1550 Fat Monk

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 "Chen Biao?"

When the novice heard the name from Xiao Han's mouth, he scratched his bare head and thought for a long time, and finally said loudly: "The donor said he was a walking monk from Chang'an, right?"

"Walking monk?" Xiao Han was a little surprised by the fat novice's words.

It’s not that he knows nothing about religion! Yuan Tiangang, Li Rong, and even Lao Sun are all outstanding figures in contemporary religions. After following them for so long, Xiao Han knows a lot about sects from these people, even if he doesn’t pay attention to them.

things inside!

For example, the "walking monk" mentioned by the novice at this time may sound harmless, but in fact, it is a term full of derogatory connotations.

In sects, it is often used to describe some ordained monks who are halfway out of the monkhood and have no sect. Even liars who put on monk robes and deceive people will also be called walking monks.

And for some masters who really visit the earth, their real title is "Wandering Monk".

"He came from Chang'an. Why, Master has seen him?" Although he was a little confused and a little disgusted with the fat novice, Xiao Han still patiently asked him about this legendary figure.

"I've seen it!" The fat novice laughed and pointed to the temple door outside: "He has been to this temple a few days ago! I heard that he came from Chang'an at that time, and the abbot of this temple specially invited him to visit the temple and even kept him.

Let’s have a meal together! But for some reason, the traveling monk sighed when he looked at the main hall and sighed when he looked at the meal. In the end, he only drank a bowl of water and left here in a hurry."

When answering Xiao Han's words, the novice monk obviously had a tone of gloating about his misfortune! His fat face seemed to have a sense of superiority that the Jia family had when they saw Grandma Liu in Dream of Red Mansions.

Xiao Han frowned, taking in all the expressions of the fat novice, and felt the disgust in his heart become even heavier!

How could the man in front of me be a monk? He was clearly a bald donkey who was more vulgar than a layman! No wonder even Master Xuanzang had to stay away from him after he entered.

Just when Xiao Han shook his head and sighed, suddenly, a sudden voice came from in front of several people: "Huh? Who are you! Why are you still staying in the temple at this time! This temple does not have any orders, please leave quickly!"

The sound appeared very suddenly!

And just by listening to the tone, you can hear the condescending contempt in it! It is as if Xiao Han and Su Dingfang are two beggars who go to the temple to beg, rather than sincere believers who worship the Buddha.

"Who is this person?" Su Dingfang and Xiao Han were startled by the voice. They raised their heads and looked forward, only to find that at some point, a monk as bloated as a flesh was standing in the courtyard, facing

They frowned.

"Here I go, is this still a human being?"

Xiao Han bets that this is his first thought when he sees this monk! No other reason, just because this monk is fatter than everyone Xiao Han has ever seen!

The khaki monk's robe is like a tent, covering this person! On the arms exposed outside the monk's robe, there are circles of wavy flesh that make people dizzy!

Not to mention that the chin stacked in several layers on his face was shiny and shiny. If you look closely, you could see that there were shreds of flesh stuck in it that had not been wiped clean.

"Hey, Xiao Han! Do monks also eat meat?" Su Dingfang was obviously startled by this monk. He was stunned for a long time before quietly approaching Xiao Han, protecting him intentionally or unintentionally with his body, and whispering to him


Xiao Han swallowed, spread his hands and said, "Well... I heard that monks were allowed to eat meat in the past, but since an emperor with the same surname as me stipulated that meat cannot be eaten, it is rare to see monks eating meat."

"Don't eat meat? Then why do these people still eat? Hey? Do you think we have entered the black temple, just like Sun Erniang's bun shop you mentioned, and they are also planning to make buns with us? This person in front of me looks like this

, does it just rely on cannibalism?”

"Uh, probably not..."

Xiao Han was told by Su Dingfang that there were black lines all over his forehead! He thought to himself: This person seems to be quite reliable on weekdays, but why is his brain so powerful at critical times?

Can you eat human flesh like this? Doesn't he know that in this world, if a person eats too much flesh of the same kind, he will be poisoned to death?

(This is true! If a person eats human flesh, he has a higher chance of being infected with a prion. Once it attacks, he will definitely die.)

Xiao Han and Su Dingfang were whispering, and no one cared to answer the fat monk's words.

When the fat monk saw this, his nose was almost crooked with anger. He raised his hand with great effort, pointed at a few people and shouted angrily: "What are you two talking about! Kong Jian, who asked you to bring people in at this time!"

"Jingkong Dianzu, calm down!" Seeing the fat monk getting angry, the novice monk known as Kong Jian finally woke up!

He hurried forward to meet him and whispered a few words in the fat monk's ear. Behind him, Xiao Han had sharp ears and could vaguely hear the monk telling him about sesame oil and taking advantage of others...

"Oh, since they are the donors who are here to give alms, Kong Jian, please take them to the temple to have a look, but don't disturb other people's evening classes! Also, don't forget to move the merit box out of the accounting room!"

Sure enough, wealth can help the gods! After hearing that Xiao Han and Su Dingfang were here to give money, the fat monk's anger immediately dissipated. Although he was not as diligent as a novice, at least his tone no longer sounded like he was commanding.


"It's getting late, and I have to go to evening classes! Sora, don't forget it!"

Finally, the fat monk emphasized his tone again, pointed toward the depths of the temple, shook his sleeves, and walked back to the backyard.

However, seeing the way he yawned while walking, Xiao Han doubted whether his homework needed to be completed in a dream.

(The real Master Xuanzang in history was indeed a highly respected master, completely different from the so-called masters today. Interested friends can take a look at his life story.

At the age of 13, he was able to speak the Dharma independently.

When I was 20 years old, I received full ordination in Chengdu and needed to abide by 250 precepts.

At the age of 24, he received the title of Tripitaka, which is a degree awarded to those who have mastered the Tripitaka in the Sutras and Vinaya, and is also the highest level of Dharma Master.

At the age of 29, because the Buddhist scriptures in the Central Plains were not satisfactory, he secretly crossed the border and followed the Silk Road to the birthplace of Buddhism to obtain the true scriptures.

When he was 42 years old, Master Xuanzang, who had studied Buddhist scriptures extensively, held a debate meeting in Qunu City, India. 18 kings, 3,000 Mahayana Buddhist scholars, and more than 2,000 outsiders attended. Xuanzang was giving a speech at that time, and no one asked questions, but he was not able to answer any questions.

One person can answer the question!

Later, Xuanzang declined the invitation of King Haris and resolutely returned to Chang'an and began his lifelong journey of translating scriptures. Throughout his life, he translated 1,335 volumes of scriptures! This accounts for more than half of the contemporary scriptures, and with his

One person can translate twice as many people as the other three great translators with the same name in history combined! This shows his sincerity!)

This chapter has been completed!
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