2119 fear

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 I don’t know why, but Liu Hongji has been showing a lack of interest since he came back from school. He even walks a little listlessly.

Looking at Xiao Han, his current state is completely opposite to Liu Hongji.

He excitedly discussed the use of phosphorus fire bombs with Lao Jiang for a while, and asked him, why not give it a try and add some sugar to the powder?

Then, he discussed with Lao Chen the issue of standardized manufacturing of firearms and the possibility of carving rifling lines into the barrel so that the single-point bullet could fly farther and hit more accurately.

In short, in the presence of Xiao Han, who can be called a cheat, both old men's eyes lit up! The mysteries that had troubled them for a long time, under Xiao Han's simple words, suddenly felt like the clouds were cleared up!

So, without bothering to be polite to Xiao Han, he hurried to his laboratory, preparing to write down all these things first so as not to forget them later.

"Hey, hey! My daughter is red..."

Seeing Lao Jiang leaving in a hurry, Xiao Han suddenly remembered the daughter Hong who had been in the pot for thirty years, so he followed behind and shouted several times.

But it was good that he didn't shout. As soon as he shouted, Lao Jiang immediately ran faster and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Master Hou, do you really believe that he has had his daughter Hong for thirty years?"

Seeing Lao Jiang running away, the dog behind him twitched his lips and muttered in a low voice: "You forgot, Lao Jiang only has two sons and not even a daughter, so where can he find his daughter Hong? And even if he has one,

Can you still keep it till now? He drank it all by himself a long time ago!"

"Bullshit...nonsense, how can I not know who he is?!"

Xiao Han's face turned red when Gouzi said that. He had really forgotten that Lao Jiang's family was all bachelors. There could be a champion, but not a daughter.

But he can't say this now, as it will damage the glorious image of the omniscient and omniscient he has just established!

Therefore, Xiao Han could only hold on and act like I knew it all along and was just teasing him!

"Ah, oh! The Marquis is wise!" Sure enough, when Gouzi saw Xiao Han's appearance, he immediately stood in awe and looked at his Marquis with admiration! Even the slightly trembling corners of his mouth seemed to reveal his inner feelings.

Real thoughts.

"Hmph, learn from me in the future!"

Xiao Han's old face turned red, but he still held his chest up and raised his head without squinting!

It wasn't until he returned to his office and closed the door that he immediately slumped down on the chair like a deflated balloon.

This afternoon, he was frightened and frightened, and he had to hold on to his dignity, which really exhausted him.

"Give me a glass of water..."

Feeling a little thirsty in his mouth, but too lazy to get up to pour water, Xiao Han weakly raised his hand and motioned Liu Hongji to pass the water glass next to him.

If, in the past, Liu Hongji didn't immediately throw the water glass out of the window after hearing Xiao Han's unreasonable request, it would be considered that he, Old Liu, had shown mercy!

You want me, Lao Liu, to serve you? I also want to find someone to serve you!

But unexpectedly, today, Liu Hongji was uncharacteristic and actually picked up the water glass for Xiao Han. Seeing that there was not much water in the water glass, he took the initiative to add some water and handed it to him.

"Uh, you didn't put any medicine in it, did you?"

At this time, Xiao Han was also a little surprised by Liu Hongji's unusual behavior. He took the water he handed over, held it in his hand and looked at it up and down, left and right, but didn't dare to bring it to his mouth.


Liu Hongji saw Xiao Han's suspicious look and regained some of his previous appearance. He sneered and said, "If I wanted to do something bad for you, why would I use such troublesome medicine? Isn't it as effective as any other medicine if I just slap him unconscious?"


"Ahem, that seems to be true!"

After hearing this, Xiao Han felt relieved and drank a glass of water. Then he put down the glass, took a deep breath, looked at him and said, "By the way, I forgot to ask you what this is."

What's wrong? You look depressed all afternoon? Is it because you're afraid of losing your job?"

"Unemployed? What unemployment?" Liu Hongji was a little confused about these new words in Xiao Han's mouth. He looked at him with puzzled eyes and asked: "What do you mean?"

"Idiot! Lost your job, lost your job! Lost your career!"

Xiao Han smiled at Liu Hongji, then lowered his voice and said, "Are you afraid that I will have so many new weapons that you will no longer have a use for your generals? That's why you are so worried?"

When Liu Hongji heard this, he did not speak, but just looked at him silently.

When Xiao Han saw Liu Hongji not speaking, he thought he had guessed what he was thinking, and the smile on his face suddenly became even brighter!

"It's settled, it's settled! Although these weapons are simpler, more powerful, and easier to control! But no matter how good the weapons are, they still have to be used by someone, right? As long as you find a good teacher, study hard, and make progress every day, you still won't be eliminated.


As he spoke, Xiao Han did not forget to work hard to sit upright, straighten his chest and raise his head, acting as a role model for others.

He just waited for Liu Hongji to bow before him, and then he kindly accepted this good disciple while ruthlessly ripping him off!

He wanted to avenge himself for being severely punished by him because he couldn't beat him.


Silence, a long silence!

Unfortunately, the self-righteous Xiao Han did not expect that he had hinted so clearly, and had been posing for a long time, and his legs were almost sore, but he still didn't hear the news that Liu Hongji wanted to become his disciple.


So, Xiao Han, who was really impatient with waiting, could only mechanically turn his neck, wanting to question Liu Hongji why he didn't follow the script.

But what he didn't expect was that when he looked at it, he unexpectedly saw the sadness in Lao Liu's eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" After noticing something was wrong with Liu Hongji, Xiao Han stopped playing tricks and immediately jumped up from his chair, looking at him in surprise and confusion.

"It's okay, I just remembered something from before." Liu Hongji took a deep breath and shook his head slowly.

"Is everything okay? How can it be that you're okay with things like this?" Xiao Han was a little panicked. He thought that he had just made a big joke and inadvertently touched a certain pain point in Liu Hongji's heart.

"If what I said is wrong, don't take it to heart. I just apologize to you!"

"It's not your words that are wrong."

"Isn't there something wrong with my words?"

Xiao Han was confused by Liu Hongji and asked subconsciously: "That's my person. Is there a problem?"

I thought this was a nonsense, but unexpectedly, Liu Hongji actually nodded.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?" Xiao Han became even more confused, pointing at himself and asked.

Liu Hongji glanced at Xiao Han meaningfully, and then under his almost crazy gaze, he asked word by word: "What are you afraid of?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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