1349, Plundering Tsushima Domain 2

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Boom, boom, boom! After a burst of noise, the smoking teapots fell down one after another.

To prevent them from breaking, these teapots are also wrapped with rattan.

There were many Japanese among the pirates. Someone immediately recognized what it was, and they immediately shouted and put on masks made of multiple layers of cotton sewn together. Masks are now standard equipment for the navy.

As these explosives fell to the ground, the fuses smoked and then exploded. The broken ceramic shards were very sharp. The density of shrapnel was very high. Suddenly, a large number of people were blown to the ground.

Ceramics have high hardness, and small shrapnel can easily penetrate an unprotected human body. Fortunately, the first wave of pirates who rushed up were the same veterans who had followed the Ming Dynasty to attack Zhangjiawan. They all wore Japanese-style clothes made of all steel.

of armor.

These armors have good protection and can basically block shrapnel.

However, the crowd still fled in panic. Some wooden shields fell over. As a result, the infantry behind were exposed and were used as live targets by the iron artillery. They fired a series of fire and quickly fired their bows. Many of them were killed.

The captain of the pirate squadron, Saburo Ogasawara, roared loudly and asked these idiots to quickly knock down the wooden shields and put them on the city wall, and let the people behind them put ladders on the city wall.

The city wall is less than five meters high. Putting up a wooden shield, people can already run up the slope and climb up the city wall. This Japanese-style city wall is actually very easy to climb. Because, these things are all

It is trapezoidal. The stone city wall not only has a slope, but it is also quite small.

In addition, the gaps between the masonry stones were not filled with Sanhe soil or white ash, resulting in many large gaps between the stones. People can climb up with bare hands.

More than a dozen people on the city wall held large tubes and loaded them with propellant. Then they inserted a small rocket-like projectile and fired at the pirates surging behind the ladder.

Boom boom boom! A series of explosions knocked down many pirates. They rolled and fell to the ground.

However, at this time, there were already many pirates standing on the ladders and wooden boards, holding knives in their mouths, using their hands and feet together, and quickly climbed up the city wall. Then they pulled out their knives and chopped down the iron cannons at the front of the city wall.

The iron cannons immediately went into chaos. Japanese matchlock guns in this era were not equipped with bayonets. The pirates jumped onto the city wall, and their muskets had no time to stop them. At this time, they were busy charging. The samurai behind them had no time to rush forward.

Rescue these Musketeers.

The pirates are all experienced with knives. Even though their knives are all short knives, they are very sharp when used. Almost in the blink of an eye, the iron cannons standing at the front were hacked to death by them. Their flesh and blood flew everywhere. There was no time to reload the muskets.

It's just a fire stick, and they have no power to resist against a flexible short knife.

The samurai warriors behind them rushed forward and slashed at the pirates with Japanese swords.

In fact, we have a misunderstanding about Japanese swords, thinking that this thing is very powerful. In fact, this thing on the battlefield is just a scrap after being used once. There were statistics during the Warring States Period. The number of soldiers hacked to death by samurai swords accounted for hundreds of the total number of casualties.

Less than five-fifths.

On the ancient battlefields of Japan, the most commonly used bows and spears were Japanese swords. If a Japanese sword collided head-on with the enemy's sword during a fight, it would easily chip or even break. This sword is actually only suitable for ceremonial use. After all, it is good to watch.

In addition, this thing is suitable for dealing with people without armor, especially private fights between samurai.

These pirates, wearing all-steel plate armor, cut down the cannons in three strokes and rushed over.

The warriors had been simmering their anger for a day, and today's water battle was a waste. They even gave up the boat. Now they were chased here and beaten, which was really unbearable. They howled and rushed forward with their swords raised.

Chopping hard.

These pirates who climbed up did not bother them at all. They directly used their knives to greet the enemy's vital points. The Japanese swords looked at these Japanese-style armors, except for a long streak of sparks, without any damage. On the contrary, the blades were a little curled.


The pirates didn't give these people any time to react. They knocked down the samurai with three strokes of the knife.

"Quickly, go down with a general flag and open the city gate." Saburo Ogasawara is a native of Hiroshima. After being captured, he joined the pirate group.

Soon, fifty soldiers from a general banner, wearing full-metal protective equipment, rushed down the horse path, killing the city gate defenders and sending them fleeing. The gate was opened from the inside.

As soon as Donkey Dan saw that the city gate was opened, he immediately drove his war horses, and a thousand cavalry servants from two battalions immediately rushed in.

After entering the city gate, I saw a lot of ashigaru rushing towards me in panic. They were wearing armor made of bamboo and holding cross guns, trying to stop the pirates from advancing.

At this time, the corps commanders calmly took out grenades and threw them towards the dense crowd of spearmen.

There was a violent explosion, and the ground in front was in a mess. A large area of ​​ashigaru was killed. There were still several injured people rolling and wailing.

Soon the cavalry rushed into the main street, which led to the feudal lord's mansion.

The pirates ran all the way to the feudal lord's mansion because they had issued a reward. Each antique could be exchanged for one hundred taels of silver.

There are a lot of rewards, but they are not easy to get.

Although Yang Fan offered a heavy reward, if you get these calligraphy, paintings, porcelain, and antiques, you can put them on the auction block and fetch several times the price.

The cavalry galloped forward while shooting with muskets. All those who tried to block were killed by the muskets.

Boom boom boom! The grenade exploded, causing the roofs of many thatched houses along the way to collapse.

Soon the cavalry came to the main and widest road. Donkey watched the pirates and samurai fighting fiercely, blocking the road, and directly took out his musket and opened fire on the ashigaru of the Tsuima clan.

It has to be said that the Japanese armor is terrible. As soon as the handgun was fired, screams came one after another, and people were hit and knocked to the ground. Even the Nanman carcass, which is known as half-plated plate armor, could not stop the bullets of the handgun. Several times.

All officers were killed by musketry.

The standard equipment for servants, three double-barreled handguns were inserted in front of the saddle. These twelve bullets were not meant to scare people. They quickly dispersed the enemy soldiers in front. Donkey quickly seized the opportunity to attack the feudal lord's mansion.

Obviously, Zong Yicheng, who was commanding at the city gate, did not expect the enemy to board the city so soon. Caught off guard, Lv Dan led two battalions of elite servants and rushed into the feudal lord's mansion.

As soon as Donkey Dan entered the feudal lord's yard, he immediately ordered the door here to be sealed. Then he led his men to arrest the Zong family members. The Zong family compound immediately started to panic. A large number of family members were searched by pirates.

He came out and was taken to the yard, squatting with his head in his hands, waiting for treatment.

This chapter has been completed!
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