands!

There is no doubt that among the people here, Shu Yushitai's impeachment of Xiao Han was the most powerful and crazy!

After all, Xiao Han had never dealt with Yushitai in the past, and for this reason he had a brilliant record of making some Yushitians vomit blood! How could the Yushitians, who pride themselves on their fine words, swallow this?

Bad mouth!

It's a pity that just when the censors were preparing to use all their strength to fight against this enemy, Xiao Han suddenly disappeared from Chang'an, causing them to punch into the cotton and almost vomit blood in depression!

This time, after finally seizing the opportunity, it would be strange for those censors not to be eager to avenge their previous shame!

However, they are now enjoying impeachment. They feel sorry for their immediate boss, Wei Zheng. Every time they read a memorial, they have the urge to lift the table! They just wish they could bring all the guys who wrote the memorial to them, and then use them one by one.

Pump the soles of your shoes again!

In later generations, everyone's views on Wei Zheng were basically outspoken and upright! Together with Li Shimin, he wrote a good story about the emperor and his ministers, which has been passed down to later generations for thousands of years.

But in fact, the real Wei Zheng is by no means a stupid young man who doesn’t know how to adapt!

If you don’t believe it, just look at his resume and it will be clear: Since his debut, this “upright minister” has followed Yuan Baobao, Li Mi, Dou Jiande, Li Jiancheng and other figures of the early Tang Dynasty!

To survive under so many strong men with very different personalities and styles, Wei Zheng really only knows how to be upright and straightforward! The grass on the graves must have grown taller than the trees by now, and there are still people who are outspoken and outspoken.

Mirror, Wei Zheng!

"Brother Xuancheng, why don't you look so good?"

Perhaps, it is a person's instinct to gloat over misfortune. Seeing Wei Zheng's appearance, Fang Xuanling immediately forgot how depressed Xue Shou had just made fun of him, and instead asked Wei Zheng with a smile.

Opposite me, Wei Zheng still lowered his head, as if he didn't hear Fang Xuanling's voice, but his white teeth were clenching loudly!

He had told his subordinates before that the war on the grasslands was the most important thing for the Tang Dynasty now and even in the future!

At this time, even if there is a huge flaw or a huge mistake, they have to pretend not to see it or not hear it!

But looking at the impeachment memorials on his desk, Wei Zheng knew: Those idiots clearly turned a deaf ear to his words! They treated them as farts! They didn't take them to heart at all!

After breathing heavily for a few times, the red-eyed Wei Zheng finally stood up and threw all the memorials to the ground!

"Burn all these memorials!" Seeing the chamberlain waiting beside him hurriedly come forward to pick them up, Wei Zheng said coldly, and then left the political hall without looking back. Looking at the direction in which he was leaving, it was clear that

It’s the location of Yushitai!

"Hey, Brother Xuancheng is too grumpy."

In the political hall, Fang Xuanling looked at the memorials scattered on the floor, and then at the few that he picked out in front of him. Suddenly he felt great relief, shook his head and sighed with a smile.

Xue Tong glanced at Wei Zheng's back and followed him at the right time: "Haha, I don't think he is too irritable! If you don't believe me, follow him to the Yushitai. You will probably know what is real there.


As Xiao Han's brother-in-law, Xue Shou was definitely loyal to his own family and wished to see the misfortune of those censors who stabbed Xiao Han behind his back! So when he spoke at this time, his tone was all gloating!

In the hall, the fat Du Ruhui was a loyal man. He coughed twice, waved his hands to Xue Shou and Fang Xuanling, and said: "Ahem, Brother Xuancheng's censor's desk is originally responsible for hearing rumors and making reports.

, you should stop making fun of him, and think about what will happen in the court meeting later, don’t wait until then, and catch him off guard, everyone’s face will not look good!”

"Well, the students have learned a lesson."

Xue Shou respected Du Ruhui very much. When he heard him speak on Wei Zheng's behalf, he immediately stopped joking, silently cupped his hands, and began to think about the upcoming court meeting.

However, what Xue Shou was thinking about was not Xiao Han's safety.

Based on his understanding of the current emperor, not to mention that Xiao Han had just wiped out a small grassland tribe in Shuofang. Even if he turned the entire grassland over, this emperor who advocated force would only applaud him! He would never reprimand him.

One sentence!

Therefore, what he is thinking now is: if someone really impeaches him in person, and the emperor becomes furious, should he admonish him, or should he just watch indifferently?

How can we win the greatest benefits for ourselves and our brother-in-law?

Oh, I have a headache! Although my brother-in-law is not in the court, his every move affects the situation in the court. I don't know whether it was right or wrong to marry my sister to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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