Chapter 638 The First Day Ceremony 3

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 "I would like to offer you ten pairs of southern pearls to wish your majesty perfect..."

"I present a piece of beautiful Hetian mutton fat jade..."

"I offer you a piece of Hebei white tiger skin..."

The singing and dancing are still going on, but now no one is looking at those graceful figures. Instead, like ducks, they stretch their necks to look at the people presenting gifts in front of them.

As for those sitting in the back, they even stepped on the table to watch the excitement! Is there still a little bit of the style of an important court official there?

Looking at the various treasures turning in front of him like running water, Xiao Han's heart felt like leaves in the autumn wind. He was unconsciously holding a chicken wing in his hand, almost grabbing the oil out of it!

"If you don't bring this for fun, are you here to give gifts or to sacrifice your life? You don't want to keep these good things for yourself, but you have to give them to the emperor?"

Looking at the brilliant light in front of Li Yuan, and then thinking about my own extremely vulgar broken mirror...

Xiao Han wished he could find a spoon and dig a tunnel back to Sanyuan County right now, even if he pretended that he had never been here! Now, how could he do this?

Xiao Han never expected to be able to overwhelm others with courtesy. With his usual thinking, he would try to fool as many people as possible! He didn't ask for something very good, just something that was almost the same!

But now it looks like it’s a fooling of Dafa! People have taken out the good stuff from the bottom of the box and made a rag to put on it. Isn’t this clearly asking the leader to give him little shoes to wear? I don’t know there is a saying in later generations.

Words of wisdom: I may not be able to remember who gave me a gift, but I will definitely remember who didn’t give me a gift!!!

"This is terrible..." Just when Xiao Han's heart was twisting like a knife and he had all kinds of mixed feelings.

The person presenting the gift in front suddenly stopped. There was no sound of congratulations, and the surrounding area suddenly became quiet, leaving only the intermittent sound of musical instruments echoing in the air.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Han, who was drooping his head, also noticed something was wrong at this time. He raised his head and looked forward, only to find that the eunuch standing next to Li Yuan was winking at him, looking very funny!

"What is this damn eunuch doing? Teasing me?" Xiao Han didn't realize it for a moment and just cursed in his heart.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot up from his thigh, and at the same time Chai Shao's extremely low voice sounded in his ears: "Hey! Why are you still standing there? It's your turn!"

"Ah? Oh!"

Xiao Han was startled when he heard this, and then he understood. He endured the stinging pain in his calf and stood up tremblingly.

"I didn't bring anything with me this time, so I got a broken mirror for Your Majesty. Can you use it when you put on the dragon robe?"

Xiao Han felt that if he said this, he would probably be beaten out as someone who came here to eat and drink!

Moreover, with Li Yuan's petty mind, if he remembered something bad about himself, how could he still hang out in the Tang Dynasty in the future? Didn't he realize that Liu Wenjing was hacked to death by him like this?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han shivered even more. He stood there with his eyes rolling around and didn't dare to speak for a long time. Little did he know that this almost made the four chamberlains holding mirrors at the door of the side hall almost mad to death.

Originally, the mirror was not light! In order to prevent it from being broken, Butler Lu added a coffin-like box outside and filled it with a lot of brocade and other things!

After it was completed, it was a bit difficult for the four guards to lift it, let alone the frail chamberlain. After just lifting it for a while, his feet became weak. However, Xiao Han didn't say anything, so they could only wait on the side.

"Xiao Aiqing, you have so many tricks here! Tell me, what surprises have you prepared for me this time?"

Li Yuan, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was in a good mood today. Seeing Xiao Han's obedience and silence, he couldn't help but make a joke, which made the people below also laugh. Some of them even booed, asking him to take out the things quickly and stop hanging around.

People's appetite.

After all, there are still only a few people here who see Xiao Han's gift.

When Xiao Han first brought the mirror in, only a small group of people at the back saw the mirror, and at most Liu Hongji, who was joining in the fun, saw the mirror.

As for the ministers in front, they all kept their identities and did not go over to watch. Therefore, they were quite curious about what Xiao Han had taken out at this time, and they all looked at him.

"I, I would like to contribute to my emperor..."

He could see that stretching his neck or shrinking his neck was just a stab! Xiao Han simply let go!

He straightened up and bravely said loudly: "It is a silver mirror made from the mirror light stone produced in the far north, which has been carefully polished through ninety-nine and eighty-one processes!"

With Xiao Han's voice, the four chamberlains who were already on the verge of collapse quickly cheered up, raised the mirror in front of Li Yuan, opened the lid, and faced Li Yuan to take a look at it for a while, then turned it around to see the ministers below, showing their expressions.

Mirror style.

"The far north? Where is that?"

"Mirror Light Divine Stone?"

"What is this? I've never heard of it!"

After hearing Xiao Han's introduction, the people around him suddenly became excited and started talking about it. However, no matter how knowledgeable they were, they couldn't possibly know the nonsense Xiao Han was talking about, so they could only say that the more they thought about it, the more confused they became.

As for Xiao Han, the initiator of this matter, he completely let himself go at this time!

Bah! Isn’t that just bragging! Who can’t do that?!

Anyway, no one here knows that this thing is made of broken glass with some mercury and tin! Even if he says that it is a product of an alien planet that fell from the sky, no one can refute him! This is his exclusive advantage of knowledge!

"Oh? Are there such treasures in the world?"

Li Yuan was also startled by the lot of random names thrown out by Xiao Han, and his eyes were a little straight.

If the previous gifts are precious, but Li Yuan comes from a noble family, he has heard of them and seen them before!

As for what Xiao Han did, Li Yuan had never seen or heard of it!

For a moment, he forgot to ask the waiter to turn the mirror over, but walked down the stairs himself, came to the mirror and looked at it carefully.

"Hey, good stuff! My eyes have been opened. It turns out there is such a thing!"

Looking carefully at himself in the mirror, Li Yuan couldn't help but nod!

Looking at it like that, if someone jumped out and said that the mirror was worthless, Li Yuan would never believe it, and he would probably kill the guy who told the truth as a deceiver!

"As long as you like it, Your Majesty..." Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his nonsense words had taken effect.

As for how to explain the proliferation of mirrors in the future, forget it! Let’s talk about it later!

"Xiao Han, is what you just said true? Didn't you give your sister-in-law a small one last time, and I heard that these things are still for sale? Are they really those Lao Shizi Mirror Light Divine Stones?"

Chai Shao, who was sitting next to him, was also fooled by Xiao Han. He stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Han and asked with circles in his eyes.

He didn't like looking in the mirror, but he saw that Princess Pingyang used it to dress up, so he knew that he also had this thing at home.

"Nonsense! Otherwise? Haven't you heard of this thing before?"

Xiao Han rolled his eyes and replied in a positive tone! But what he was thinking was: "If I tell you the truth, if this reaches the ears of your father-in-law, it would be strange if Li Yuan didn't chop me into pieces and make dumplings.

Isn’t it always a capital crime to deceive the emperor?”

This chapter has been completed!
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