In 1501, ancestors Shun and Zong Yao became peaceful

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Li Biao and Qian Longxi led hundreds of officials to respectfully send His Majesty the imperial chariot for the expedition.

With mournful faces, they watched Chongzhen proudly ride out of the city in a four-wheeled light carriage produced in Xincheng. Surrounded by the majestic guard of honor of the Han generals, they were all dressed in gold-plated armor and riding tall horses brought back by Yang Fan.

Time is so majestic.

Chongzhen took his bodyguards, the Jinyi Guards, the cavalry, and the three great Han generals, and went to Nanyuan to gather the Beijing army, and then went to Tongzhou to join forces.

Finally, we set off from Tongzhou, passing through Sanhe County, Jizhou, Yangfan Territory, Zunhua, and finally exit at Da'ankou.

At the beginning, Yang Fan only had 7,600 cavalry, which was just one regiment of servants and one training regiment. With other auxiliary troops, there were only more than 10,000 people. Now I have a division of 150,000 tigers and wolves, and I have collected the defeated troops in three towns.

There are more than 200,000, and there are 100,000 cavalry. The horses are all Mongolian war horses.

This kind of comparison can definitely give him a fight with Jiannu.

At this time, he was also very dissatisfied with Yuan Chonghuan. He had invested so many resources. In the past two years, except for killing Mao Wenlong, he had not done anything to make him happy. As soon as Mao Wenlong was gone, he cut off Mr. Zheng

The imperial concubine is the greatest help in the army.

After her wings were clipped, Concubine Zheng was like a fallen phoenix, worse than a chicken. At that time, he could plan for Concubine Zheng to serve his ancestors as soon as possible.

Starting from the Wanli Dynasty, we should also have an understanding of the struggle between the Fuwang line and the current Tianzi line.

He has made up his mind that after defeating Jiannu this time, his reputation and prestige will skyrocketly increase. From now on, in the court and in the army, he will speak his mind and fully enjoy the happiness of an emperor.

In the past two years, everything he wanted to do has basically been accomplished. He first killed Wei Zhongxian, and then annihilated Monan Mongolia and established two provinces. He achieved the victory of the Qing army that had not been achieved by his father and ancestors for two generations. It reduced the number of troops.

The false numbers removed unqualified soldiers and generals.

In particular, in the past two years, due to the drought across the country, the economy of Beizhili, especially Shuntian Prefecture and Gyeonggi Province, has shown great momentum of development. The associated tax revenue was as much as 2 million taels. You must know that before, silver

The income is only four million taels a year.

Chongzhen regarded these as his own achievements. The achievements of his ministers were also the achievements of the monarch. This was the effect of his appointment of talents and talents. For a moment, he felt that he had read all the books of the sages clearly, and the world would be governed today.

There are already clues.

As long as you continue to work hard, you will definitely solve all the chronic problems of the Ming Dynasty, and an era of Yao, Shun, and Yu will come.

The carriage and the large group of people drove into Nanyuan. This was the first time that Chongzhen left the palace. Looking at the well-constructed military camp in Nanyuan, he couldn't help but admire Yang Fan. In the entire Ming Dynasty, none of the military camps looked like the ones organized by Marquis Dingyuan.

So complete.

Jiang Bingzhong led the generals of each battalion to greet him at the gate.

Chongzhen moved directly into the log cabin villa left by Yang Fan without too much red tape. He knew that this man would enjoy himself the most, and the place where he lived must be the best and most comfortable.

Sure enough, the servants Yang Fan left behind were also retained by the inherited officials. Because the servants trained by Dingyuan Uncle Mansion were very good at serving people. The cooks were also very good, and there were even those responsible for massages and bathing.


The wooden house has good thermal insulation and has a cast iron radiator. It is as warm as spring and is no worse than Xinuange.

Especially the large floor-to-ceiling glass windows, looking out at the lakes and mountains of Xiyuan, are even more beautiful. The super large Western-style soft bed also made this majesty very satisfied. He was thinking about whether to let Yang Fan come back. Pay tribute.

Only after sleeping on this soft bed with a mattress did I realize how rubbish those hard beds in Qianqing Palace were.

"Has the army been arranged?" Chongzhen asked, sitting behind the large nanmu table in the study.

"Your Majesty, everything has been arranged. The military camp facilities built by Dingyuan Marquis are very complete. All the barracks have heating and fire pits. Hot water is even provided every day, so you can soak your feet before going to bed. There is also a large canteen for meals. There is also a special canteen for officers above the household level. The food is also cooked quickly, and there are more than a thousand cooks, helpers, and cleaning staff."

"There is sufficient food stored in the warehouse and cellar, as well as cabbage, radish, dried vegetables, and onions. The pickled sauerkraut here is also delicious."

Soon Chongzhen's dinner was also delivered. Chongzhen specifically requested to eat the officer's meal.

Although the emperor requested frugality and showed compassion for the officers and soldiers, he still served eight dishes and one soup. The staple food included rice, butter steamed buns, and a bowl of soy pot noodles.

Chongzhen was very satisfied with this braised tofu dish. This dish was in the style of Yang family cuisine. In fact, it was the style of later generations. Vinegar cabbage also goes well with rice. Of course, the cook used cabbage hearts to stir-fry it for him. Dare to feed it to the emperor. It's for those stupid soldiers.

In particular, Chongzhen likes the three local delicacies very much. You can actually eat eggplant in this season.

Wang Chengen explained: "My servant asked about it and said that after harvesting eggplants in the autumn, fry the fresh eggplants in a large pot, sprinkle them with salt, seal them in a large jar, and put them in an ice cellar, and they can be stored for a winter. . Take it out for cooking at any time, and it always tastes like autumn eggplant, authentic. This chili is bought from the supermarket."

Obviously, officers and soldiers cannot eat three kinds of fresh food. Chili peppers are not cheap. Fresh vegetables in the supermarket cost only one tael of silver per pound. It would be good if they can eat eggplant. Potatoes also need to be purchased in the supermarket. Now Yang Fan in Beizhili does not promote it. , because the slave slaves are coming. There is no need to let them get good things for free.

Chongzhen picked up the rice bowl. The sweet smell of rice hit his nostrils, and the rice grains were short, thick and fat, exuding a layer of oil. The first sight made people move their index fingers.

"What kind of rice is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

"Your Majesty, this is just launched in Xinghe Supermarket. The rice comes from overseas. It is said to be a place called Shuangchengzi, a first-season rice produced in the Suifen River Basin. It takes a long time to grow, so it is particularly delicious."

These ingredients and rice were specially purchased by Jiang Bingzhong in order to suit his liking and bring him closer to his Majesty.

A plate of cumin mutton came up, and Chongzhen was full of praise after taking one bite. The mutton in the palace has a strong smell and requires a lot of spices, but this mutton is edible, just stir-fry it with plain oil, sprinkle with cumin and The refined salt is out of the pot. It's super delicious. You don't need to ask him to know that it must be a sheep from the prairie.

He called for frugality, so he naturally had to set an example. The Ujimqin lamb that was so popular in the capital was not allowed to be purchased by the palace. He put down his chopsticks and sighed. He saw Jiang Bingzhong's loyalty, but it was a pity that he wanted to experience the loyalty of the officers and soldiers.

Life is always unsatisfactory.

I drank a bowl of ham and winter melon soup, wiped my mouth with a silk scarf, and was very satisfied.

Even though I was away on a military expedition, I felt more comfortable than in the palace.

"By the way, you, the Supervisor of Ceremonies, have drafted a decree to have Zhang Geda bring the trained cavalry of the Xinghe Regiment to escort him. I thought about it, and I feel at ease that they should protect me. I want to recruit them to go on the expedition together."

This chapter has been completed!
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