Chapter 525: One Hundred Ships

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 Xiao Han has never liked using power to overwhelm others. He prefers Lei Huhu’s words: You must convince others with virtue!

Of course, Lei Huhu's disastrous end also told him: blindly convincing people with virtue is pure nonsense!

These days, only a carrot and a mallet can make things prosperous.

Seeing that the two of them had no objections, Xiao Han dismissed the outsiders, took Xue Pan and the old man surnamed Dong into the house, and began to tell his thoughts.

The thing related to the old man who knows how to build ships is naturally the ship!

In fact, Xiao Han only thought of it a few days ago: when the rice matures this season, there must be something to transport it away. After all, Hanzhong is not the most suitable place for them to grow.

There will be a lot of food this season! Thousands of acres of harvested food travel overland? Not to mention the mountains are high and the rivers are far away, even if horses are carrying people on their backs along the way, the food they themselves consume is not a small amount!

Fortunately, the waterway in Hanzhong is pretty good, and the Han River just around the corner merges directly into the Yangtze River, so Xiao Han put the idea into shipping.

"Master Marquis, do you want us to build a ship?" Yang Kailuo frowned immediately after listening to Xiao Han's rough words.

It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but he really doesn't know how to do it! Let the landlord be a boatman? What is the prince thinking? Didn't he consider whether the landlord, the old man, would get seasick?

"Mr. Dong, you are an expert in this field, do you think?" Xiao Han did not rush to answer Yang Kailue's words, but turned his attention to the old man.

The old man remained expressionless and asked in a deep voice: "I wonder what ship you want, Lord Marquis? How many ships? When do you want it?"

"Well," Xiao Han thought for a moment, and then said, "It doesn't matter what kind of ship it is, as long as it can carry cargo and haul food! As for how much?"

As he spoke, Xiao Han tentatively stretched out a finger.

"A ship?" Yang Kai, who had been left out, took a look and immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said with joy: "A ship? That's easy to do! What kind of wood do you want, Lord Marquis? I'll have someone go to the Qinling Mountains to cut it for you right away!"

Xiao Han rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Why should I use you for just one ship? I'll fix it myself! Note, I mean a hundred ships! The time is two months!"

"A hundred ships? Two...two months?"

At this time, not only Yang Kai was stunned, but even the old man and Xue Pan's expressions changed drastically, and they all looked at Xiao Han, as if they wanted to see if he was crazy!

Being looked at by several people, Xiao Han probably felt that this was an impossible task, so he thought for a while and added: "If you can't build it yourself, just buy or rent it! Mr. Dong is an expert in this field.

, I think I will meet a lot of people, and I need these boats very much now! Don’t worry, I won’t give you any less money for buying and renting a boat! There is one requirement, the boat must be strong! Don’t sink in the water halfway!”

Mr. Dong lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked up at Xiao Han and said, "Here... let me give it a try! But Lord Marquis, if I can complete what you asked me to do, can you promise me one thing?"

Xiao Han grinned: "Haha, what's the problem?"

The old man's eyes suddenly burst into life, he stared at Xiao Han and asked: "Seriously?"

Xiao Han also looked at the old man: "A gentleman's word, a whip of a horse!"

The autumn wind is bleak, and the silhouettes of people are cut into chaos.

After leaving the old man's home, Xiao Han and Xue Pan went to the Yang family's temple to burn incense. Then they declined the escort of Yang Kailuo, who was looking happy, and walked back together.

After walking through the lake, we turned to the place where children caught crabs. The children here had long since disappeared, leaving only scattered footprints on the ground and a few small fish thrown randomly by the stream.

Stretching out his feet and kicking the almost dead fish into the stream, Xiao Han paused and suddenly shouted to everyone around him: "Where are the people? If they are not dead, get out quickly!"

The surroundings were quiet. Xue Pan pulled Xiao Han's sleeve strangely, and was about to ask a question when his eyes suddenly blurred and several men appeared out of nowhere.

"Xiao Han! What is this?" Xue Pan was startled and pulled Xiao Han to step back, but was held tightly by Xiao Han.

"It's okay, I'm one of my own!" He comforted Xue Pan in a low voice. Xiao Han raised his head and scolded the leading man angrily: "Jiayi! Can you not jump out like that next time? I didn't see that it scared everyone.


There is no doubt that those who jumped out were Jiayi and the others. They had been secretly following Xiao Han since he left the realm. When the bald man suddenly appeared by the lake, he probably never dreamed that several powerful crossbows were secretly aimed at him.


Jia Yi, who was called out by Xiao Han, had a dark face, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he resisted the urge to curse!

You talk about love and romance! I worked so hard to escort you all the way, but in the end you ended up in the wrong place?

"Master Marquis, how did you know we were following you?" This question was asked by Jia Si. Among them, he was the youngest and of course had the best relationship with Xiao Han.

"Well..." Xiao Han deliberately put it off, and when everyone else pricked up their ears, he continued slowly: "The secret must not be leaked!"


Jia Si imitated Xiao Han's usual gesture and raised his middle finger, but soon, he was slapped on the head by Jia Yi one by one, very loudly!

"You deserve it!" Xiao Han gloated as he watched Jia Si running away with his head in his arms.

As soon as A stopped his hand, he raised his hand and asked Xiao Han seriously: "Master Hou, what are your orders to us?"

Seeing that it was about business, Xiao Han also put away his joking face and said seriously: "There is something for you to do. So, you immediately send someone to Hanzhong City and ask for the Yang family's information! Then go to the post house and ask

The post envoy went to Chang'an to collect information about this person named Dong."


As soon as the order was given, A1 and the four people immediately loudly agreed! Then they stepped aside again and disappeared without knowing where to go. Only Xiaoqi on the ground stuck out his tongue and wagged his tail in one direction.

"I told you not to feed it so frequently on weekdays! Now it's salivating when I smell your scent!"

Xiao Han pointed his middle finger in the direction Xiao Qi was facing, and Xiao Han laughed with satisfaction. Today's harvest is good, and if nothing unexpected happens, a big problem can be solved!

Xue Pan, who was on the side, looked at Xiao Han, who was very proud of himself, and suddenly felt a sense of unfamiliarity in his heart for the first time.

Others say that Xiao Han is unreasonable and unreasonable in his actions! But when he is with me, he always behaves stupidly and stupidly. He will bully him whenever he wants and show off his temper whenever he wants. I have never seen him do that.

He turned against her before. Perhaps it was only now that she realized that she really couldn't see through this man.

"Xiao Han, why do you want so many ships?" Xue Pan thought for a long time before making up his mind to ask this question that he had wanted to ask at the old man's house. I guess Yang Kailue and the old man should also want to know the answer.

"Didn't I say it? Transport food!" Xiao Han spread his hands and said.

"But, where are you going to transport it to?"

"Go south to Jiangling! That is the place suitable for the growth of three-crop rice. If you take good care of it, three crops a year will not be a dream! Later, we will go down the river and reach Jiangnan, tsk tsk..."

"But isn't Jiangling still Xiao Mian's territory? How can you transport the food there?"

"I want to say: Soon there will be the Tang Dynasty. Don't you believe it?" Xiao Han asked pretending to be profound.

Xue Pan shook his head and nodded again, looking very conflicted.

Although she is a female prostitute, she will always know some information from all parties in these troubled times. She naturally knows about Li Xiaogong and Li Jing's attack on Jiangling and other places, which is not considered confidential.

However, according to the generally accepted words of the court, this war of annihilation will never end unless it lasts for one or two years! So where did Xiao Han get the confidence that they can conquer the great rivers and mountains south of the Yangtze River within two months?

(Note: Xiao Mian was defeated by Li Xiaogong in 621. For the sake of plot, this is slightly advanced. Also: Xiao Mian was also a man in the troubled times of the late Sui Dynasty! In order to protect the people, he could not bear the loss of life, so he resolutely gave up and defended against danger, and left the city.

Died at the age of 39.)

This chapter has been completed!
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