2051 Shao Jian Mansion

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 "Erlang is back?"

At noon, Li Shimin, who had finally finished his court meeting, dragged his tired body back to the harem. As soon as he entered the Manlu Hall, his eldest grandson who was holding little Li Zhi came up to him. He looked at his tired husband with concern and asked:

"Why are you leaving the court so late today? You must be hungry. I will ask the palace servants to pass on the food."

"Hey, wait a minute, I have no appetite!" When Li Shimin saw Empress Changsun, a smile finally appeared on his tired face, and he teased little Li Zhi who was in her arms, and then sighed: "

If you are so angry with those ministers, what else can you eat? Hey! Now those so-called ministers all have their own little plans! It is no longer the time when we conquered the world together, the family, the country, the world, hmph! Sure enough, one by one

Everyone puts family first!”

At this point, Li Shimin, who looked indignant, sighed helplessly. When Empress Changsun saw her husband's appearance, she raised her eyebrows slightly and wanted to ask what happened in the court today, but in the end, she held back.

The palace maid was asked to carry out little Li Zhi who was impatient with teasing, while she personally gently rubbed the temples of Li Shimin who was sitting on the couch.

"By the way, Maid Guanyin, how are you doing with the bank now?"

After enjoying the massage from Chang Sun for a while, Li Shimin, who had had a headache for most of the day, finally felt a little better. He closed his eyes slightly and asked Chang Sun about the bank's issuance of treasury bonds.

In fact, few people know that banks, a new thing like this, were originally established by Xiao Han, led by wealthy businessmen such as Yin Can!

Here, whether it is Xiao Han or the Mohist family, which has been around for thousands of years, they naturally have no shortage of things like money and connections!

But Xiao Han also knows that if you want to operate something so important that it may even change the entire structure of the Tang Dynasty, money and connections alone are absolutely not enough! You must give it legitimacy! If possible, use the royal family

Standing up for him is the only way to be safe!

Therefore, after much deliberation, Xiao Han finally pulled the tiger skin of his eldest grandson's Young Supervisor House as a banner. As a result, there was no taboo on the establishment of the bank.

Of course, the reason why Xiao Han did not ask Xiao Lizi to directly integrate the bank into the Account Department was because he was afraid that the bureaucratic atmosphere of the Account Department would assimilate the emerging business model of the bank! It would also make it

It has become an old-fashioned thing like a yamen and has lost the role it was supposed to play.

And the facts prove that his original choice was also right!

After all, in the current framework of the family world, whether in the eyes of the common people or officials, what is the difference between the Ministry of Households?

As for letting Empress Changsun take charge, that’s perfectly normal! Even in ordinary people’s homes, isn’t it usually the wife who manages the money? Empress Changsun is the mother of the country and has a reputation as a virtuous and virtuous person, so let her take care of her.

There is nothing more trustworthy than money in the bank!

Moreover, in terms of the development of the bank, the wise and tolerant Changsun always treats new things like it as a newborn baby and carefully maintains its development. It is this kind of care that makes the bank

You can quickly establish a foothold in Chang'an City and quickly expand externally.

Nowadays, the bank has developed its own set of operating methods! Strict regulations and an efficient reward and punishment system make everyone inside, whether they are shopkeepers or clerks, work hard and work diligently!

We are absolutely not worried that they will be like the petty officials in the yamen, looking at people with their nostrils all day long and ruining a good business.

However, since we are talking about doing business, we have to mention other businesses in the Young Prison Mansion.

In fact, the Shaojian Mansion was, to put it bluntly, a royal business run by Li Shimin through the back door for Empress Changsun.

The money earned is also directly deposited into the internal treasury accounts and can be used to supplement the royal family's needs. It will not be the same as before, where money is withdrawn from the treasury for everything.

Although, the palace official took the Queen's note and went to the Ministry of Household Affairs to get the money, but the Ministry of Household Affairs did not dare not to give it.

But when the accounts were reviewed at the end of each year, the head of the household department would unceremoniously publish all the emperor's expenses for the year, so that the emperor and his ministers would know where the money under his control was spent.

Every time this time comes, for Li Shimin, if he only spends less money in a year, it would be easier to say, hello, me, hello, everyone!

But once you spend too much on things like marrying a daughter, building a yard, or rewarding ministers, someone like Wei Zheng will come out of the pit and unceremoniously accuse the emperor of wasting national money and wasting people's money and money!

Even the emperor couldn't step down from the stage, and he would often blush when he was accused, as if he had done something wrong.

In this way, after being criticized several times in public and losing the so-called "dragon face", Li Shimin understood an eternal truth: no one has money, it is better than having it himself!

Therefore, after learning from the painful experience, the Shaojian Mansion came into being and began the arduous journey of making amends for the emperor...

Yes, you read that right, it is indeed losing money, not making money!

At that time, in order to save costs, the newly established Shaojian Mansion only used eunuchs from the palace!

This group of people who came out of the palace were not only illiterate and didn't know a thing about doing business, but they all had their eyes high above their heads and looked at everyone as if they were inferior to them. When talking to guests, they would always say "I

"My master!" "My dear!" That proud look doesn't look like a seller, but like you are begging them to buy something. It can make people mad to death!

Just expecting this group of fools to do business for the royal family, and not losing all themselves, is just an outsider giving the royal family some face.

So when the Shaojian Mansion was first opened, the courtiers suddenly discovered that the emperor had become even more frugal than before!

What used to be a reward was replaced by a verbal reward.

Those who traveled during the holiday also turned to working from home.

Even the queen stopped wearing gorgeous floor-length skirts and put on ordinary sarongs.

At that time, a group of imperial officials led by Wei Zheng praised His Majesty's frugality, and even the Yan family wrote it into the history books.

But no one knew that it was not that the emperor really wanted to be frugal, but that there was really no money in the palace...

Hey, it’s hard to be an emperor, but it’s even harder for a woman to be a queen!

In the past, Empress Changsun had to support such a large palace, which was already very difficult!

Now, if we support a bunch of idiots outside, and add in the fees for shops, purchasing, etc., the money will be even more insufficient!

If Xiao Han hadn't opened a state-run workshop in Jiangnan later and reversed the situation in an instant, the royal family of the Tang Dynasty would have been forced to beg for food on the streets.

This chapter has been completed!
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