Chapter 432 Departure, Qinling Mountains

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 Man is a very strange creature. At a certain period of time, various inexplicable thoughts will appear in his mind. It is said that people who suffer from depression are because they delve too deeply into a certain thought.

Xiao Han is also like this now. There are some things that he has been holding back for a long time and dare not tell others. They will accumulate in his heart bit by bit, and then they burst out last night.

However, Xiao Han will never suffer from depression, nor will he hurt himself or others when his emotions explode.

After a dull night alone, in the morning, everything was back to its original track.

Perhaps last night, for him, was equivalent to a computer overload restart process. As the brain restarted, those heavy emotions were all swept into the depths of memory, waiting for the next opportunity to be retrieval.


A new day always has a new beginning.

At dawn, Daniel had already woken up. Because he was going to the Qinling Mountains with Taoist Sun today, he needed to get up early to prepare. This collection of herbs would not be completed in a day or two, so he had to make some necessary preparations in advance.

Sun Simiao informed him last night, so Daniel also knew that Xiao Han was going with him. Having lived here for a long time, he also knew Xiao Han's habit of going to bed early and getting up late. Daniel deliberately worked hard until the sun rose.

Come and call him.

"Xiao Hou?"

It was almost time for the appointment, and Daniel came to Xiao Han's house, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

No one responded, and the room was extremely quiet, with no sound at all.

"No one?" Daniel looked at the room and muttered to himself, then he pushed the door gently and it opened with a sound.

"Xiao Hou?"

The door opened, and Daniel hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked into the room. However, he didn't see Xiao Han when he came in. Instead, he first saw Xiaodong and Lengzi sleeping soundly on a large mat.

After getting along for a long time, Da Niu had long since given up any hope in Xiao Han, the two personal attendants. The elder attendants always took good care of their master, going to bed later than dogs and getting up earlier than chickens. Only these two

People, on weekdays, live more comfortably than Mr. Hou!

Let's talk about it now, people have come in. The two of them still don't look like they are about to wake up, and the stupid one is even giggling in his sleep...

Daniel looked at these two guys and thought that if he took Xiao Han out and sold him now, these two 'loyal servants' would not react at all.

"Hey, wake up, wake up!"

Worried that these two incompetent guys would be fired if Xiao Han found out, Daniel sighed, stopped walking inside, and turned around to wake them up first.

"Who?! Get away!"

No matter who it was, being woken up from a sweet dream would not be too pleasant, especially when the idiot was dreaming about his childhood sweetheart Erni. He opened his eyes and stared at Daniel in confusion, waving his arms a few times in annoyance.

"Wake up, what time is it? You're still sleeping!" Seeing the two of them being called, Daniel patted the idiot on the shoulder in a funny way, and then came to the back room.

In the back room, Xiao Han was lying on the bed with his quilt, pillows and clothes scattered on the floor.

"Xiao Hou?" Da Niu carefully walked around the things on the ground, walked to the window and called out.

"Gululu..." Xiao Han snored, his body motionless.

When Daniel saw this, he frowned and raised his voice a little louder: "Xiao Hou? Get up, Taoist Master Sun has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Huhu..." Xiao Han remained unmoved.

Daniel scratched the back of his head and suddenly shouted: "Xiao Hou!!!"

"Ah!!!" At this moment, Xiao Han on the bed was so excited that he almost rolled to the bottom of the bed.

"Are you crazy? What's the ghost's name so early in the morning?" Xiao Han didn't have time to open his eyes, and instinctively wanted to reach out to grab the pillow, but he missed it!

The pillow had been kicked to the bottom of the bed along with the quilt last night. I wonder if Xiao Han would have a stiff neck this night.

Daniel saw Xiao Han's grabbing action and subconsciously took a step back. When he saw that he had not caught the murder weapon, he cautiously smiled at Xiao Han: "Hey, I just screamed several times, and you didn't either."

Wake up, I'm not in a hurry, my voice is a little louder..."

"Does this mean it's a little too big? Then you can just make it a little bigger and deafen me!" Xiao Han sat up, looked at Daniel with dull eyes and yawned. It was said that he had been less energetic recently when he got up.

Many people, in the past, would never give up without losing their temper for half an hour.

"Don't dare...Don't dare...Master Hou, you'd better get dressed quickly. You have to rush on your way today..." When the notice arrived, Daniel hurriedly stepped back. He said that he hadn't even finished his own work, so he was about to call these three.

Is it easy to be a lazy person?

Xiao Han froze on the bed for a while, and then he remembered that he still had things to do today, so he reluctantly packed himself up, and then went out with Xiaodong, who was also yawning profusely.

In the fields outside, people were already working in the fields, taking advantage of the cool morning breeze. Black smoke was also coming out of the kitchen chimney not far away, as the cooks were extinguishing the fire in the stove.

When the chimney emits green smoke, it means cooking, and when it emits black smoke, it means the rice is cooked. This is an exclusive experience that Xiao Han summed up when he was bored, and it is absolutely useful in this era without natural gas.

Now that he has caught up, there is no need to be hungry. A bowl of millet porridge and two steamed buns went into his stomach, and Xiao Han walked to the warehouse with satisfaction. He also needed to organize the things he wanted to bring.

*, daggers, ropes, these things for survival in the wild must be brought with you. As for rations, you have to ask the fat cook to get some. Although there are many prey in the Qinling Mountains, they are not like poultry running in front of you.

In addition, you can bring whatever clothes you want to replace them, but you need to prepare two pairs of shoes! Shoes in this era are not very durable, and in Qinling, if you don’t have shoes, you basically don’t need to come back.

Xiaoqi, you need to bring this with you. No matter how powerful a person is, there are times when he gets tired, but Xiaoqi is different. His excellent bloodline gives him a natural sense of all kinds of dangerous beasts, and he can catch rabbits and pheasants even more.

Its strength is that in this hundred thousand mountains, it is definitely easier to use than a martial arts master.

After packing my things, I always felt that there was something missing. After thinking about it carefully, I realized that for such a big thing as going to Qinling Mountains, I should at least report it to Ren Qing.

When he found Ren Qing, he looked at Xiao Han with a dark face, who had even prepared hiking sticks. He knew that he didn't need to express his opinion now, because even if he did, Xiao Han, the bastard, would regard it as nonsense and put it into the smelly ditch to ferment.


A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, Three, A, and Four. These four people always appear when Ren Qing needs them. I don’t know how they communicate. Is it telepathy? You must ask carefully about such a high-end function.

After a trip to Ren Qing, there were four more people following him when he came back. However, the fat cook seemed to have known that this would happen, and even the rations for these four people had been prepared.

After procrastinating until the sun was high in the sky, Sun Simiao, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, finally saw Xiao Han and his party.

Looking at the group of guys in front of him who were holding hands, carrying on their backs, and with their arms still crooked, Sun Simiao stretched out his hand tremblingly for a long time, and shouted angrily at Xiao Han: "Xiao Han! What are you doing? Move.


This chapter has been completed!
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