1578, Crazy Jiannu

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"What should we do now?" Huang Taiji looked at Li Yongfang with cold eyes and asked.

The war has reached this point, and some people are riding a tiger with difficulty.

How to break through this kind of city wall without horse paths? This is a problem. It is a problem that the slaves have never encountered.

They can't just climb another ladder over the wall and then climb down on the other side. No one has the strength to climb a heavy ladder over the wall. Isn't this nonsense?

However, without a ladder, they could not get down even if they climbed up the wall. Unless they jumped down with their eyes closed, they would have to fall to death from this height. They would definitely not survive.

"I think we should concentrate the heavy artillery to bombard a section of the wall. If there is no horse path, it means that the wall is not too thick. Maybe we can blast it open with heavy artillery." Li Yongfang said after considering.

He was very keen on the heavy artillery captured in Zunhua. He originally wanted to equip his firearms troops, but in these days of barricade fighting, he lost six of them, and now there are still twenty. But now he can only get rid of this one first.

Okay. Huang Taiji was not a kind master.

Seeing that he had proposed a solution, Huang Taiji's expression softened a little and he said, "What if the blast fails? There is a backup solution."

"I thought that we could rush up and use ramming cars and wood to destroy the wall. If that doesn't work, we could pile up gunpowder and blow up the wall. Digging tunnels is also a way."

Huang Taiji frowned and said: "No, digging tunnels is too time-consuming. We have been delayed here for too long. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty has already issued the edict of King Qin, and now one day later, more soldiers and horses are arriving from all over.

It is very detrimental to us. I will give you three days to capture this city within a city."

Li Yongfang knew that there was no way to bargain, so she had no choice but to leave under great pressure.

He came outside the high wall and looked at this strange gray-white high wall from a distance.

There were no traces of masonry. It was as if the high wall was carved out of a single piece of stone. This made him unable to understand how such a wall was built.

The remaining twenty bronze-haired cannons were all ready. Following the order, they began to fire.

The effective range of copper-fired cannons is generally about 500 meters. These defensive cannons on the Zunhua city wall are all twenty-four-pound cannons. There are also five mortar cannons that have been urgently cast in the past few days. They fire together.

Solid spherical bullets roared towards the city wall one after another. There was basically no need to aim at such a huge target, they would all hit.

There was a loud noise, and the artillery shell hit the wall made of reinforced concrete. For a moment, some cement powder spattered on the wall. The two-meter-thick wall did not move at all. Only some debris fell off. The lead bullet is soft,

The entire projectile was turned into a lead cake, then shattered into countless pieces and bounced out.

From a distance, it can be seen that the gray-white wall is inlaid with a layer of silver-white lead. Except for a shallow small pit, there is no major damage.

Just kidding, let alone the artillery of this era. Even the modern 203mm heavy artillery cannot blast a two-meter-thick reinforced concrete fortification made of high-grade cement.

Li Yongfang's brows jumped as he saw it. He could see that the high wall was very strong, but he didn't expect that it would actually reach this point.

"Don't stop, keep firing until all the shells are fired." Li Yongfang shouted.

The gunners had no choice but to continue loading and shooting. For a while, this section of the city wall was filled with dust, almost blocking the view. The bombardment lasted for an hour, and the artillery overheated and the lead bullets were exhausted.

After all, the Ming Dynasty has decayed to this level. Neither lead bullets nor gunpowder are stored in too much. Originally, there were 30,000 barrels of gunpowder in the gunpowder depot in Ji Town. During the battle at Rock Beach, Yang Fan found a relationship and bought one.

Fifteen thousand barrels. Basically bought all the good or gunpowder.

Later, there was another mutiny in Jizhen, and the imperial court did not come to check how many remaining military assets there were. It was all a confused account. Naturally, there will not be too much inventory now. There are still thousands of barrels of gunpowder, but the lead bullets are indeed exhausted.


Li Yongfang looked at the almost undamaged wall, feeling blood surging to the top of his head, and his temples beating. While he pressed his temples with his hands, his mind was running at high speed, looking for a solution.

Li Yongfang thought for a while and went back to find Huang Taiji.

"Khan, I tried it. Heavy artillery can't blast through those white walls. I don't know how these walls were built. Our artillery is useless and basically causes no effective damage."

Huang Taiji knew that when Li Yongfang came back to find him, he must have a new method. He did not speak, but listened calmly.

"My slave suggested that while there is no moon tonight, gather all the men and horses, carry all the ladders, and climb the wall in an assault. Each person brings a large roll of heald rope, straddles it diagonally on the shoulder, and a hook on the rope, climb to the top of the wall and then

Hook the top of the ladder with a hook, and our warriors will beat the city down, so that they can enter the wall one by one."

When Huang Taiji heard this, he immediately became happy. He quickly stepped forward and pulled Li Yongfang up.

"By the way, this is a good idea. Attack at night so they can't see it, and those weird guns can't be used. Using hooks and ropes is also a magic touch. It will definitely succeed. We will follow this method tonight."

It was a very simple matter to ask the blacksmith to make some steel hooks, and soon the captured craftsman camp had thousands of hooks made.

At midnight, Jiannu carried the ladder and groped forward in the darkness.

There is no moon today, it is pitch black. I can barely see my fingers. The high walls seem to be a little brighter, but basically nothing can be seen on the ground.

Hu Chatu took his armor and quietly touched the wall. He carefully observed the movement on the wall and found that they had not been discovered.

"Quickly, put the ladder up. Be careful, don't make any noise." Hu Chatu scolded these idiots in a low voice. Once he made a sound and was heard by the defenders, he would open fire immediately.

Twenty people carefully erected the ladder and extended it upward along the wall little by little. Finally, the ladder was set up on the top of the wall. One after another, the red-toothed soldiers climbed up the ladder.

Hu Chatu climbed halfway, lit the lantern on his back with a fire stick, and then shook the lantern backwards in three circles to indicate that he had succeeded.

"When you climb to the top of the wall, you must be careful not to disturb the black men in the watchtowers on both sides." Hu Chatu warned carefully.

He watched nervously as the two warriors successfully climbed up the wall. This time they were experienced and wore thick deerskin gloves to prevent the glass from scratching their hands.

They covered the wall with a cowhide they carried on their backs. This shielded the glass from damage. They didn't want to annihilate their descendants. Didn't they see Obai from Zhenghuang Banner wailing all night long after he was rescued?

Hu Chatu watched as they hooked the steel hook to the top of the ladder, climbed over the wall, and prepared to go down the rope.

At this moment, a bell suddenly rang. Dozens of large copper bells were connected to the rope, and they rang loudly.

In the dark night, in such a silent environment, a series of huge bells were tied with ropes to the other side of the wall, which would be triggered whenever someone tried to climb over the wall.

How could Yang Fan leave such a loophole for climbing over the wall in the middle of the night? Relevant early warning measures have long been in place.

This chapter has been completed!
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