2250 Datong World

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 Datong World

This is not a term that only comes from later generations.

In fact, in the pre-Qin period, some people had already proposed this concept similar to the utopia.

For example, the Peach Blossom Spring written by Tao Yuanming during the Wei and Jin Dynasties is also a deep fantasy of this kind of world.

Even the sage Lao Tzu wrote down his imagination of this perfect world in his Tao Te Ching when he left Hangu Pass in the west.

In Lao Tzu’s understanding:

The country is small and the people are few; the people stick to their duties and want nothing, "enjoy their food, enjoy their clothes, live in peace, and enjoy their customs"; countries coexist peacefully, "neighbors look at each other, chickens are like chickens"

When dogs hear each other's noises, people will not interact with each other until they grow old and die."

This is a perfect country!

And, unlike mere expectations, Lao Tzu also gave an answer to how to maintain this perfection: Return!

Return to the original state of human society, the best way to go back to the ancient times is to tie knots to record events!

Because I believe that people at that time were the simplest! Their only pursuit was to eat well and wear warm clothes. Apart from that, they had nothing else!

If there is no desire, then there is no need!

Without seeking! Then there would be no class, no fraud, no oppression, no exploitation!

But, does this kind of world really exist?

You don’t have to think about the answer, you know it must be no!

If such a country really existed in this world! How could satellites and airplanes all over the earth in future generations not find it?

Not to mention, the utopia itself goes against human nature!

And countless experiences and lessons in history have told the world that any existence that violates human nature will definitely result in demise, without any exception!

"There is no world of great harmony! Then I will build a world of great harmony! As for the means? Just look at the Li family in Longxi today and you will know: as long as I succeed, then all the means I use are correct!"

Perhaps out of embarrassment after having their lies exposed, this sentence was the last thing Li Zhen threw to Xie Yingdeng and Zheng Hao!

Then, the two of them could only see the back of Li Zhen walking away.

"You will be punished!"

"God will not forgive you!"

Lying on the ground with difficulty, Xie Yingden and Zheng Hao faced that familiar yet unfamiliar back in despair, uttering the most vicious curse in their lives!

However, what responded to them was not the divine thunder falling from the sky, but two hidden arrows shot from nowhere.

"King of Heaven, the Xie family and the Zheng family still have many private soldiers in our army. If we kill two people like this, will it cause a mutiny..."

The soldier who heard the sound of the bowstring suddenly turned around, and when he saw Xie and Zheng who had been nailed to the ground and had made no sound. He, who was once a servant of the Li family, trembled and hurriedly caught up with Li Zhen in front of him.

, asked softly in his ear.

"Don't worry."

Li Zhen, who was walking in front, kept walking and walked into the military camp unhurriedly.

It wasn't until he entered the military camp and heard the faint sound of chanting coming from the camp that he slowly breathed out, closed his eyes and murmured as if he was enjoying himself very much:

"When those people have tasted what it's like to be a human being, they will not be willing to go back to being dogs, let alone go back and be dogs for a family that has long since ceased to exist!"

Let everyone be their own master, have fields to farm, houses to live in, and food to eat!

This is the slogan of the Li Zhen Rebel Army!

Also for this slogan, he generously donated all the land in his family, dismissed a large number of slaves, eliminated their slave debts, and once again made his glorious image a myth among countless people!

However, those refugees who are so grateful to Li Zhen may never imagine that the reason why they are in this situation is inseparable from Li Zhen, the Buddha in front of them!

In the final analysis, the great chaos in Shandong was caused by a large number of land annexations.

Landlords and nobles like the Li family, the Zheng family, and the Xie family, who account for less than one percent of the entire population of Shandong, own 99% of the land in Shandong!

Such huge land inequality has resulted in countless poor people who have been working for others since they were born. They work hard for a year and have little food left.

If it were a good year, it would be easier to say that it would be just one year if we were scrimping on food and clothing and making do.

But if we encounter a disaster like this year, and the landlords don't loosen the trap on their heads, then the poor will really have no way to survive!

Therefore, Li Zhen saw this clearly and first united with the landlord class to put pressure on the poor. Then he saw the right opportunity and then provoked the poor who could no longer survive!

This uprising, which was already a prairie fire, immediately swept across the entire Shandong land with an unstoppable attitude.

Those refugees would not know that all of this was just the first step of Li Zhen's plan. He called this step: Chaos!

Only in chaos will he have a chance!

Li Zhen, who knew very well that Li Shimin was terrifying, would never use his family's poor "inheritance" to fight against Li Shimin, who owned the entire world!

Because that's like hitting a rock with an egg! It's like hitting a rock with a quail egg!

Therefore, he wants chaos in Shandong! Only by chaos can he find a glimmer of possibility among all the impossibilities!

Fortunately for Li Zhen, his first step had been successful! Although there were some minor episodes and accidents, they did not affect the overall situation.

Then, when the great fire breaks out and the whole Shandong becomes chaotic, he will implement the second step of his plan.

If you want to steal the world, chaos alone is not enough, not to mention that this chaos may not last long!

These refugees who started the uprising do not have high desires. They do not seek wealth and wealth. As long as they have a piece of land, they are satisfied!

Therefore, when countless gentry and landlords were overthrown and countless poor people got the land they wanted, it was logical that it was time for this chaos to subside.

Li Zhen had already anticipated and had countermeasures for this.

At the beginning of the chaos, he had already taken away a large amount of food from Xie, Zheng, and other large families under the pretext of military rations. As for the small landowners, they were also suppressed by his power and took away a lot of food.

When countless refugees find that they already have land, houses, and even some valuable trophies, and can start to retreat, they suddenly discover: the most important food is gone!

At this time, it is May and June, which coincides with the shortage of food supplies!

Coupled with the previous vigorous refugee uprising, the land that was originally delayed by the cold disaster was almost completely abandoned!

Even if it was not abandoned by luck, the people sent by Li Zhen would deliberately trample and destroy it.

This chapter has been completed!
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