1479,Ma Xis Raid II

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Ma Xi squinted her eyes and looked at the Jiannu army passing by in front of her, with a sneer on her lips.

These people were no longer in formation and were walking scattered. In front of them were 500 Mongolian cavalry, and then 300 Jiannu cavalry. Ma Xi had already found out that these cavalry were all white-toothed soldiers, and they were Aba

Tai's personal soldiers.

Among them, the three young men clustered in front and behind were the three sons of Abate.

At this time, these slaves had lowered their guard, and they didn't look like they were here to fight at all. They were all talking and laughing, and some even sang Manchu songs wildly.

"Are these bastards out for an outing?" Deputy General Mashan Kui muttered and cursed.

Ma Xi said nothing and waited for the cavalry to pass by. The infantry and grain carts came over in confusion. He silently took out a Rumi gun, pointed it at a grain cart pulled by two cows, and pulled the trigger.

Bang! There was a gunshot, and the Lumi gun perfectly demonstrated its amazing accuracy. It hit the cow's trunk two hundred meters away.

The cow fell down at the sound.

The lethality of the large-caliber lead bullets of the Lumi gun is very high. When the lead bullets hit the body of the cow, it immediately began to destabilize and roll. It tore out the internal organs and created a huge cavity. The heart, liver, and lungs were all mashed to pieces.

The cow screamed and fell down, directly dragging down the other cow. The entire grain truck came sideways, blocking the road.

Although this is a grassland, because we just came out of the valley, there are rocks everywhere, so we can only walk on the road.

Suddenly, the entire team was stunned. They didn't expect to be attacked at this location.

With the sound of gunshots, 20,000 dismounted cavalrymen in the snow on both sides suddenly stood up. They had been lying in the snow for three hours, and they were all freezing. Their hands and feet were also a little numb.

Ten thousand archers immediately bent their bows and shot at the team on the road. They used riding bows. Riding bows were relatively short. This distance required light arrows.

Ma Xi ambushed five thousand cavalry archers on both sides of the road, and ordered them to use bows and arrows to cover and shoot the Jiannu on the road. They did not care about anything else, they just shot with all their might, shooting all thirty arrows, and then

Pick up your long sword and rush down behind the large army.

Another thousand dismounted cavalrymen immediately jumped up and staggered forward.

General Ma Xi had an order to engage the enemy as soon as possible. Everyone had to run as hard as they could and quickly cross the 200-meter open space.

Those running in front all held up round shields in one hand to protect themselves and the robes behind them.

This small round shield is specially equipped for cavalry. It is only about 60 centimeters in diameter. There is no way, Ma Xi is leading cavalry, and they only have this kind of equipment.

Four thousand people had formed a long strip to guard the grain truck. They were walking casually on both sides of the grain truck. The sudden surprise attack caught them off guard.

After the main force of the Zhenglan Banner was destroyed, most of these people had never been on the battlefield.

Their response speed was very poor. For a moment, their eyes were attracted by the Ming army holding round shields on both sides and charging in a row. They did not pay attention at all. Amidst the noisy shouts of killing, the sound of bowstrings


Unprepared, a hail of arrows rained down from the sky, and many people even marched without armor for the sake of convenience. It was also because they were about to arrive, so they relaxed their vigilance.

Behind the attacking troops, 10,000 archers were shooting arrows desperately, intending to release all thirty arrows in the quiver in the shortest possible time.

Thirty arrows were fired rapidly, all shot in just one minute. Three hundred thousand arrows fell in overwhelming numbers. The arrows behind were still wrapped in grease-stained cotton and rags. They were ignited and shot.

Came over.

These rockets fell on the Eight Banners and the Mongols, on the grain carts, and on both sides of the road. A large number of people who did not wear armor because they were greedy for lightness were shot to the ground. The grain carts were hit by dense rockets.

Hit, it burned.

The livestock were also shot by arrows, and some fell down on the spot. Some broke free from the reins in pain and ran wildly. No matter how hard they beat the Eight Banners, it was of no avail.

Soldiers wearing armor can run at about eight kilometers per hour, which is about two meters per second. It only takes a little more than one and a half minutes to reach a distance of 200 meters. This is the best golden time to attack them.

Liu Xingzuo once told Yang Fan about the combat effectiveness of Jiannu.

In fact, Jiannu's fighting ability is only relative. They gained their agility and skills while hunting and fighting wild animals. When fighting alone, they are far behind the professional martial arts practitioners in the mainland of the Ming Dynasty.

In a one-on-one fight, nine out of ten of those killed were Jian slaves. He had seen Jian slaves arresting rebels in Liaodong. A practitioner, armed with a long gun, stabbed to death four or five Jian slaves holding long knives.

Slave. In the end, he was shot with a bow and arrow and turned into a hedgehog.

But the infantry in the late Ming Dynasty was bad enough, so the battlefield became one-sided.

In fact, if the Han soldiers are well trained, their combat effectiveness can exceed that of the Qing soldiers. In history, the Yue family army defeated the Iron Buddha Tu. Xin Qiji's fifty cavalry entered the camp of 50,000 golden soldiers and captured the traitors. These are all examples.

In the Jiangyin city defense battle at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Abatai's third son Bolo was the commander. The Qing army of 240,000 soldiers and more than 200 cannons besieged the city. A total of more than 75,000 soldiers were lost.

As for Jiangyin, after guarding the city for eighty-one days, more than 97,000 people died inside the city and more than 75,000 people were killed or injured outside the city. These people were all local people and had not received any military training.

On the night of the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month in the fifteenth year of Chongzhen (January 28, 1643 AD), more than 10,000 Qing soldiers arrived in the northwest of Weicheng and set up camp a few miles away from Weicheng. There were seven camps in total and hundreds of tents set up. Immediately afterwards

A war broke out between the two sides.

The result was that Weifang soldiers and civilians were defeated. The county annals record that there were many cases where warriors in the city came out to beat the city, and one person killed multiple Qing soldiers. The white-toothed soldiers were not able to fight against the big gun masters in the city. One person was stabbed to death.

Three people.

Among the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, the ones with the strongest fighting ability were Sauron soldiers.

In 1658, the Battle of the Songhua River Estuary between China and Russia (called the Second Luochan Expedition in Korea) took place at the Hundong River Estuary at the confluence of the Songhua River and the Heilongjiang River.

Ningguta Angbang Zhangjing Shaerhuda led about 600 Qing troops (including 200 Korean musketeers), starting from Sanxing. Five days later, they encountered the Russian army at the confluence of Heilongjiang and Songhua River (today's Tongjiang City).

There were about 300 people in Stepanov's department, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

The Qing army bombarded the Russian ship, launched attacks with muskets and bows, and then jumped on the Russian ship and engaged in hand-to-hand combat. As a result of the battle, the Qing army won a complete victory. 270 people below Stepanov were killed, 10 were captured, and 7 Russian ships were burned.

The overall casualties were less than those of the Russian army.

The terrifying combat power of Sauron's armored men in Ningupa can be seen clearly. The Cossacks are no match either.

This chapter has been completed!
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