1725 Xun Er

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 Carrying a basket full of fruits while shopping! This is the real shopping and eating.

In addition, several people hadn't eaten in the morning, well, it seemed like they didn't get up to eat dinner yesterday, so this action seemed a little bolder without realizing it.

The cow chews peonies, and Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit. This is what Xiao Han and the others are doing! Along the way, I don’t know how many passersby attracted sideways glances and looked this way.

However, Xiao Han, Xiaodong and others were a bit thin-skinned after all. Being looked at like this, they gradually became embarrassed to gnaw the fruit in public.

Liu Hongji, on the other hand, didn't care and still went his own way. He was originally crazy on his own. The more people looked at him, the more proud he became and the more willing he was to play tricks.

He grabbed a handful of bayberries and stuffed them into his mouth, chewing countless juices everywhere! The red juice dyed his big mouth blood red, and at a glance, it looked a little oozing!

"Hahaha, Xiao Han! This fruit is delicious! You should try it too! It's much better than our hawthorn!"

However, Liu Hongji generously handed the red bayberry in his hand to Xiao Han. Xiao Han was so embarrassed that he really wanted to jump up and sew his mouth shut! It's really embarrassing, right?

"Eat! Why don't you eat?"

Liu Hongji didn't notice Xiao Han's embarrassment at all. When he didn't answer, he thought he didn't hear, so he handed the bear's paw forward again.

There was nothing he could do now. Xiao Han could only reach out and take the red bayberries under the strange gazes of the passers-by.

Bayberry is very sweet! But now Xiao Han tastes it tasteless.

Seeing Liu Hongji finishing the bayberry, wiping his hands, and making faces with a bloody grin on his face at several little girls from the Miao family who were passing by, Xiao Han couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It seems that it is not safe to bring this troublemaker out!


Sure enough, the facts did not disappoint Xiao Han.

As soon as he scared the little girl with his front foot, the flower protector jumped out from behind, pointed at Liu Hongji's nose and cursed angrily.

But what exactly the flower protector was scolding was really unknown.

"What is this guy doing?"

Looking at the flower protector who looked like bean sprouts standing in front of him, Liu Hongji blinked and asked strangely to Xiao Han beside him.

"Maybe you scared my lover!" Xiao Han rolled his eyes and whispered to Liu Hongji: "Stop causing trouble and apologize quickly!"

It's not that Xiao Han is cowardly, it's because Xiao Han doesn't want to cause trouble here! After all, this is Feng An's territory. If something happens, their backer Xiao Lizi will be able to cover them up.

However, what neither Xiao Han nor Liu Hongji expected was that behind them, the girl from the Miao family widened her almond-shaped eyes when she heard Xiao Han's words, and said in fluent Chinese: "Nonsense! We are not the same.

His lover!"

"You..." Xiao Han was startled by the girl's fluent Chinese, and subconsciously turned to look at the few people.

He knew from the beginning that many people here could speak Chinese, such as the waiters and shopkeepers of the inn.

However, listening to those people talking, it is inevitable that there are some weird accents mixed in, but the girl in front of me doesn't have any of those weird accents when she speaks. Even if you don't look at the dress, just listen to the voice, there is absolutely no one who says she is from Chang'an.


"What are you!"


When the girl saw Xiao Han's surprised look, she was so angry that she wanted to speak. Next to her, a girl with a somewhat gentle face pulled her and persuaded her in a low voice: "Okay, they don't mean to scare you.

Yours! We are here as guests this time, so don’t embarrass your uncle."

What the girl said seemed to be very useful. Seeing this, the girl named Xun'er had no choice but to glare at Liu Hongji again. Then she was reluctantly pulled away by several other little sisters. Of course, she didn't leave before she left.

Forgot to drop the "harsh words": "Huh! This is right here. If we were in Guangzhou..."

With the "flower" gone, the flower protector who jumped out naturally had no use. Unfortunately, he spent a long time in front of Xiao Han and others, but no one took him seriously! Seeing that several girls had already

After walking far away, I had no choice but to let out a sigh of regret. I stopped looking for bad luck with Liu Hongji and wanted to catch up with the girls.

However, just when he was about to pass Xiao Han and others, there was a big foot blocking his legs.


A scream suddenly sounded.

Watching this guy flying out with all his teeth and claws, and finally crashing into a hawker's stall on the street, Liu Hongji next to Xiao Han spread his hands innocently, as if the foot was not extended by him.


Xun'er, who had already walked some distance away, looked back and saw this scene, and was immediately furious! He was about to step forward to argue again, but was pulled back by the girl again, and he didn't know what he said in her ear. Xun'er then said harshly

Stomping his feet, he turned around and left here angrily.

What happened on the long street was just a small episode for both pedestrians and vendors.

In a place like Shi'an County where various tribes are mixed together, not to mention a few quarrels, even if they disagree, there are many people who will take action!

As long as the quarrel doesn't get violent in the end, basically no one will be troublesome, especially small scenes like this, which are already commonplace for people on the long street.

At least the vendor whose stall was smashed was not angry at all. He even took advantage of the flower protector who was too dizzy to get up and secretly stuffed a few undamaged goods behind him under his body, and then sat down with a smile.

Wait for this guy to pay the bill together.

As for whether this person will default on his debt?

The hawker seems to have never thought about this problem!

Here, it's okay to quarrel and fight, but if it doesn't work, it's okay to pull out a knife and fight for your life! Anyway, as long as you don't cause trouble with the government or the Feng family, everything will be fine.

But in such a relaxed environment, there is only one thing that must not be touched! That is to violate the rules of fair business in the city!

You must know that back then, in order to make Shi'an County popular and turn it into a place where surrounding tribes could trade fairly, the Feng family did not know how much effort and blood was shed to turn it into what it is now.

Anyone who wants to destroy the fair trading environment here is the Feng family’s mortal enemy! This point is non-negotiable!

So after so many years, even a hawker in the city has become so confident that he doesn't have to worry about the person not paying.

Feng family!

Lingnan Feng Family!

In this city, the prestige and rights in this land have far exceeded the boundaries of the local wealthy families. It is no exaggeration to say that Feng Ying is the local emperor here!

Even Xiao Lizi had to hold his nose to admit this!

This chapter has been completed!
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