11265, He Kegang really dared to fire

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The shield can play a certain role in defending against muskets. However, it is of no use against such a short handgun. As soon as the gunshot is fired, the bullet will directly penetrate the shield and make a bloody hole in the body.

Zhuzi led people to fight all the way to the stern of the ship, while the other group of people fought all the way to the bow.

They must rush forward as soon as possible and kill the Rumi Gunslingers. They pose the greatest threat.

Lumi gun is very accurate and very powerful. The anti-stab suit can't stop it at all. Even if it has a steel plate inserted, it still has to be hit at such a close distance. Huge shocks can also cause internal injuries.

Zhuzi opened his bow from left to right and fired intensively. After killing four sailors one after another, the revolver was empty. He drew out his dog-leg knife. With one blow, he chopped down a boss who rushed down with a short knife.

This dog-leg knife is the prize for the first graduate in Zhuzi, and he usually can't put it down.

In order to encourage officers and soldiers to fight, Yang Fan regarded the awarding of swords as an honor. Different swords would be awarded to different swords by Yang Fan himself for different merits.

The excellence of these swords is simply unrivaled in this world.

Because the material of these swords is the barrel steel of tank guns transferred from later generations.

What is the best material to use to make cold weapons? There is only one answer, and that is gun steel.

Especially the gun steel for tank guns. The materials used in these electroslag remelted self-shrinking gun barrels are the best and are the pinnacle of metal materials in later generations.

Because the gun steel made of these materials must ensure that the firing life of the tank gun reaches a full eight seconds.

High bore pressure, high muzzle velocity, and supercarb alloy shells with bullets cause hellish damage to the barrel. The muzzle velocity is generally above 1,000. The working conditions are very bad.

Yang Fan asked his second idiot to go abroad to Africa and the Middle East and collect a lot of gun barrels from destroyed tanks. Due to many wars, there were four to five thousand tank wrecks abandoned in the desert in the Mesopotamia alone.

These scrap steel can be transported at low cost. Some of these are even twisted into twisted gun barrels, cut off with a steel saw, and processed into small pieces of steel, which are perfect materials for making cold weapons.

Zhuzi's dog-legged knife could not defeat the enemy in one attack. All the weapons that were blocked were cut off by his gun-steel dog-legged knife, and the enemy was also cut into two pieces.

In the blink of an eye, they reached the bow and stern of the ship. The Rumi gunmen did not have time to reload, so they directly pulled out the scimitar from the butt of the gun and pointed the butt of the gun forward to fight with the pillars and others.

The few people who came up immediately protected the pillar behind them.

One feature of the Lumi gun is that a blade can be installed on the back of the butt, turning it into a long-handled knife like the Guan Gong knife, which can be used in close combat and is more powerful than European bayonets.

Obviously, the pillar's dog-leg knife is too short, and it is easy to suffer a loss against this knife.

The next few special operations team members immediately opened fire with their revolvers. There were still bullets in their revolvers. After all, the pillar rushed too hard. They came up directly and all the bullets were fired.

There was a burst of gunfire, and the bow and stern of the ship were also cleared.

The members of the special operations team began to enter the cabin and clean it one by one. After a while, the gunfire stopped. This meant that the two ships had been cleaned up one after another, and there was no one alive anymore.

He Kegang was shocked. Through the monocular, he clearly saw that the two shuttle boats were actually occupied by people from the merchant ship. What was going on?

Although he couldn't believe it, corpses were being thrown into the sea on the two boats. This couldn't be false.

Hong'er also came to Zhuzi, saw that he was covered in blood, and asked worriedly: "How are you? Are you injured?"

Zhu Zhu wiped the blood on his face and said: "It's okay, it's all the enemy's blood. I'm not injured. The revolver is very useful in close combat. The enemy can't get close at all with cold weapons."

Hong'er asked: "I guess He Kegang will fire. What should we do?"

Zhu Zhu said: "Since the three boats are tied together, we will rush over like this. Anyway, Captain Li said that even if we take these two boats to catch the shuttle boat, we will be faster than the sealing boat."

Hong'er said: "These two ships also have some artillery, but they are too weak and basically have no ability to fight back against the big ship."

Zhuzi said: "Pull our people back and use the artillery of these two ships to attack the big ship. We can't take advantage. Our people are not professional gunners, they are all special talents. It is stupid to fight with them."

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Hong'er thought the same way, "Then just use these two ships as shields."

Zhuzi nodded and called everyone back to the special operations ship. Then, he ordered Captain Li to turn on the triple-expansion steam engine at full power and rush towards the enemy ship.

Between the two points, the straight line is the shortest. Just rush towards He Kegang.

This route is the shortest and fastest. After the two sides passed each other, they ran away together.

He Kegang's ship was too big to turn around, and by the time he came after him, the two sides had already distanced themselves.

Woohoo! The whistle sounded.

This time, there was no longer any scruples. The special warfare ship had already burned the boiler to maximum power and the steam pressure had reached maximum.

As the captain gave the order to move forward at full speed, the chief engineer lowered the handle, opened the steam valve, and then the ship suddenly accelerated.

Although it was carrying two towing oil bottles, the ship accelerated very quickly.

The powerful power of the triple-expansion steam engine was clearly revealed at this time. The huge roaring sound and the deafening whistle made He Kegang hear it.

For the first time, he looked at this strange ship with thick smoke and water vapor in surprise.

The ship never raised its sails again because the current wind direction was very chaotic. Raising the sails was not conducive to driving.

The fact that the ship could travel without sails and still travel so fast made him feel like he had almost seen a miracle.

"Sir, that ship is coming, can't fire the cannon." Deng Changchun asked anxiously.

"Fight, of course we have to fight. Turn the ship sideways and fire all the artillery on the port side." He Kegang shouted angrily.

This was the first time that he had made such a big mistake. He almost pressed his face to the ground and rubbed it.

He Kegang knew how to fight at sea. Now the enemy ship was rushing towards him with two shuttle boats on the left and right. If the bow of the ship was used to fire towards it, only one red cannon would be able to fire.

However, it is different if it is turned sideways. In this case, the three red cannons on the port side, one red cannon each on the bow and stern, a total of five red cannons can fire. And the next layer on the port and starboard sides

There are also twenty thousand-jin bronze cannons on each deck.

When Captain Li saw the big ship in front of him, he actually turned the rudder and turned the ship sideways. His face tightened. Obviously, the other party was also a veteran. This way, the number of cannons available was the largest and the firing density was maximum.

"Everyone squat down, the enemy is about to fire." Captain Li shouted loudly.

Everyone in the cabin immediately lay down on the deck. Captain Li himself remained motionless, calmly holding the steering wheel and controlling the direction of the ship.

Everyone else can hide, but he can't hide. He has to drive the ship.

This chapter has been completed!
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