Chapter 351 The journey is difficult, the journey is difficult

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 I don’t know when I also had the thoughts of a saint. Could it be that the strange theory that the butt determines the head is actually true? After sitting in the position of the Marquis of the Tang Dynasty for a long time, I began to care about the world and work for the welfare of all living beings?

He shook his head and drove this strange thought out of his mind. Nothing in the world is static, let alone such an elusive thing as the mind. Nine generations of evil men could become Buddhas even if they put down their butcher knives. Suddenly, a good young man like me suddenly

It is not too strange to become a great hero who serves the country and the people.

He slept soundly all night, and even some strange noises outside did not affect Xiao Han's dream.

On the morning of the next day, Xiao Han woke up early and felt very tired.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but I always felt that my face was wet. Xiao Han half-opened his sleepy eyes and stretched for a long time.

My hand stretched out a little too long and seemed to touch something, something warm, soft, and furry...

"Scared! What the hell?" Xiao Han was startled and stopped being confused. He quickly jumped up from the bed. When he looked closely, he saw a huge donkey face dangling from the window!

"Ugh, Xiaoji, get out of here! If you lick me again, I will make you into donkey meat and burn it!" He screamed in pain, and now he knew why his face was wet! Xiao Han felt a twitch in his stomach.

Overwhelmed, he covered his mouth and rushed out, leaving a small trace behind and shaking his head as if he was very happy...

The post station was very busy in the morning. Several small officials at the inn station were busy tying sacks on the mules and preparing food for Xiao Han and his group.

The mountain road is difficult to walk. Although horses can also walk on this Baoxie Road, which has been built since the pre-Qin Dynasty, but if you want to carry a heavy load, then save it. Horses' hooves are estimated to vibrate eight times a day...

While others were busy, Xiao Han was not idle either. He washed his face, poked his teeth with bitter willow slivers dipped in salt, and ate a meal of authentic Guanzhong noodles. Xiao Han happened to catch up with the starting team.

There was no need to say too many words of farewell. Neither Xiao Han nor Ren Qing were long-winded people. They waved goodbye to Butler Lu and others who came to see them off, then turned around and started on their way away.

Hanzhong is almost the same distance from Chang'an as Luoyang. But if you want to go over the mountains and ridges, it is not easy. In addition, when setting off, Ren Qing only gave ten days... In other words, take the mountain road

, walking 60 miles every day! This made Xiao Han complain endlessly.

Time, what is lacking is still time! Before and after the Qingming Festival, melons and beans are planted. This time is the best time to plant crops. In order to catch up with this time, Ren Qing led Xiao Han almost non-stop along the way, heading straight to Hanzhong.


The road under his feet was the Baoxie Road. The name seemed a bit euphemistic, but when he started walking, Xiao Han realized how powerful it was.

If Xiao Han was a little excited when he saw Gun Xue's handwriting left by Cao Cao's boss at first, then later, all that was left was pain...

Baoxie Road was built along the banks of Bao River and Xie River in ancient times, so many places on this ancient road are covered with cliffs. Only a towering wooden plank road can barely pass through.

Walking on the creaking plank road, Xiao Han had already prayed to all the gods and Buddhas in the sky!

Today's plank road does not even have a safety rope. There is only a pile of broken wood lying on the cliff. A gust of wind blows and the entire plank road is shaking, so much that Xiao Han's legs weaken!

"Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?" Xiao Han's mind was in chaos, and he dared not look down even if his eyes were beaten to death! His body was squeezed tightly against the mountain wall, and he wanted to squeeze his whole body.

Rub them all in! With a series of rubbing sounds, this set of clothes said to be made from Shu brocade has been completely destroyed here...

He kept moving forward and didn't dare to stop! Xiao Han wished he could put two wings on his back and fly over this plank road! According to Ren Qing, several people fall here every year! There is no one in the sloping water under his feet.

How many souls have been buried...

After finally crossing this section of the plank road, Xiao Han sat with trembling legs and waited for Ren Qing to drive the mule. This was what Xiao Han had promised in advance. He would never go with these things. God knows whether this broken wood can hold up.

The mule and myself...

Xiao Qi and Xiao Ji, the miraculous brothers, finally got together. These were all sent by Butler Lu overnight. Xiao Qi wanted to keep Xiao Han company and be vigilant in the mountains, while Xiao Ji was still there at the critical moment.

You can ride it for a while to save some energy. As the housekeeper of Xiao Mansion, Lao Lu really understands the thoughts of the family master very well!


Ahead, Xiao Qi screamed again. However, Xiao Han, who was sitting on the ground, didn't even bother to raise his eyelids. In the past two days, he had encountered too many strange sights and he was used to it...

"Fourth, go take a look!" A short and fat guard shouted to the tall man next to him.

When the tall guard heard the words, he didn't say anything. He put down the bamboo tube in his hand, picked up the strong bow and left in search of the sound.

After a while, the fourth child came back with a bow and arrow in his hand. He glanced at Xiao Han and said, "Nothing's wrong. There's just a lone wolf. I didn't have time to fight him. He ran away when he saw me, or else

We have wolf meat to eat tonight..."

Xiao Han beat his legs and nodded. At this time, he was too lazy to speak.

The fourth child in front of me is the sharpshooter in the team. A four-stone bow is absolutely perfect in his hand. The rabbits and foxes we have eaten in the past two days are all from his hands!

Speaking of rabbits and foxes, Xiao Han suddenly thought that he didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky. The road was just a little difficult, and he didn't encounter any other dangers at all.

This section of the plank road was just a short interlude. When Ren Qing and the others did not know how to transport the mules, horses and donkeys together, Xiao Han had to get up and start walking sadly.

Before you know it, another day has passed...

At night, light rain began to fall in the dark sky again. This was not good news for Xiao Han and his party. The rain would extinguish the fire in the camp. Without the fire, there was no guarantee that no jackals, tigers and leopards would come.

Visit the camp.

"Sleep in two shifts tonight! Everyone, be more careful and spread sulfur inside the tent! Be alert!" Ren Qing stood in the middle of the selected camp and looked at the sky and said in a deep voice. During the march, it was him.

Responsible for command.

Along with Ren Qing's voice, the rain gradually became heavier, and there was a faint muffled thunder in the depths of the sky. Xiao Han and several companions supported their tired bodies and took down the tent from the mules and horses, and began to build it piece by piece.

This kind of tent made of wedge-shaped steel pipes is unique to the Xiao family. When not in use, it is placed section by section. When it is used, it only needs to be connected in order and covered with a thick cloth brushed with tung oil. It is very


The tent was a medium-sized tent, occupying a large open space on the side of the road! Xiao Han threw off his bamboo hat and got in as soon as the tent was set up. After walking for a day, the pain on his feet was already unbearable.

The smell in the tent is not pleasant. The smell of feet, sweat, and sulfur are mixed together, slowly fermenting into a unique smell that makes people want to vomit! But now Xiao Han is used to it, no matter how terrifying it is

The smell is not as important as going to bed quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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