2353 implementation

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For the people of the Tang Dynasty, men were entitled to twenty acres of Yongye fields and forty acres of open fields! Among them, the open fields were uncultivated fields, and those with cattle could double the amount!

The ownership of open fields belongs to the government, people cultivate it while they are alive, and those who die belong to the public.

Yongye fields are owned by the common people and can be passed down to future generations. They cannot be bought or sold. When households are sold, they belong to the public.

For those with disabilities, half of the land granted to men is granted to men, and they are exempted from paying land taxes. Widows keep their will, and receive women's land without taxation!

Handicraftsmen in cities and towns are granted half the land to men, which can be subleased but cannot be bought or sold. When old and dead, the land is returned to the government.

From now on, all land will be remeasured and redistributed! The previous land deeds will be turned over in accordance with the law and converted into compensation.

Under the wall of the government office, a literate gentleman read loudly the contents of the notice.

The people surrounding him all held their breath and listened attentively, for fear of missing even a single word!

It wasn't until the gentleman finished reading the notice, stroking his beard and smiling, that the people around him woke up from a dream! Suddenly, a burst of cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami broke out among the crowd!

Although before this, the people in Jinan City had also heard a little bit about land distribution.

However, due to the deliberate smear campaign by those wealthy households, few people had any illusions about this, and no one thought that they would also be the direct beneficiaries of this land policy!

As a Tang person, no one can refuse the temptation of land!

Especially those urban residents who have been in the city for a long time and have long lost their land! Now they have an extra thirty acres of land in their name out of thin air. Although it cannot be bought or sold, as long as it is sublet, isn't it also an additional income?

Not to mention, having land means there is a way out!

Even if your business in the city fails and you can't survive in the city, can't you still go back to the countryside, farm the land, and make a living?

There were thunderous cheers among the crowd! Except for the wealthy servants among them, the rest of the people were overjoyed!

At this moment, in the government office, Xiao Han and Ma Zhou felt relieved when they heard the cheers outside. Then they looked at each other and smiled. Their hard work for many days was not in vain.

As an official, if you want to see whether a policy can be implemented smoothly, in addition to looking at the rationality of the policy, the more important point is to see who will benefit from it!

If this policy harms the interests of the majority of people and only brings benefits to a small number of people, then there is no doubt that it will encounter huge resistance during its implementation!

On the contrary, if it benefits the majority of people and only harms a small number of people, then even if there is resistance to its implementation, the resistance is bound to not be too great!

Like this version of the land policy, it evolved from the land equalization system of Xiao Han and Ma Zhou and the land reforms of later generations.

Here, the special care for wealthy families is deliberately eliminated, and the policy is instead geared more toward ordinary people!

At the same time, in order to prevent a large amount of land from being annexed by wealthy families and ordinary people becoming landless refugees as before, the most emphasized point in the notice is that the sale and purchase of land is prohibited!

There is no doubt that these policies are all beneficial to ordinary people! Even if the prohibition of buying and selling land apparently restricts people's free transactions, in fact, it actually protects them.

soil of!

Don’t think that buying and selling land at this time is done reasonably and voluntarily by both parties!

Because in fact, except for a few prodigal sons who will voluntarily sell their land, most people sell their land.

They are all forced and helpless!

For example, let's say you are peacefully farming at home. Suddenly one day, the landlord takes a fancy to your land and comes to buy your land. Will you sell it or not?

What? Not for sale!

Okay, then you will suffer the consequences next!

You use this land to grow food? The landlord will let the dog legs drive the sheep to graze in your land! They will eat your grain seedlings and trample on your land!

If you get angry, stop farming and plant mulberries instead? The landlord will ask people to sneak out at night and cut down all the trees for you, leaving you dumbfounded in front of a patch of broken branches and broken trees!

Now you are completely angry and are ready to plant nothing, even if the land is left uncultivated, you will not sell it to the landlord!

The landlord will be even happier! A bad person complained first and went to the government to accuse you of neglecting your land! Now you will not only get twenty slaps, but even your land will be confiscated!

Finally, when you limp home, you might see the landlord smilingly inserting his landmark into the land that originally belonged to you!

But you can only be helpless and furious about this!

Perhaps, some people will say, under the bright sky, is there no place for ordinary people to reason?

This is true. You can go to Chang'an to file a petition!

But the chance of success for this thing is simply thousands or ten thousand times lower than expecting the landlord to discover it!

After all, according to historical records, before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, no one successfully petitioned the emperor...

Therefore, Xiao Han immediately sealed the land transaction, and from then on, he completely gave up the idea of ​​landowners seizing land!

In this way, the ordinary people who have benefited will naturally be happy, but as for the wealthy landlords who have lost their profits?

Their pigtails are still in the hands of the government. If the government doesn't cause trouble for them, they are already Amitabha. How can they dare to jump out and cause trouble?

The vigorous land distribution began the day after the notice was posted.

For the sake of fairness, the allocated land is matched with the upper-class fields and the lower-class fields, and then the government or prestigious clan elders take the lead in distributing the land by drawing lots.

If your family originally had a land title, try to allocate the land on the title title to the original household owner within the distribution scope. This can be regarded as a small compensation for owning the title title.

Of course, in Shandong, where land annexation is already very serious, it is still rare for ordinary people to hold land deeds! Most of the land deeds here are in the hands of wealthy families!

And with the great rebellion some time ago, the wealthy families in Shandong fled to death! Most of the land returned to the state of being ownerless, and the few remaining land titles were also frightened.

The landlords and squires handed it over to Ma Zhou.

With a massive amount of land under his control and no need to argue with the original owner of the land, the land distribution led by Ma Zhou went extremely smoothly!

In a few days, most of the implementation has been carried out around Jinan. The rest was only delayed for some time because the government personnel could not keep up and could not go to justice.

Seeing that his work here was in full swing, Ma Zhou was overjoyed and quickly ordered people to compile the experience and methods here into a book and send it to other places in Shandong, teaching them to follow the gourd and follow the routine!

Moreover, in order to prevent other local governments from engaging in corruption for personal gain, Ma Zhou ordered people to make secret visits everywhere. Once any problems were discovered, he would be severely punished! For the people of the Tang Dynasty, men were entitled to twenty acres of Yongye field and forty acres of exposed field! Among them, exposed fields were

If there are oxen in the deserted fields, the amount will be doubled!

The ownership of open fields belongs to the government, people cultivate it while they are alive, and those who die belong to the public.

Yongye fields are owned by the common people and can be passed down to future generations. They cannot be bought or sold. When households are sold, they belong to the public.

For those with disabilities, half of the land granted to men is granted to men, and they are exempted from paying land taxes. Widows keep their will, and receive women's land without taxation!

Handicraftsmen in cities and towns are granted half the land to men, which can be subleased but cannot be bought or sold. When old and dead, the land is returned to the government.

From now on, all land will be remeasured and redistributed! The previous land deeds will be turned over in accordance with the law and converted into compensation.

Under the wall of the government office, a literate gentleman read loudly the contents of the notice.

The people surrounding him all held their breath and listened attentively, for fear of missing even a single word!

It wasn't until the gentleman finished reading the notice, stroking his beard and smiling, that the people around him woke up from a dream! Suddenly, a burst of cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami broke out among the crowd!

Although before this, the people in Jinan City had also heard a little bit about land distribution.

However, due to the deliberate smear campaign by those wealthy households, few people had any illusions about this, and no one thought that they would also be the direct beneficiaries of this land policy!

As a Tang person, no one can refuse the temptation of land!

Especially those urban residents who have been in the city for a long time and have long lost their land! Now they have an extra thirty acres of land in their name out of thin air. Although it cannot be bought or sold, as long as it is sublet, isn't it also an additional income?

Not to mention, having land means there is a way out!

Even if your business in the city fails and you can't survive in the city, can't you still go back to the countryside, farm the land, and make a living?

There were thunderous cheers among the crowd! Except for the wealthy servants among them, the rest of the people were overjoyed!

At this moment, in the government office, Xiao Han and Ma Zhou felt relieved when they heard the cheers outside. Then they looked at each other and smiled. Their hard work for many days was not in vain.

As an official, if you want to see whether a policy can be implemented smoothly, in addition to looking at the rationality of the policy, the more important point is to see who will benefit from it!

If this policy harms the interests of the majority of people and only brings benefits to a small number of people, then there is no doubt that it will encounter huge resistance during its implementation!

On the contrary, if it benefits the majority of people and only harms a small number of people, then even if there is resistance to its implementation, the resistance is bound to not be too great!

Like this version of the land policy, it evolved from the land equalization system of Xiao Han and Ma Zhou and the land reforms of later generations.

Here, the special care for wealthy families is deliberately eliminated, and the policy is instead geared more toward ordinary people!

At the same time, in order to prevent a large amount of land from being annexed by wealthy families and ordinary people becoming landless refugees as before, the most emphasized point in the notice is that the sale and purchase of land is prohibited!

There is no doubt that these policies are all beneficial to ordinary people! Even if the prohibition of buying and selling land apparently restricts people's free transactions, in fact, it actually protects them.

soil of!

Don’t think that buying and selling land at this time is done reasonably and voluntarily by both parties!

Because in fact, except for a few prodigal sons who will voluntarily sell their land, most people sell their land.

They are all forced and helpless!

For example, let's say you are peacefully farming at home. Suddenly one day, the landlord takes a fancy to your land and comes to buy your land. Will you sell it or not?

What? Not for sale!

Okay, then you will suffer the consequences next!

You use this land to grow food? The landlord will let the dog legs drive the sheep to graze in your land! They will eat your grain seedlings and trample on your land!

If you get angry, stop farming and plant mulberries instead? The landlord will ask people to sneak out at night and cut down all the trees for you, leaving you dumbfounded in front of a patch of broken branches and broken trees!

Now you are completely angry and are ready to plant nothing, even if the land is left uncultivated, you will not sell it to the landlord!

The landlord will be even happier! A bad person complained first and went to the government to accuse you of neglecting your land! Now you will not only get twenty slaps, but even your land will be confiscated!

Finally, when you limp home, you might see the landlord smilingly inserting his landmark into the land that originally belonged to you!

But you can only be helpless and furious about this!

Perhaps, some people will say, under the bright sky, is there no place for ordinary people to reason?

This is true. You can go to Chang'an to file a petition!

But the chance of success for this thing is simply thousands or ten thousand times lower than expecting the landlord to discover it!

After all, according to historical records, before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, no one successfully petitioned the emperor...

Therefore, Xiao Han immediately sealed the land transaction, and from then on, he completely gave up the idea of ​​landowners seizing land!

In this way, the ordinary people who have benefited will naturally be happy, but as for the wealthy landlords who have lost their profits?

Their pigtails are still in the hands of the government. If the government doesn't cause trouble for them, they are already Amitabha. How can they dare to jump out and cause trouble?

The vigorous land distribution began the day after the notice was posted.

For the sake of fairness, the allocated land is matched with the upper-class fields and the lower-class fields, and then the government or prestigious clan elders take the lead in distributing the land by drawing lots.

If your family originally had a land title, try to allocate the land on the title title to the original household owner within the distribution scope. This can be regarded as a small compensation for owning the title title.

Of course, in Shandong, where land annexation is already very serious, it is still rare for ordinary people to hold land deeds! Most of the land deeds here are in the hands of wealthy families!

And with the great rebellion some time ago, the wealthy families in Shandong fled to death! Most of the land returned to the state of being ownerless, and the few remaining land titles were also frightened.

The landlords and squires handed it over to Ma Zhou.

With a massive amount of land under his control and no need to argue with the original owner of the land, the land distribution led by Ma Zhou went extremely smoothly!

In a few days, most of the implementation has been carried out around Jinan. The rest was only delayed for some time because the government personnel could not keep up and could not go to justice.

Seeing that his work here was in full swing, Ma Zhou was overjoyed and quickly ordered people to compile the experience and methods here into a book and send it to other places in Shandong, teaching them to follow the gourd and follow the routine!

Moreover, in order to prevent other local governments from engaging in corruption for personal gain, Ma Zhou ordered people to make secret visits everywhere. Once any problems were discovered, he would be severely punished!

This chapter has been completed!
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