1569, bloody fight

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These strong men had no military training at all. They were just taught how to use sharp guns.

When fighting, after losing the battle line, form a group of five, do not separate, go back to back, protect your back. Then assassinate all enemies that can be stabbed.

Regardless of whether they have been trained or not, as long as someone is covering their back and stabbing with a spear, they can persist for a while. No matter how strong the Mongolians are in fighting, they still need to attack an empty goal to succeed.

If a person stabs randomly with a short spear, the scimitar will not be able to take advantage of him for a while.

But the militia is different. They have received professional assassination training. Although they have only trained for three months, they have already mastered the triangle formation and assassination.

When facing the enemy, you can flexibly change directions. With three people in a triangle, you can easily turn around and aim your attack in any direction. With three people covering each other, it is difficult to sneak attack on the back.

When stabbing, it is easy to succeed if one person attacks and two people attack from both sides.

After they rushed down, Chen Jinxian and Wu Zhang formed a triangle formation with one soldier. The remaining nine soldiers formed three triangle formations.

They took the lead and rushed into the Mongolian team. Behind them, thirty strong men with spears in groups of five, also formed a row and blocked the street and rushed down.

Behind them are five steel crossbowmen, waiting for opportunities to shoot arrows, and they are also supervising the battle team. The strong men have been informed that any supervising team who dares to escape will be shot on the spot.

The length of the gun with a bayonet attached is 1.8 meters, which is much longer than the scimitar.

They jumped back and forth flexibly, pretending to attack, pretending to retreat, and cooperating left and right, blocking the Mongols immediately.

The two sides crowded into the streets and engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

The Mongolians were tall and slashed with their scimitars. The Mongolian soldiers with shields pushed forward hard, trying to get to the front and use their shields to block the bayonets.

These militiamen are all workers in steel mills. Although their training level is not as good as that of elite servants, under the guidance of Cao Dian, they are already capable of performing stabbings.

Weiping stabbed a Mongolian in the neck with his bayonet, and the Mongolian immediately used his machete to block.

Because the bayonet was long, it would definitely arrive first. His chopping knife would arrive later. If he didn't lift the knife up to block, he would definitely be hit first.

As soon as the bayonet stabbed his neck, he would instantly lose his strength and the knife would be unable to cut. He was old from fighting, so he naturally knew this truth. He swung the knife urgently to swing the bayonet away.

However, he felt a chill in his sides. He didn't know when, the two cubs behind him suddenly bullied him, moving very fast. Before he had time to react, two bayonets were thrust into his waist from both sides.

Got in.

As soon as the blow was successful, the two boys immediately drew their knives without any delay. This was a move they had already practiced to numbness when they were wearing leather armor and practicing with wooden guns.

Muscle memory has already been formed. These are no brainers. If the enemy's body array shows a slight flaw, they will immediately assassinate them reflexively.

There are examples of coordination, sequence, and assassination angles in various situations. Focus on training during sparring.

The regimental training veteran with prosthetic limbs repeatedly emphasized that the most important thing in hand-to-hand combat is courage and calmness when training them to assassinate.

At this time, we must forget about life and death, and we must not be sloppy in our movements. We must identify the opportunity, be steady and ruthless, and kill with one blow.

Any hesitation and delay is a recipe for death. The opportunity for both sides to kill the other side is fleeting, and whoever can seize it as soon as possible will be the winner.

When charging with a hand-to-hand blade, you must hit hard and charge hard. Don't hesitate. If the first enemy misses the target, just rush over and continue to rush forward to stab the person behind him. The person who is unprepared will definitely succeed. If you hesitate

That's troublesome.

Therefore, as soon as the militia team rushed down, they stabbed the enemies on the opposite side to death, and then rushed straight into the enemy's team. They rushed the Mongolian hedgehogs away in a group. Then the strong men also took the opportunity to stab the enemy with their spears.

Several Mongols died.

The Mongolians behind immediately fired arrows, and seven or eight strong men fell to the ground after being hit by the arrows. The rest immediately panicked and subconsciously dropped their spears and ran away.

Before the supervising steel crossbow could stop them, Chen Jinxian immediately took out a grenade and threw it.

Grenades are very precious, and only the team leader and team leader have four each. They cherish these grenades like eyeballs. They are only willing to use them when the battle is the most critical. Chen Jinxian saw that the team was about to collapse, so he decisively took out one and threw it.

Got out.

"Everyone squat down." Chen Jinxian yelled. Now that we are fighting, it is not practical to lie down. We can only squat down to minimize collateral damage.

At the command, the militia team immediately squatted down and pointed their bayonets forward at a 45-degree angle to prevent the Mongols from taking the opportunity to kill.

The grenade passed over the Mongols in front and fell into the group of archers.

Boom! There was a loud noise. The grenade exploded. This is an offensive grenade, which relies on shock waves to kill the enemy.

The current grenades have been replaced with sugar explosives, which are 1.5 times more powerful than TNT. The power is extraordinary.

An orange-red fireball rose into the sky. The shock wave swept across the Mongolian crowd.

A dozen of them in the middle were blown away. The ones on the outside also fell to the ground.

The shock wave passed over the Mongols and knocked down the attacking militia team. As soon as they got up, they faced the Mongolians who were on their backs and stabbed them.

The centurion was killed by a grenade on the spot, and the remaining Mongolian soldiers turned around and ran away. They ran away cleanly.

There were some people on the ground who had their legs broken and were struggling to crawl back. The militiamen chased them and stabbed them to death.

"Stop chasing, retreat to the barricade." Chen Jinxian said.

The militiamen and the strong men immediately drew their swords, chopped off the heads on the ground and took them away. There were fifty taels of them, all of them were real Tatar heads. Then they quickly ran back to the barricade and hid behind them.

In this battle, three militiamen were hacked to death by the Mongols, and more than a dozen strong men died. Most of them were shot to death by arrows.

Chen Jinxian looked at the smoke in the distance and sighed in his heart. So many people died in one battle. Can it be defended here? However, no matter whether it can be defended or not, as long as there is no order, you can only guard the barricade like nails.

.Stand still.

At this time, the two shantytowns in the north and south were all ringing with the sound of gunfire like exploding beans, and the sound of small cannons with the Han military flag.

Today, Jiannu focused on attacking two shantytowns, trying to approach the high wall from the north and south.

Li Yongfang was very embarrassed at this time. His helmet was shot and the side of the phoenix-winged helmet was knocked off. He was almost scared to death.

When he was young, Li Yongfang was considered a daring person, but as the official grew older, he became less courageous as he got older. He cherished his life more and more.

"Hit me with a Franchise machine and hit the windows and doors sealed with bricks." He hid behind a carriage and barked the order.

They fought for a long time before they found a way, which was to use small cannons to blast the sealed doors and windows. Although the shells of the small cannons only weighed one to two pounds, they were cannons after all. They were still very useful for bombarding those brick walls.

After a few shots, several walls collapsed. These walls were not too thick and the windows were blocked. The shells basically penetrated them. Many people who were hiding behind and firing with muskets were killed.

"Push the cannon up there and blast the junk they have blocking the streets. Blow the barricades open for me."

This chapter has been completed!
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