1960 Attack

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 There are thieves outside the city!

This is what Xiao Han heard mentioned by the diners who were whispering when he was eating.

I don’t know if it was because of their bad habits at the beginning. After they went to Lingnan, there was actually a group of Qinling thieves who specialized in the business of blocking roads and robbing money.

Moreover, because the terrain of the Qinling Mountains is so complicated, not to mention that the government does not know the identities of these people, even if they do know, they only need to drill into the woods, and the chasing officers and soldiers can only look at the endless mountains in a daze, and have no regard for them at all.

Some ideas.

Therefore, during that period of time, this group of thieves became more and more arrogant, and their ranks also tended to gradually increase. For a time, merchants passing through the Qinling Mountains changed their expressions upon hearing this, for fear of encountering this group of evil stars! They would then spend their hard-earned money

All the wealth gained was used as a wedding garment for the thief.

In this way, the thieves went back and forth for more than half a year, and actually did several big cases in the Qinling Mountains! With some money on hand and a high level of vision, they looked down on ordinary people and did not bother to harass them.

Therefore, towns like Nanyang City that rarely receive caravans are even more unwilling to waste time and effort to take care of them! For a while, the two were at peace with each other.

Just because winter came later, the number of caravans dropped sharply, and the thieves who were used to living a good life had no choice but to target the villages around the Qinling Mountains. Although those people did not have many good things in their homes, they could at least make a living.

Are you full?

In this way, Nanyang City, which was also implicated, had to pay attention to them.

"It turns out that there is really a gang of thieves outside. No wonder there are so many people entering the city today!" Xiao Han finally understood the whole story from the people at the next table. Xiao Han finally figured out the long queue he saw when he entered the city.

And why it needs to be inspected so carefully.

This must be the news that the surrounding people have also gotten the news, so they dragged their families and crowded into Nanyang City, hoping to rely on the high walls and thick walls of Nanyang City to avoid the nuisance of the thieves. After all, no matter how powerful the thieves are, no matter how many they are,

It is possible to conquer a powerful city, even if the city has fallen into such decline that few people mention it.

"Hey, you have a good life, why do you have to do these crooked things?" After thinking about this, Xiao Han was helpless and could only shake his head with a wry smile.

There is no way, no matter how the world develops, there will always be a small group of people who don't like to keep to themselves and only love to engage in these costless things!

But does the so-called no foundation really mean no foundation? Not necessarily!

At least Xiao Han knew that at this time, if the bandits who blocked the road were caught, there was basically only one ending, and that was to be tied up and happily sent to the market entrance to have their heads chopped off for fun!

Watching the big snow-white blade swipe down, I really accidentally took a shortcut in life.

Well, reincarnated before everyone else!

"Boom...bangbang...the sky is dry and things are dry, be careful of the candle!"

Traveling is tiring, especially traveling in this era. Even though Xiao Han had a carriage to ride in, he was jostled all day long and his bones ached. He ate some food in a hurry and didn't bother to wash up. When he returned to his room, he just lay down and listened.

On the street, the sound of a watchman was heard, one gong and two bangs, which means the first watch of the day, that is, the garrison time.

"Xiaodong, how do you determine the time for yourself to do the watch?" Xiao Han, who was lying on the bed and not quite sleepy, casually asked Xiaodong who was making the floor in the room.

Xiaodong was laying out his quilt at this time. When he heard this, he was stunned and subconsciously scratched his head and said: "Master Hou, I really don't know this. When I was a child, I heard about the clock in Chang'an, but later I moved to the countryside.

, I have never seen this thing again, and I have never thought about it.”

"Hey, you don't know, I know this!"

On the other side, seeing that Xiaodong couldn't explain the reason, the idiot who kept his ears pricked up was happy. He quickly grinned, patted his chest and replied to Xiao Han: "Master Hou! I once went to the watchman's house.

In their house, there is a clepsydra. If you pour water into it, the water will drip into a big pot below. There are lines engraved on the edge of the big pot. When the time comes, you only need to look at where the water reaches to know what time it is.


"Oh, is it that simple?" Xiao Han, who was leaning on his arm, burst out laughing after hearing this. Not to mention, this method is indeed feasible, but in this way, the error must not be small!

But at this time, it would be good to be able to roughly determine the time of night. Why is it too demanding?

"Hmph, the method you mentioned is useful in summer!"

Xiaodong couldn't stand the way the fool looked at him, especially in front of Xiao Han! Seeing this, he couldn't help but snorted: "What about winter? Doesn't the water freeze in winter? Then I'll give you every drop.

You can’t leak it! It depends on how you tell the time!”

"Ah? Winter?" The fool looked at Xiaodong in surprise. Before Xiaodong could show his pride, he continued to say with that silly look: "The water freezes in winter, but you can use sand."

Ah, the sand can't freeze and it won't leak out, right?"

"I..." Xiaodong was choked for a moment, staring at the idiot for a long time without being able to speak.

These days, honest people are choking, and they are really unambiguous at all, choking them to death!

"Ahem, that's it!" Xiao Han couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart when he saw the two bastards bickering. Although Xiaodong was smart and flexible, he seemed to be much smarter than the fool, but sometimes the fool just said a word.

Xiaodong couldn't recover for a long time after being killed.

"We have to go on a journey tomorrow, hurry up..."

Before the words "get some rest quickly" came out of Xiao Han's mouth, a rush of drums suddenly sounded outside the inn.

"Quick, get out of the city!"

"Xiaoye Village outside the city has been attacked by thieves. The governor has given an order to mobilize three hundred soldiers from the city to rush out to help!"

"What a fool! My home is Xiaoye Village, how dare you, the thief!"

Accompanied by the rapid beating of drums, Nanyang City seemed to become lively all of a sudden, the sound of countless footsteps and horse hooves resounded throughout the city, and countless torches rushed towards the city gate like a long dragon!"

"Oh, I'll go!"

On the street, two bald heads were sneaking towards the brothel in the city. How could they have imagined that they would encounter something like this on the way? They were rushed by the crowd and almost dispersed. Fortunately, both of them were bald and were caught in the flames.

In the photo, the shining heads were very recognizable. At the last moment, they merged together again, barely standing in the corner and watching the people running on the street in a daze.

During the Tang Dynasty, the army system was based on the government army system, so the soldiers were selected from nearby villages and towns. The advantage of this is that in order to protect their homeland, they really dared to go into trouble!

Of course, the disadvantage is that the number of soldiers is directly linked to the surrounding population.

In a big city like Yangzhou, thousands of people can be used as soldiers for the government. But when it comes to Nanyang, even the lowest government, which is 800 people, can't even get together. In addition, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and the soldiers are also scarce.

You have to take a holiday, right? In the end, there were less than 500 soldiers and horses left in such a huge city, which was considered pitiful.

This chapter has been completed!
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