1165, Duel between gunboats and infantry and cavalry II

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Jiang Bingzhong beheaded Wugenqi with one blow and quickly passed by Turigen.

Two pieces of Wugenqi's body were seen falling off the horse. Behind them, countless brave Alxa warriors came to kill them, shouting and holding scimitars.

The two cavalrymen collided fiercely, but the Jiang family's servant camp only had 500 people. Although the number was not large, they were all elites.

This elongated triangular cavalry array wedged itself directly into the Mongolian brigade like a red-hot knife cutting through butter.

Jiang Bingzhong's beard and hair were spread out, his tongue was fighting with spring thunder, and with a roar, he rounded the three-pointed two-edged knife, danced like an iron barrel, and chopped down the enemy like melons and vegetables. He penetrated the enemy's formation all the way.

Behind him were five generals, two of whom were half a horse's length behind him, guarding his two wings. The three of them followed behind and charged.

The three-pointed and two-edged sword was very heavy, and it chopped and smashed all the way. It immediately knocked the Alxa man holding a scimitar off his back.

Yang Fan and Zhang Shize's blood boiled as they watched, and they cheered continuously. They didn't expect that Jiang Bingzhong, who usually kept quiet, could be so brave.

Such a heavy and long weapon immediately gained the upper hand in the battle with the enemy armed with scimitars.

Those scimitars weighing more than one kilogram or two kilograms will either be smashed away or cut off when they encounter this thirty kilograms big knife. As long as the blade is hit by the blade, no matter where it is, it will be smashed to pieces immediately.

Seriously injured.

Some horses were even hit in the head by the three-pointed and double-edged knives of these guys. The horses' brains suddenly burst, they screamed, their front hooves softened, and they fell forward after grabbing the ground.

The knight was forced off his horse. Then, he was trampled to death by the cavalry coming from behind.

Seeing Jiang Bingzhong rushing in, Zhang Shize shouted: "Brothers! Listen to me. The troops of the Dingxi Marquis Mansion have cut open the Alxa people's military formation. Our British Crown Prince is the leader of the nobles in the north. We

It can never be worse than Dingxihou Mansion. Come on me."

Suddenly, three battalion-level cavalry phalanxes of 500 people let out a thunderous roar, and at the same time accelerated their horses' speed. Following Jiang Bingzhong's men, they rushed into the core of the Alxa formation.

Wu Ya'er Huntaiji was shocked. He didn't expect that the Ming army's cavalry was so brave. It was not what the legend said. The Han rebel general he recruited said that the Beijing camp was full of old, weak and disabled soldiers, and the horses were all skinny and hungry. The soldiers were once a year.


The knives and guns are all rusty and will fall off when you pull them out.

Military pay has been running out for almost a year. The soldiers do not go to the military camp. Instead, they carry large bags at the dock, cook in restaurants, take baths in the baths, and get pedicures.

But now he clearly saw that the Ming army's war horse opposite was fat and strong, and its hair was as shiny as satin. It didn't look like it was starving to death.

Moreover, these cavalrymen in the Beijing camp were all wearing gleaming armor made of whole metal plates, and their weapons were all kinds of heavy weapons. They were weak wastes. Just looking at this tight formation, it seemed that they were not adequately trained.

Especially when they saw Jiang Bingzhong and five generals using extremely heavy three-pointed two-edged knives to chop up all the Mongolian men and horses in front of them, and they could decapitate the horses with one knife.

I even saw a swordsman slashing the horse behind the knight because the knight had rushed over too quickly. However, this sword actually cut off the spine of the horse and broke the horse into two pieces.

The war horse whined and separated from the front and back, and the horse's intestines and entrails were scattered on the ground.

Wu Ya'er Huntaiji was shocked. What kind of weapon was this? It was so powerful.

In his memory, only in the land of Central Asia, according to legend, the Anxi Town Soldier Modao Team of the Anxi Protectorate of the Tang Empire had such power.

The sword shines brightly, and those who stand in the way will be smashed to pieces!

These figures were like red-hot iron awls, inserted halfway into a ball of mutton fat, and pierced through forcefully. There was almost no one-stop enemy.

Fortunately, the cavalry behind them were all equipped with ordinary wild goose feather swords.

At this time, on both sides of the Jiang family's army, the cavalrymen held three-eyed muskets under their armpits and lit the fuses. Now both cavalry and infantry dared to use three-eyed muskets boldly. There was no need to worry about the accident of exploding the barrel.


When these three-eyed blunderbuss left the Ministry of Industry warehouse, Yang Fan tested each of them with twice the charge, and took away all those that did not explode.

Now the two sides were clashing at high speed. The Mongols rushed past from both sides and fired arrows one after another, shooting at the Chiang family cavalry in the middle. Suddenly, there was a jingling sound on these cavalry. The arrows missed and were bounced away by the plate armor.

These Mongols were less than ten meters away from the Ming army and rushed past them at high speed.

They shoot very accurately. It is said that most of them aim at the neck. Because when shooting from the side, the neck is the best target. It can kill with one arrow.

The beak helmet exerts powerful performance.

These arc-shaped, polygonal, and complex-structured helmets created a ricochet effect very well. The Mongolian arrowheads made of stone and bone were smashed into pieces on the hard carburized steel plate. Not a single

The branch penetrated the plate armor.

Only a few unlucky ones were shot in the calf or on their horses by the enemy, fell off their horses, and were trampled to death by the cavalry behind them who could not dodge.

Mongolian soldiers rushed past in a steady stream, and arrows rained down on them in a continuous stream.

The servants of the Jiang family endured the blows of the rain of arrows and aimed their three-eyed blunderbuss at the Alxa knights who were rushing past like crucian carp crossing the river.

In the battles in the Western Region, the Alxa people's strategy of hedging on both sides and quickly firing arrows at the enemy in the middle was invincible. After this round of hedging, one-third of the enemy would fall.

And this time, the Alxa people’s formation was.

Two thousand heavy cavalry followed Wu Ya'er Huntaiji in the center. There were one thousand cavalry on each wing. And facing the Ming army in the front were two thousand light cavalry on the left and right.

Four thousand light cavalry surrounded the enemy and fired arrows from both sides at the same time. When the light cavalry rushed over, the enemy would suffer more than half of their casualties.

Wu Ya'er Huntai Ji had already seen clearly that the Ming army only had these 6,000 cavalry. He decisively adopted the most classic tactics.

At that time, the remnants of the Ming army will run into his headquarters, two thousand heavy cavalry, both men and horses wearing armor.

The one thousand cavalry on the left and right flanks will be flanked on both sides. The four thousand light cavalry that rush over will also come back to cut off the retreat of these Ming troops.

The plan was perfect. But now something went wrong during execution.

Their bows and arrows couldn't hit the plate armor at all. Their arrows were too bad. Apart from smashing into pieces on the armor, they had no effect at all.

The enemy was not weakened. But at this moment, the three-eyed gun went off.

Boom boom boom! On both sides of the elongated triangle, there were soldiers armed with three-eyed guns. Their three-eyed guns opened fire.

They tilted at an angle of 30 degrees and opened fire at the Mongols rushing past at high speed. At such a close distance, the two sides were less than ten meters away, so there was no need to aim at all. This happened to be the best shooting distance of the fire gate gun.

As smoke and fire erupted, the Alxa cavalry on both sides fell off their horses one by one as if they had been hit by a hammer.

This chapter has been completed!
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