Chapter 194 The Awakened Victor

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 The other side.

The doctor led a team of troops in an armored vehicle and hid in the woods outside the vampire castle, secretly monitoring every move outside the castle.

At this time, Michael, who was running away, chose to take a taxi back to the Vampire Castle because of the police pursuit.

Looking at Michael who came back from the surveillance, Serena told Michael that she would be out soon.

In the monitoring room, looking at Serena who was about to leave, Craven said angrily:

"If you go with him, you'll never come back here."

After hearing the other party's threat, Serena turned around and stared at Craven's expressionless sermon:

"Now that Victor wakes up, let's see what he has to say about this matter."

After saying this, Serena left the monitoring room without thinking, leaving behind a confused Kraven.

Until this time, Craven didn't know that Serena actually broke the committee's rules and awakened Victor a century in advance, knowing that the next ruling era should be Elder Marcus.


Arriving at the garage, Serena chose a Maserati and drove out. When she came to the gate of the castle, looking at Michael shivering in the rain, Serena pressed down the window and said, "Get in the car."

After Michael got into the car, the Maserati started and drove off into the distance.

However, what Serena didn't know was that the werewolf doctor was outside the woods and was monitoring every move here. When he saw Michael getting into his car and leaving, he immediately ordered:

"Follow slowly and don't let the other party find you."


Craven in the castle quickly came to the place where Elder Victor was sleeping.

After looking around, she didn't find any changes. At this moment, Erica also followed in. When she saw Craven, she immediately explained: "See, I warned her."

"I warned her but she didn't listen. I should have told you earlier."

Craven looked at Erica in front of him and asked, "Tell me what?"

After a pause, Erica said, "Her man, Michael."

"He's not human at all, he's a werewolf."

Upon hearing the news, Kraven roared in disbelief: "What?"

At this moment, another older voice suddenly came from the room: "Why is it so noisy?"

Upon hearing these words, Kraven's expression froze and he thought to himself: Elder Victor was awakened in advance.

Craven turned his head and looked at the place where the sound came from.

At this time, Victor walked out from the corner of the room, behind him were numerous blood transfusion tubes.

Countless scarlet blood passed through the infusion tubes to restore Victor's strength.

Victor walked over slowly step by step, stood in front of the stone chair, looked at his two men, and waved to Erica beside him: "Get out."

Erica received the order and immediately left the room without stopping. Only Victor and Craven were left in the room.

"Do you know why I was awakened? Servant."

Kraven knelt on one knee, lowered his head and replied, "I don't know, Master."

"But I'll find out soon."

Hearing this answer, Victor asked: "You mean to find her?"

"Yes Master."

Victor closed his eyes and said: "You must let her come to see me. We have a lot to talk about, Serena and me."

"She passed on a lot of troubling things to me, things that should be dealt with immediately."

"Our organization has become weak and decadent."

"Perhaps I should consider other candidates to take charge of my affairs."

Victor, who was scolding Craven at this time, suddenly gasped from a distance and said in a weak voice: "Despite this, many of the memories she transmitted are chaotic and have no sense of time."

Obviously a large number of disordered memories and the lack of sense of time made Victor feel uncomfortable when he just woke up.

Seeing this, Craven, who was kneeling on the ground, immediately said, "Please, Master, let me call for help. You should rest."

Hearing the word rest, Victor immediately calmed his breathing and said firmly: "I have rested enough."

"What you should do is summon Marcus."

Kraven glanced at the underground mechanism that awakened Marcus, and then said: "But he is still sleeping, Master."

"Amelia and the Council will be here tomorrow night to wake Marcus, not you."

"You were awakened a full century earlier than expected."

Hearing his servant's words, Victor's eyes were deep, but he was thinking about something.


the other side.

Serena took Michael and drove towards the distance.

Serena said while driving the car: "Don't come here again, they will kill you."

Michael shouted to Serena in disbelief: "Why, who are you?"

Serena looked at the panting Michael and the blood-soaked clothes on his shoulders. Then she directly reached out and pulled open the clothes on the other's shoulders. She immediately knew that Erica did not lie to him. Michael had been marked by the werewolf.


Seeing this result, Serena sighed helplessly.

"You are now caught in the middle of a war that has been going on for more than a thousand years."

"A bloody conflict between vampires and werewolves."

After Serena paused, she said, "I hope you are lucky. Most people die within an hour after being bitten by a werewolf."

"The virus we are transmitting is deadly."

At this moment Michael suddenly said: "If you bite me, will I turn into a vampire?"

"You will die!"

"No one can survive the first embrace of two races."

Turning to look at Michael again, Serena said: "The right thing to do is, I should stop the car and kill you."

Hearing Serena's words, Michael yelled angrily: "Then why do you want to help me?"

"I don't!"

"I'll follow you and kill your werewolves."

"My only interest is in why the werewolves need you so badly."

Soon Serena took Michael to an old building. The circular staircase showed that the house had continued to age.

Michael thought about his situation and asked curiously: "I saw some things, some hallucinations."

"They are not hallucinations, they are memories."

"You were bitten by him, and his memory was passed on to you."

Walking all the way to the top of the building, Serena opened the door and said, "This is one of the places we use for interrogation. It should be safe."

Entering the room, Serena turned on the lights and opened the blinds of the room. Then she went to the refrigerator and took out a bag of blood and threw it to Michael.

Michael took the blood bag and was confused for a while, then looked at the label on the blood bag and said: "Zardes Industries?"


This chapter has been completed!
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