Chapter 750 Skye makes a mistake

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 Last meeting before action.

Colson pointed to the architectural plan of Quinn Manor on the screen and said:

"Skye will enter through the front door. The only external entrance to Quinn's underground facility is a shallow shoal." "The three-man rescue team can sneak in through there, but it will be very difficult."

"Fitz, Simmons."

Fitz stepped forward and explained: "The entire territory is covered by a 20-foot-high neodymium laser net. It will be miserable if you encounter it." "The kind that will kill you."

Coulson continued: "The only way to disable the laser network is to crash the system and force it to restart."

"This gives the team three seconds to pass through the laser net. Of course Quinn will not be stupid enough to allow unlimited access to his territory."

Skye nodded and said, "It's all up to me."

At this time, Simmons took out a powder box and said, "A special powder box that can fool X-ray inspections." He opened it and showed it to Skye, "Sand rose color, matches your skin tone."

"But it's actually a reader. If you're close enough to a computer, you can access the red light on the rear mirror and it will show green."

"After it turns green, just put it down and walk away." "Leave the rest to us, it's a piece of cake."

At this time, Ward looked at Skye and said, "The premise is that you must abide by the plan."

Skye nodded and said: "Got it, plan, turn green, put it down, go away."

After the explanation was clear, Coulson turned around and left. Mei stepped forward and said, "I don't want to question your order, sir." Coulson glanced at Mei and said, "Yes."

Then he bypassed the opponent and continued to leave. Mei quickly said: "But the battle I encountered has exceeded my expectations."

"This three-person rescue team is exactly the action I want to avoid."

Coulson turned around, looked at Mei and said, "That's why I didn't send you."

When Mei heard that she had not been sent, she continued: "Field personnel cannot be compared with operational experts, believe me." "Last time..."

Before May could finish speaking, Coulson interrupted: "Hall is one of ours, and he is in trouble."

"I need three people to rescue him, Ward is one and Kirabi is one, so I have to participate in the operation." "You forgot, I have experienced a lot of fights with the Avengers."

"And with Kirabi here, as long as he goes inside, no one will be his opponent, and I can ensure that the mission is successfully completed."

After speaking, Coulson turned and left.

Seeing Coulson leave, May complained: "But you died last time."

Before leaving the command room, Coulson shouted: "Okay, guys, get ready to go."

Republic of Malta.

Skye was wearing a red low-cut dress and took a taxi to the outside of Quinn Manor. She used her electronic invitation to pass the verification and entered the manor.

A waiter came to Skye with a dessert and asked, "Would you like some appetizers?" Skye picked one up, put it in her mouth and ate it.

At this time, a man's voice sounded from behind: "Who are you?"

Skye quickly turned around, and the person speaking was an old man with a white beard and white hair. At this time, a man in a gray suit hurried over and said: "I'm sorry for his rudeness, he doesn't speak English very well."


After hearing this, Skye said: "Well, forget it, my name is Skye." and stretched out his hand to shake hands with the other party.

"Qasim Zakluler." "I have admired him for a long time."

When Skye heard the name, he immediately exclaimed: "You built half of Dubai, including the Arabian Blade building." "I love that building so much, it has a sci-fi feel."

Hearing Skye's compliment, Kasim showed a kind smile.

"Where is your wife?"

In the Airbus control room, May immediately provided remote assistance to Skye and said: "The woman's name is Nadella." Skye smiled and asked: "Nadella."

Mei continued to remind through the cartilage sensor: "Twin sons." "Is she at home with the children?"

Qasim smiled and said: "Yes, she is at home with the children."

With the remote assistance of Mei and others, Skye chatted with the other party for a few words, and then said goodbye: "It's a real honor to meet you." After saying that, Skye did not stay at Kasim's side for a long time, but turned around.


After leaving, Skye looked around and whispered: "This is really good, it's like a useful Siri." "Captain called the desperadoes, I saw the big dog, the eagle is landing."

In the command room, Simmons said blankly: "What did you say?"

Skye quickly said: "Sorry, I made a mistake, I saw Quinn."

"I'll go talk to him."

At this time, Quinn was introducing the features of his project to his partners. Skye came over and chatted directly: "Yeah, that's right."

Then he said to Quinn: "Yinn Quinn, I am an uninvited guest who came here temporarily." Then he stretched out his palm and said: "Skye!"

Quinn looked down at Skye, then shook hands with him and said, "Wow, nice to meet you." Then he introduced to his companions: "This is Skye, a member of the Rising Tide Organization."

"They're a bunch of hackers, and I've revealed a big secret to the public." Skye explained: "I prefer to be called a 'hacktivist.'"

Then he looked at Quinn and said, "I'm glad you've heard of our website."

Quinn looked at Skye and said, "I've read that we have similar ideas, more freedom of information." "The government doesn't violate human rights, and I applaud you very much."

Skye smiled when he heard what the other party said: "No wonder you invited me. It's not easy to get into this party."

Quinn smiled and said: "It won't be more difficult than if you entered the encryption backdoor and asked us to send out the invitation."

Obviously, Skye's calculations had long been noticed by Quinn International, but they just followed the trend and did not cancel the authorization certification of the electronic invitation letter.

Skye nodded thoughtfully and said, "I'm familiar with that one."

Quinn extended an invitation to Skye: "You must show me how you do it, if you join." Skye asked doubtfully: "Join what?"

Quinn explained: "I have turned some hackers into 'white hats,' not just for vulnerability analysis, but for creative thinking."

Skye asked in surprise, "Are you going to give me a job?"

Quinn glanced around and then continued: "I didn't invite you here because you are beautiful." "Of course, I didn't know you were so beautiful."

"Yes, I want to hire you before someone takes you away."

But at this time, the conference started, and Quinn did not communicate too much with Skye. Instead, he stepped onto the host stage and started his own speech.

And Mei's voice came from Skye's bone conduction headset: "It seems like the progress is going well."

"Yes, not bad."

This chapter has been completed!
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