1107, Taozis career

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These small shops are scattered all over the place.

The poorest people in Kyushu, after converting to her religion, not only gained spiritual comfort, but also got rid of poverty materially. This is simply a good thing that falls from the sky.

After passing the examination, they often move their families to a different place and open a small family store with funds from the church. The family runs the small store and also secretly preaches the gospel in the local area.

These small shops not only solve the livelihood problem of her poor and tearful believers, but also make it easier for them to extend their tentacles to all parts of the four islands of Japan. Especially small bet shops and small pawn shops, the annual interest rate is one cent to two cents.

The low-interest loans have greatly reduced the burden on farmers, small businessmen, and small handicraftsmen.

Of course, it also aroused the anger of local loan shark groups.

In the past two years, Taozi has recruited ronin with real ability and moral bottom line as protective warriors. No matter where a small shop was smashed, a large number of warriors from other places would soon come to take revenge. These scoundrels and loan sharks all over the countryside were

The bullies beat him to pieces.

It took more than a year to seize this huge market.

The various commodities shipped from the Ming Dynasty are also cheaper and more diverse. They are the most commonly used tools and daily necessities in daily production. These commodities give new choices to the people of the middle and lower classes.

For example, liquor made by blending distilled water with alcohol and adding various flavors and other flavors quickly occupied the mid- to low-end alcohol market at a low price.

In Japan, food is very precious. Because the small plains that can be cultivated on the four islands are very limited.

It is very expensive to use grain to make wine. Governments in various places impose heavy taxes.

Ordinary people cannot afford to drink alcohol. In Japan, high-end food like rice can only be eaten by the samurai class. If your social status is lower than that of the samurai, you cannot eat rice.

Although your family has worked hard to grow the rice, it can only be sold to merchants or handed over to the government as tax. Eating it privately is punishable.

What can farmers usually eat? When policies are not strictly enforced, farmers can eat brown rice, and noble warriors can eat polished rice. If food management is strict, farmers can only eat miscellaneous grains.

At this time, what kinds of miscellaneous grains were available in Japan? If farmers had a large family, they would replace rice with more wheat, buckwheat, sweet potatoes, beans and other miscellaneous grains. At this time, potatoes had been widely planted.

Sweet potatoes were introduced to Japan from the Ming Dynasty, but the promotion and cultivation in Japan was better than that in the Ming Dynasty.

Sweet potatoes were first introduced to China around the Wanli period of the late Ming Dynasty. They entered China via three routes from Yunnan, Guangdong, and Fujian.

During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a scholar named Chen Zhenlong in Fujian. He was a businessman. When he was doing business in the Philippines, he discovered "potato" locally. Chen Zhenlong hoped to introduce it, but the Philippines was under Spanish rule and in order to protect the species.

name, it is strictly prohibited to bring potatoes to other countries for cultivation.

So Chen Zhenlong risked his life and wrapped the potato vines in the ropes tied to the goods. He successfully passed the customs and brought them to my country. In Japan, sweet potatoes are called "tang taro". It was probably introduced to Japan from Fujian in the late Wanli Dynasty. Island, and spread throughout Japan from Kagoshima.

There are only two kinds of wine in Japan, one is sake and the other is turbid wine. Both are brewed from rice. In any country and in any historical period, wine, tea, salt, and iron are all profitable industries.

Tao Zi naturally knows that these four items are very profitable industries. She mixes alcohol with water and adds spices to make low-priced liquor and sells it to the countryside through her network. She has made huge profits. The reason why her wine is so good

The good sales are mainly due to the policies of the generals.

In order to ensure tax revenue and prevent farmers from reducing their ability to pay taxes due to consumption, the third shogunate, the Kamakura shogunate, the Muromachi shogunate, and the Tokugawa shogunate seriously interfered in the lives of farmers.

They required farmers to live a simple and hard life, and regard frugality and hard work as virtues. Save time for consumption, enjoyment and leisure. Put into work, work hard, produce more products, supply the life needs of nobles and warriors, and ensure that warriors and warriors meet their needs.

The quality of life of the above social classes.

For example: in the "Qing'an Royal Touch Book" promulgated by the shogunate, they prohibited farmers from drinking tea, drinking alcohol, buying silk and cotton clothes, eating more miscellaneous grains, and prohibiting eating rice. They were not allowed to buy oil or tea. They prohibited ease, enjoyment, and all other enjoyments.

, items that are not necessary to maintain working ability. Save the money so that when the shogunate needs it, it can be handed over to the shogun as taxes.

How can this kind of moral preaching be implemented without effective supervision? Obviously, it is impossible for the general to send people to monitor these unruly people day and night. Without this manpower, it is really impossible to act as a humanoid camera to monitor them 24 hours a day.

Therefore, the way to implement it is to focus on the sales side. Businessmen are prohibited from selling oil, wine, and various non-daily necessities to farmers.

Merchants gathered in the castle town to open shops. That is, the area around the castles of nobles. The people living here provide services and products to the nobles living in the castle. The gates entering and exiting the city can be searched to prevent peasants from entering.

Go into the city to buy contraband. At the same time, you can also supervise merchants' shops.

Of course, the ideas and system designs of the generals and daimyo are good. However, the thoughts of the unscrupulous people are always so evil and backward. They are selfish, greedy for enjoyment, and enjoy leisure and work.

These unscrupulous people living in the countryside, while praising the General's great policies, hide all the good things they can and enjoy them secretly. They also work sneakily and do not want to spend all their time

All used for production.

Rice wine is hidden under the floor or buried under the peach tree. It is taken out at night and drunk secretly. Dried sweet potatoes are hung on the trees. Not only do they secretly make wine and drink, but they also indulge in all the enjoyment of life. They gamble and spend their money.

He secretly spent it on prostitutes and refused to hand it over to the general.

The gentlemen living in the city had no way of visiting and staying with them, so they could only order the shops in the city not to sell anything to them.

The shogunate has ruled for more than 400 years at this time, and will rule for more than 200 years in the future.

Many policies have been relaxed. Except for the relatively strict control in the city, there is basically no one in the countryside.

And after these farmers, hunters, handicraftsmen, and fishermen made money, they urgently needed to exchange it for something, hide it, and enjoy it secretly for themselves and their families. They would not be stupid enough to save money for the general, and then give it to

Sir General.

The people of Japan understand one thing very well: money only belongs to them if they are spent for themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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