1594, the plan is to stop the blue flag and stare at it

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When Yang Fan took his wives into the city, the smoke had not completely dissipated.

Twenty thousand Saurons, this is the largest force that has ever been assembled in history.

Even the later Qing Dynasty never gathered so many people at once. They generally used no more than five thousand Saurons. For example, the Qianlong Dynasty's expedition to Nepal only used a thousand Saurons in total.

They wore leather armor, feather armor, ring armor and other armor that Yang Fan had captured from the Mongols and were of no use to him. They carried Mongolian-style riding bows, or Yang Fan's imitation of iron-tied bows with spring steel arms.

The bows of this kind of bow and the steel crossbow are made of the same material. They are both made of scrap spring steel shock absorbers collected by the idiots. The blacksmiths of this era are very skilled. With good spring steel plates, they can easily make them into iron.

fetal arch.

The full name of the iron-tied bow should be copper-tied iron-backed bow. The back of the laminated composite bow is a mixture of metal and bamboo and wood sinews with iron. It is a type of bow in ancient times that replaced the wooden bow. Iron bars are embedded in the back of the bow.

, increased range and power, also known as "iron spine bow". Or covered with iron sheet.

After using spring steel instead of iron sheet, the increased tensile force is very large.

The Sauron people have excellent archery skills and very strong arms. They use special bows and arrows that generally exceed fifteen or even twenty strength.

They used strong bows as close-range weapons, rushing to the enemy at very close range and firing arrows.

It is also commonly known as shooting in the face.

Almost every arrow can send the enemy flying backwards. If there is a wall or tree behind them, they will be pinned directly to it.

This caused great panic to these forest dwellers in the Changbai Mountains.

Three bulldozers roared into action, pushing out three huge gaps in the city wall from three directions. The Sauron people swarmed in.

In street fighting, heavy arrows more than one meter long skewered people who were coming from the opposite side. One arrow could even shoot through three people.

Less than half an hour after the war started, the Jurchens in Changbai Mountain collapsed.

They fled in all directions, but the Sauron people abandoned their bows and drew their long swords to kill them. There were almost no enemies left.

They like the Miao Dao handed down by Yang Fan very much, which is a weapon of the Han nationality with a history of more than 2,000 years. They are tall, many of them are over 1.9 meters tall. The Miao Dao, which is about 1.76 meters tall, is too big for them.

Generally speaking, their long arms are very easy to use. The length and weight are suitable.

To use the Miao sword, the Han people had to practice the arm-through boxing for eight years, otherwise they would not be able to wield it, and their physical strength would not be able to keep up with long-term use. But these Sauron people have no such concerns, they can carry the Miao sword and chop for a day.

Yang Fan and Xiao Niangpi entered the city. Along the way, there were corpses nailed to trees, walls, and the ground. The servants were organizing manpower to clean up the corpses and shovel away the blood on the ground. Otherwise, it would easily cause a plague.


Yang Fan had nothing else to do when he entered the city, except to reward him promptly based on his merits.

Of the 15,000 enemies, 7,000 were killed and about 8,000 were captured.

Yang Fan was on the largest open space in the city, supervising the department responsible for military merits in distributing bonuses according to heads and prisoners. Those Sauron people who were not called by name all squinted their eyes, put their Miao swords in sheaths, leaned on the ground, and raised their chins.

Put it on the handle of the knife and enjoy the warm sunshine of early spring.

They smiled happily, smiling like hungry wolves.

Yang Fan will not attack Siping Bila, but that does not mean that he will not clean up those around him and try to cut off his retreat. This attack on Jilin City is just for Amin to see.

Yang Fan planned to use the method of slicing sausages to stimulate A Min.

After defeating Jilin, attack Shuangliao City and remove the largest force of the Mongols in the west.

Yang Fan just refused to go south and kept attacking the surrounding forces. He concentrated his superior forces and attacked the weak enemies first. If Amin did not leave his preset position, Yang Fan would defeat his minions one by one. It depends on his urgency.

Not urgent.

After distributing the money, Yang Fan brought the captured slave-building officers and planned to talk to them in a secret room.

Three Jiala slaves were responsible for monitoring the twelve thousand Jurchen warriors in the Changbai Mountains.

The three Jia La Er Zhen were all holding their necks in confusion at this time, with expressions that looked like they would kill if they wanted to. It can be seen from their expressions that they all had an expression that said, "I will not reveal any information as long as you torture them."

"You don't want this expression, I won't kill you." Yang Fan said with a smile.

The three of them were suddenly shocked. This kind of defeated general would usually kill Ji Qi. But this Han man said that he would not kill them. Suddenly, his head couldn't turn around.

"Not only will I not kill you, I will also send you to Shuangliaonan to meet someone." Yang Fan said.

"Who are you meeting?" Sahe Chantai couldn't help but ask. After he realized that he had spoken, he quickly clenched his teeth again.

Yang Fan smiled, it doesn't matter if you don't talk to me. I'll say something that won't make you unmoved. Let's see what you do.

"The leader of Zhenglan Banner, Mang Gurtai." Yang Fan said.

"What, the flag owner is still alive." Sahanen said in a low voice. The three people immediately raised their heads.

Kulsa stared at Yang Fan's face, as if wanting to confirm whether what he said was true or false.

"Why should we believe what you say? The flag owner has been missing for a year." Kulesa said.

"You can trust me, because I am the one who captured him. Therefore, only I know his current situation, and I can also let him go." Yang Fan said with a smile.

"You are Marquis Dingyuan!" The three of them stared in shock.

Sahanen shook his head and said, "It turns out it was you. We were not unjustly defeated by you."

"What are you trying to do by letting us go? We don't believe you. Don't even try to take advantage of us." Kulsa said loudly.

"I won't tell you what I want. I don't need you to believe me. I only give you two choices. One is to go to your flag owner, and the other is to cut down all of you to sacrifice the flag tomorrow. You make your own choice."

Yang Fan said with a smile.

Conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy.

However, their minds were hurting from thinking about it, and they couldn't think of any conspiracy behind it.

Who wants to be killed and sacrificed to the flag if they can escape with their lives? Do you still have to choose?

They are not fools either. Yang Fan's expression is telling you three fools that I am going to cause trouble, but you three bear-like brains just can't figure it out. And you can only follow this path.

"Marquis Dingyuan, could you please let all our men go? I'd be very grateful." Sahe Chaantai had been silent, but now he spoke.

Yang Fan looked at him and said: "Okay, not only will I let you go, I will also equip you with weapons and send them to your flag master. How about it."

The three people immediately bowed their heads and shouted: "Thank you for not killing me."

"Okay, let's dispense with these common etiquette. I appreciate loyalty the most. From now on, you can just follow Mang Gurtai and be a loyal slave." Yang Fan said with a smile.

The three of them looked at the world-famous Marquis Dingyuan suspiciously, wondering what kind of medicine he sold in his gourd. In short, they did not believe a word of Yang Fan's words. However, this did not prevent them from escaping with their lives.

Early the next morning, two battalions of cavalry escorted them and the captured 7,000 people towards the grasslands to the west. This made the three of them even more suspicious. Could it be that Marquis Dingyuan was really planning to let us go?

This chapter has been completed!
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