1339, Battle of Tsushima

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Obviously, this standard Spanish galleon, the only one owned by Japan, passed down from the Tokugawa Ieyasu era, is no longer viable at this time.

Although this ship is less than thirty years old, the fire cannot be extinguished.

Incendiary bombs are metal shells filled with chemical fertilizers, explosives, magnesium powder, aluminum powder, sugar and other substances. The explosive detonates and the magnesium powder emits intense light and heat. The aluminum powder produces explosive high-temperature combustion. The sugar acts as a combustion accelerant and adhesive.

Mixture. Let burning substances stick to the ship.

Yang Fan nodded with satisfaction. The effect of the incendiary bomb was very ideal. It was a great weapon against wooden ships in this era. No matter whether it was an Eastern or Western warship, it could not withstand such high temperature burning. As long as it was a ship with a wooden structure, it would

Can be burned.

As for the fire-retardant effect of the ship soaked in water, as well as the humidity and salt spray at sea, it depends on the temperature and the size of the flame. There is no wet firewood in the big fire. Magnesium powder and aluminum powder at several thousand degrees deflagrate, and it will be baked directly.

of wood.

Napalm bombs can be used on land, but at sea, mortars are inaccurate and the effect is not ideal. If you attack a seaside city, there are no mortars like conscience cannons and you use gunpowder ejection. In a favorable wind direction, you can still fire napalm bombs.

It can make a difference.

"Set up the sampan, rescue the leading warrior, and bring him to me." Yang Fan said to Xu Xiu.

At this time, Datemaru Uenomura and others had already fled to the stern of the ship, and the fire had ignited the bow of the ship. From time to time, the gunpowder in the gun warehouse was exploded.

A leader who was leaning on the side of the ship was kicking his legs and yelling. Suddenly, there was a bang, and the gunpowder in the cabin exploded, blowing up the ship plank and the leader together. He was so frightened.

Several others fell into the sea.

At this time, a sampan came over. An officer stood on the bow and asked, "Is there anyone who doesn't want to drown? You can climb up."

At this time, most Japanese people with some status could speak Ming Dynasty Mandarin, or write and read Chinese characters. In Japan, this was a sign of literacy. Today, Japanese civil servants still have to take a Sinology test. This represents a person's cultural quality.

Nomura immediately shouted: "Help me, I don't want to drown."

Ma Qi grinned. This dwarf's Ming Dynasty Mandarin was so accurate. He stretched out the bamboo pole in his hand and asked him to climb up. Then several of his followers also climbed onto the sampan.

The sampan was full after only a few people came up. Others wanted to climb up. Nomura and his samurai were furious and kicked these bastards down again.

Those who were kicked down did not dare to resist, so they had to swim back halfway into the burning boat.

"Thank you very much for your help." Nomura bowed sharply to Ma Qi. The warriors also bowed with their master, with respectful expressions on their faces.

Japanese people worship the strong. Since you can beat them without the ability to resist, you will gain their respect. On the contrary, if you are not their opponent, they will insult you in every possible way and be arrogant.

Generally speaking, these are a bunch of bitches. So, no matter what happens, you should go find some trouble with them, lest they go away without fighting for a long time.

"My master, I want to see you. Come with me." March said with a smile.

The Japanese are just like this. Ma Qi knows the Japanese well. He is from Zhejiang and is a son of the shipyard. There are many southerners in the shipyard, and there are even Chinese people born in Siam. Masters in the shipbuilding industry are all

In the South and Southeast Asia, many shipwrights came from the southeastern coast.

Yang Fan met Nomura and his party in the reception room of the Royal Clipper. As a soldier, Nomura held a considerable military position.

"This is Uncle Dingyuan of the Ming Dynasty, General Zhengxi." Lin Yuan introduced.

Hearing that he was a general of the Ming Dynasty, Nomura bowed even deeper.

"Hi, it's an honor to meet you." Nomura looked excited. He had not yet calmed down from the shock of seeing such a huge sailing ship. At this time, he was even more respectful to Yang Fan.

"My escort ship only prevents you from approaching my ship. Why did you fire at my ship? This is an act of provoking the majesty of the Ming Dynasty." Yang Fan scolded with a straight face.

"Sir, this is Tsushima Island, which is the choke point into Honshu Island. We have the obligation to inspect unknown ships to ensure the safety of Japan."

Yang Fan glanced at him and said: "I think this is international waters, and ships from all countries can pass harmlessly. Unless they enter your country's port for trade, you have no right to board the ship for inspection or collect taxes. Send a small morning boat

It makes no sense to pursue Guan Chuan. Please convey my thoughts to the general of your country."

"Hey, I will definitely convey your wishes." Nomura understood that a game of this level was not something that he, a small person, could make the decision. All he had to do was convey the wishes of the generals of the Ming Dynasty to the generals of Japan. At least, he now

Clearly, he is out of danger.

At this time, Datemaru had completely sunk. Only a few unlucky ones were left, holding on to the board and still struggling on the sea. Yang Fan had no intention of sending anyone to rescue. Nomura simply pretended not to have seen it.

Yang Fan previously sent people to Vladivostok, using the Ming Dynasty's Fuchuan and early small clipper ships. The Fuchuan fleet was slow and would sometimes be overtaken by small morning boats and Guanchuan.

The fleet was often intercepted and boarded for inspection by the Japanese in the Tsushima Strait. They were also taxed.

Yang Fan was very dissatisfied with this kind of behavior of being taxed instead of going to their country for trade. This was an act of banditry to collect money. Yang Fan did not think that this strait belonged to Japan, as it was clearly an international waters.

So today, Yang Fan wants to teach them a lesson and teach them how to behave.

At this time, Xu Xiu came in and reported. "Sir, at the exit of the strait on the opposite side, more than a hundred Anzha ships and Guan ships have gathered. They seem to want to intercept us. There are hundreds of ships coming from behind."

Yang Fan asked someone to take Nomura down and wait for him to be sent ashore later.

Yang Fan spread the chart of the Tsushima Strait on the table and marked the positions of both sides based on the information provided by Xu Xiu. On Yang Fan's side were three cruisers, a cruise ship, two troop ships, and a supply ship. A total of six

A clipper ship of over 1,500 tons.

There were many enemies, about four to five hundred ships of various sizes.

Yang Fan rubbed his chin and thought about it. His ship was fast, and the plank armor of the ship was very thick. He could rush through it, but they couldn't stop it at all. However, this was not Yang Fan's style. There were also many lucky ships transporting supplies to Vladivostok.

.There must be a solution, otherwise I will be annoyed to death by being harassed all the time.

It is necessary to kill some of these pesky flies with a fly swatter, lest they harass the fleet when you are not here.

"Have the supplies for the eastward fleet been completed? Where are they now?" Yang Fan asked.

The eastward fleet is the three cruisers scheduled to explore the Americas. Yang Fan's fleet left first. They were one day late because they needed to replenish supplies.

"We've already set off. We've probably entered the strait," Xu Xiu said.

"Contact them using the radio. Let them attack the more than 300 Anzhu ships and Guanzhou fleet behind us. After being defeated, they will join us at the east entrance of the strait. We rush over and attack the intercepting fleet on the opposite side." Yang Fan threw the pencil on

On the chart, said.

This chapter has been completed!
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