Chapter 204 New tasks

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 Looking at Ginny who was a little surprised, Charlotte said calmly and seriously:

"Yes, werewolves and vampires are real, but some people have been covering them up."

"Originally, there were many vampires here in New York, but there was a vampire hunter here who eliminated the vampires here in an incident a few years ago."

"But it only eliminated the vampire hunter's team. The sources of vampires in this world are different. This time Iruka and the others encountered another team of vampires in London."

"Ginny, you have to be prepared. We will receive one or two vampires and a team of werewolves when the time comes."

When she heard that she was going to accept werewolves and vampires, Ginny was surprised and asked: "Are they very powerful?"

Charlotte thought for a moment and then said: "It is stronger than the High Table Messenger, but it also has obvious weaknesses."

"But it's a good choice for guarding the base."

"Iruka has already reported the specific information about werewolves and vampires. You can read the content on the tablet."

After hearing Charlotte's words, Ginny looked at the tablet in her hand.

At this time, Charlotte took out her cell phone and called Iruka directly.

"Iruka, I have received all the blood cores you asked Parker to send. They are useful."

"I read your mission information. Among the three vampire elders, Marcus is still alive. Find him and kill him directly."

"Except for Serena and Michael in your mission report, bring back all the blood cores of all the vampires in London. As for the werewolves who want to take refuge, you can accept them all as long as there is no silence."

At this time, Iruka on the other end of the phone said: "Sir, there is no silence among the remaining werewolves."

Charlotte nodded: "Very good."

"The other thing is to find a way to bring back Alexander Corvinus. He is the ancestor of vampires and werewolves. His blood is very useful and can enhance the strength of werewolves and vampires."

"As for other matters in London, you can just deal with them according to your circumstances."

"Yes, Lady Charlotte!"

After hanging up the phone, Charlotte leaned back on her seat and closed her eyes to relax.

John Wick, who was driving, was curious about what werewolves and vampires were like, while Ginny was immersed in Iruka's mission report.


the other side.

The special forces responsible for cleaning up traces of werewolves and vampires have returned to an aircraft carrier on the sea in an armed helicopter.

There is a monitoring room in the aircraft carrier, and several soldiers are monitoring all alarm calls and messages in London to ensure that news about vampires and werewolves is received as soon as possible.

At this time, several special forces came to the office in the warship and respectfully shouted to an old man with white hair and beard in front of them:


This person was Alexander Corvinus. He looked at the men who came to report and asked: "Can those witnesses ensure that they remain silent?"

At this time, soldier Volley Roach returned: "Except for the four people involved in the incident, all other personnel will remain silent as you ordered and were not harmed."

Alexander Corvinus stood up from his chair at this time and said at the same time: "Show me what you found."

"Yes, sir!"

Volley Roach and Alexander came to the computer in the surveillance area and played a video.

This is the scene of the attack in the subway station.

"Two vampires were killed, and their bodies were taken away by these four people. As for the werewolf's body, the body was not found."

"The werewolf obviously used some new type of weapon, some kind of ultraviolet bullet."

Alexander looked at the surveillance video, pondered for a moment and then asked: "Where is Amelia?"

Wallie Roach reopened a video on his computer and then said: "None of them are alive."

"The werewolf joined forces with those four people and they attacked Amelia's train."

"Where's Victor?"

Warrie Roach changed a USB flash drive and clicked on the video. It was the werewolf's base.

The video was full of corpses, but there was actually Victor's body lying on the ground.

"Can't you find Marcus in the ruins?"

"He should still be in his lair, but I guess he has woken up."

Alexander pointed at the four members of Iruka's team on the screen and asked, "Who are they?"

Volley Roach brought up the individual portraits of the four people, and then said: "According to our intelligence search, these four people are adjudicators affiliated with the High Table."

"They are called Umino Iruka, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, and Rock Lee."

Alexander murmured: "The high table, the judges, the killers are the ones who have killed so many vampires."

"Any idea why they helped the werewolves?"

Wallie Roach retrieved a video showing Leitz entering the Continental Hotel in London and leading four people out.

"It should be this werewolf who went to the Continental Hotel in New York to complete the mission."

"Currently, these four people, along with the remaining dozen werewolves, are staying at the Continental Hotel in London."

Alexander thought for a moment, then said: "I want to meet them!"

Volley Roach said in surprise: "Sir..."

"Go and make arrangements!"

After saying this, Alexander left here and came to the room where the corpses of werewolves and vampires were stored. He took a set of keys to open the mechanism from the corpses of Lucian and Victor.

It was the key to unlocking the prison where his other son, William, was imprisoned.


New York.

Stark Industries Building.

At this time, Charlotte arrived by car. As soon as she got off the car, she was surrounded by countless reporters, who then took photos frantically.

Today is the day of the Stark Industries shareholders meeting. Many reporters are curious about the people present at this time.

"Sir, are you a shareholder of Stark Industries?"

"Sir, what do you think of the latest suit developed by Tony Stark?"

"Sir, will Stark Industries resume weapons sales?"

Looking at the many reporters in front of him, John Wick quickly ran over to disperse the reporters and clear the way for Charlotte. Ginny on the side also said: "We will not accept any interviews before the end of the shareholders' meeting. We will do so afterwards."

There will be a special press conference.”

After saying that, Ginny and Charlotte entered the Stark Industries Building with John Wick leading the way.

As the three people entered, the reporters were completely isolated from the door.

Charlotte laughed and said, "These reporters are really crazy!"

"BOSS, when your shareholding is exposed, you will find that they are even more crazy!"

Charlotte shrugged and walked towards the shareholders meeting room upstairs without saying anything.


This chapter has been completed!
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