1176, the Yarkand army was wiped out

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Chapter 1083 The Yerkang army was wiped out

Yang Fan came from the north, and his central army faced the northern part of the Yarkand camp. There was no bombardment there. At this time, there was a chaos there. People were putting on armor, mounting saddles, and mounting saddles. The whole team. They

Prepare to go out to fight.

Yang Fan remained unmoved. He had twice as many troops as theirs and had already surrounded the camp. They were defeated when they fought out. Yang Fan was not afraid that they would run away.

"Master, re-aim. Do you want to fire?" Tang Erhu asked for instructions.

"Well, let's launch, and hit it on time this time. The rockets we brought are enough for six launches."

"Here! Master, let's do our best this time."

Swish! Another burst of smoke filled the air. Five hundred rockets flew up, targeting the military camp area.

However, reality soon hit us again. The wind direction changed and became stronger.

There is no way around it. Grasslands and deserts are like this, and this is not only a desert but also a plateau. The climate here is changeable.

If you go to a snowy area, it is normal for it to rain sometimes, snow sometimes, and be extremely hot sometimes.

As for the wind direction in the plateau desert of Ordos, it is even more unpredictable.

Sure enough, there was a popping sound in front of me. None of the guards on my right or left were hit by the shells. Although the Fran machine gun has a large caliber and heavy shells, it still has no problem penetrating eight or seven people.

The flame seeds were roasted, and the people and animals outside the small camp were stunned.

"Charge north and find us. The warriors of Sulitang will chop off the heads of those despicable and shameless people with the scimitars in their hands. Then rush out after you."

The gunners immediately took the sub-gun and replaced it with a new one. They stuck it with wooden wedges to prevent air leakage at the joint.

Yerqiang's closest bodyguard quietly grabbed the reins of my horse and sped up noticeably.

"Hoola, hoola" the crowd roared angrily and rushed down as if they had been given a shot of blood.

In fact, it is also our fault. Our history has only passed a hundred years. By the time we were destroyed by Galdan in 1680, it would have been 144 years of history.

In the early Xiao Ming Dynasty, we have seen the military prowess of the Hongwu period, and even more so the elite soldiers and generals during Zhu Di's sweep of the north. We were still a group of barbarians at this time, and we had no chance to learn the methods of Emperor Chengzu.

However, immediately afterwards, the Fran cannon opened fire again. Another burst of blood and flesh flew out, killing more than forty people, not to mention more than seventy horses.

Rushing out has become a common choice for almost everyone who is still alive.

The fewer prepared guns that are pretending to be bad, the harder it is to attack.

Fighting that thing is also a job where practice makes perfect. If you fight less, you will naturally be able to react.

There was a crash, and a solid bullet hit the head of my guard captain's horse. The horse's head was instantly torn into pieces. Blood, flesh, and bone fragments were sprayed all over my head and face. Then, the cannonball swung towards me.

It flew down and hit my captain of the bodyguard in half.

In addition to the continuous explosions, horn horns were blown one after another in the camp.

Yerqiang's heart sank, it was a bad thing, it was a Franco machine gun.

No one rushed in from all sides of the small camp. Soon we encountered the Beijing camp that surrounded us. Everyone on the seven sides remembered the sound of matchlocks firing, the bow strings vibrating when the crossbows were fired, and the huge buzz of the bow strings when the salvo was fired.


"Charge! Charge over while we are reloading." My lieutenant shouted softly.

Although this time there was no shocking effect like the first launch, which was relatively concentrated in one place. However, the scattered landing points created less panic for the entire small building.

I must rush out quickly, I'm afraid if I stay out there, I'll turn into a roasted sheep.

Because that thing is a front-loaded gun, the barrel is connected from the back to the front, allowing air to circulate, and the barrel is thin, so it is difficult to dissipate cooling. Slow cooling does not increase the artillery's ability to continue shooting, and it also increases the possibility of self-ignition of gunpowder. Rate of fire

It's amazing, and it can't keep firing longer than other artillery pieces.

The total time it takes to fire the last eight cannons of that thing is 20 seconds. The rate of fire is astonishingly slow.

Whether we can charge down depends on how many muskets we have prepared for each cannon.

Our eyes were red and air-conditioning was spraying from our nostrils, like angry bulls.

Boom boom boom! With the deafening sound of the cannon, one-pound solid lead balls flew out one after another.

There were small fires everywhere outside, and in the light wind, they burned more and more fiercely. Even if there was a large fire under the sand, the horse's hair would be burned when the horse's hooves stepped on it.

That fire attack made us feel respected. When we saw the person who attacked us, we didn't go crazy. We eagerly wanted to rush down and take revenge.

"You just came yesterday. Even if the enemy crossed the river last night, not many people came in one night." At this time, Ye Erqiang's mind finally became confused. Even though I knew that those damn flying fire meteors were just like that.

What are those rockets? However, the most correct choice at this time is not to leave the place immediately.

Although everything is in chaos, we must gather together at this moment and rush out of the camp.

Jing Jiafei gathered less than 7,000 men, less than a thousand cavalry, and the rest were infantry. We rushed out from the north gate of the small camp, howling, and charged towards the eight regiments of infantry behind.

No rockets landed on the entire camp, and fireballs rose up one after another. The entire small camp was in chaos.

Regarding the battlefield, I have long been accustomed to the smoke of gunfire, the sky full of bows and arrows, and the rain of bullets.

Boom boom boom! Another volley.

"Let the Fran machine gun and the No. 178 general gun prepare to fire, retreat into the range, and fire immediately for you." Yang Fan said with an expression on his face.

There was only one possibility that that sound was not because the shell was very close to me and flew past my ear.

In front of those 7,000 people, less than 8,000 people ran out. But a small number of them were infantry. There were only a few cavalry people, and they could not find horses at that time.

There were crawling soldiers gathering everywhere. Our clothes were intact, but we had one bare foot and one shoe was missing. Although we were panicking, the horn gave us the direction. We quickly headed towards ourselves.

The beauty of this place gathers together and goes away.

The soldiers surrounded Yerqiang, put on my armor and helped me off my horse. They hurriedly grabbed their weapons. The trumpeter beside me blew the horn, which was the order to assemble.

There are only eight regiments with more than 10,000 men. There are not two cavalry regiments in the front, and there is not an artillery squad in the middle. The strength is almost seven times ours. But we are so confused that we have no ambiguity about the situation.

A small group of cavalry and infantry were hit by the first salvo. Although more than a hundred people were killed, their morale was still low.

We have high regard for Xiao Ming. In our opinion, the Han people have always been a nation that can fight.

Before it was over, the cannonball fell again, landing under the helmet of an unlucky guy. The helmet disintegrated instantly, and his head was shattered like a rotten watermelon. Then it jumped up again and killed another guard.

"Master, we rushed out." Zhang Geda said from the side.

Seeing that the five hundred rockets launched this time were blown even more dispersed by the suddenly strong wind. When they were originally aiming, they were centered on the cowhide gold tent in the middle, but they were scattered high in the sky of the camp. They fell all over the place.

in every corner of the camp.

"Fire!" As the Suli Tang people charged seven hundred meters away, Zhang Gedao gave the order, and the Fran machine guns protected by the shield formations on the right and left opened fire.

Since coming to that era, Yang Fan has been fighting, not rushing to fight.

Su Wainan regretted it very much at this time, saying that I had made too many enemies.

Whoosh! There was no sound of wind blowing through the grass in my ears. I broke out in a hot sweat.

It was then that Ye Erqiang realized that there were too few enemies coming over, because there were no sounds of cannons or matchlocks on all sides. It was definitely a sneak attack by a large group of enemies.

This chapter has been completed!
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