Chapter 374 Nova

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Did psychotherapy exist in the Tang Dynasty? This thing was a mysterious thing in later generations, but it was already being used at this time?

Xiao Han looked at Sun Simiao in surprise and he was almost ready to pay homage to him! This guy is not a miracle doctor, this guy is obviously the god of medicine!

Sun Simiao seemed to be unaccustomed to Xiao Han's strange eyes. He turned his head to one side, avoiding Xiao Han's gaze, and said at the same time: "These are just some personal opinions of an experienced doctor in his usual medical practice.

Not to mention this, why did you just remove your name? We all know that your contribution in this plague is well-deserved! People who are sophisticated and outsiders do not value or need these false names! But you are

How come you behave like this in the officialdom?"

Sun Simiao said that these thoughts were very complicated. He had lived for most of his life and had seen too many living beings. He had never seen someone who was indifferent to fame and fortune!

But according to his opinion, all people who are indifferent to fame and wealth have extremely rich life experiences. Only after experiencing them can they look down upon everything and become free from the dust!

And this strange state of mind should never appear in a young man! Unusual means abnormal. If Xiao Han is doing these things deliberately, Sun Simiao would like to know the reason.

Xiao Han was young after all, and could not see that Sun Simiao had doubted him. Even now, he is still laughing and saying: "Taoist Priest, it's not that I don't take the credit, but it's a bit hot for me to hold!"

"Oh? Why did you say that?" When Sun Simiao heard this, he turned his head and looked at Xiao Han strangely and asked.

Xiao Han smiled sheepishly and said to Sun Simiao: "I don't know if Master Sun loves me, but let me ask, who have you seen who is as young as me and in this position?"

"This... no." Sun Simiao thought for a moment, then shook his head slowly, and then said to Xiao Han: "There may be young people who inherit the title, but there is absolutely no one who can be promoted to a noble title in one year just by himself!"

"That's it!" Xiao Han pulled Sun Simiao to sit on the stone bench aside and said: "To tell you the truth, someone once told me that I climbed so fast that I don't have any foundation now. This is

It's a very dangerous thing. So now, what I need is not any opportunity for credit, but to slowly stabilize and gain a firm footing before looking at other things.

Moreover, you may not know, Daozhang Sun, that the boy also made some achievements in the army a few days ago, but was forced to suppress him! Not only was the boy not angry, but he was very grateful to him!

Although I am young, I also understand: When people go to high places, they are like fire cooking oil. They have to be cautious everywhere, lest they say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing! How can I be happy in this kind of life? Look at me now, what do I want to do?

!No one will care, and no one will try hard to harm me! How freeing is this?"

"So, you don't want any credit now?" Sun Simiao looked at Xiao Han and finally laughed!

He heard the sincerity in Xiao Han's words. After living for so long, he could still tell whether a person's words were true or false! Moreover, he also hoped that Xiao Han was such a person. There were too many monsters in the world, but he didn't

It doesn't mean that a monster is a bad person.

"That's right! Why do you need so much credit? It's just a bigger official position and more rewards! What can you do when you have a bigger official position? Don't work all day long? Hard work and hard work! Rewards? Haha, no.

I'm bragging, I really don't need that money..."

Xiao Han said what he said, and felt that his heart became more and more happy! He had never said these words to outsiders, and for some reason, he said them to Sun Simiao today.

Perhaps, from the first moment he saw Sun Simiao, he trusted him from the bottom of his heart.

Perhaps infected by Xiao Han's unscrupulousness, Sun Simiao also burst out laughing, and also had the idea to joke with him: "Haha, come on, I don't often walk around Chang'an, but I know that you are famous for your eye for money.

Come on, it has become a rule for anyone who comes to your place to be a guest to bring a pocket of gold."

This sentence immediately made Xiao Han choke and roll his eyes. He touched his belly and tried to calm down. Xiao Han said to Sun Simiao with some embarrassment: "Which bastard spread this rumor? I am a poor man who has never seen him."

What’s wrong with just liking gold?! Besides, those bastards didn’t bring any gold at all, but they went home and ate and drank wildly. In the final reckoning, they still paid for it!”

"Oh? Then it's a lie that you stole someone's fiancée and caused them to lose face?" Sun Simiao remained unmoved and asked with a smile.

"Well, who said that Xue Pan belongs to his fiancée? We are obviously in love, but he is still embarrassed. If I don't beat him to death, I will show mercy!"

Seeing Xiao Han finish speaking angrily, the smile on Sun Simiao's face became even brighter, because Xiao Han at this time was more in line with his age.

"Eh, something doesn't seem right? Master Sun, how come you know me so well?" Xiao Han was angry and glanced at Sun Simiao inadvertently, then he felt something was wrong. Does a monk like to inquire about gossip so much?

Sun Simiao smiled at Xiao Han and said: "It's not that I understand you, but that someone understands you! In addition, that person often talks in my ears, so naturally I also know a little bit."

"Who? You're not afraid of talking about others behind their backs!"

"You also know this person, and you met him last time."

"Oh? I know you, and I'm very familiar with you, Daniel? Well, no! He's not such a person, so who is he?"

"Haha, the old Taoist is in the Taoist sect, and those who are familiar with each other are naturally from the Taoist sect."

"Yuan Tiangang? The one who sells flying charms?!" Xiao Han almost jumped up when he heard what Sun Simiao said. Why is this bastard so interested in him? Could he really see something?

"Flying Talisman?" This time, it was Sun Simiao's turn to wonder, "What is that?"

Xiao Han came back to his senses and quickly rounded up his words: "It's just a Taoist talisman! Taoist Master Sun, why is Yuan Tiangang talking about me when he has nothing to do? Isn't he just borrowing some of his people to use him? Why are you so petty?"

"Who are you talking about being petty? He's not talking about it just for this reason!" Sun Simiao glanced at Xiao Han, and then said: "When he was offering sacrifices to heaven after the new year, he was watching the sky at night. He found that the crape myrtle star in the sky was moving, Xianchi, the sky

Yao, Yu, Hongluan, Dahu and other stars all changed accordingly, and a new star suddenly appeared next to the Ziwei star, which seems to correspond to you, so let me pay more attention to you."

"Tianyao, take a bath, Hongluan? What is that?" Xiao Han's head swelled when he heard Sun Simiao's talk about the fate of the stars! What does it mean that a new star has appeared? How could such a thing appear without hundreds of millions of years of evolution?

It must be Yuan Tiangang who is dazzled by the stars!

Sun Simiao was a little unhappy with Xiao Han calling the big star a toy, but he still patiently explained to him: "Tianyao and bathing are the Taoist names for the stars, and they each correspond to the general trend of the world! Don't be disrespectful!"

Xiao Han scratched his head and asked again: "Then what does my new star mean?"

"The new star, also known as the star of change, appears three times in our Taoist records, corresponding to the Ghost Valley of Qin and the Yellow Stone of Han. Now that it appears again, Yuan Tiangang deduced that it should correspond to you."

"Guiguzi? Old Man Huangshi?" Xiao Han's eyes clearly showed signs of stars. This theory of the ancients is simply amazing!

The light emitted by a star tens of thousands of years ago! It can be used to predict what is happening on the earth now. Such nonsense... Oh no, who came up with such a sophisticated theory?

This chapter has been completed!
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